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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Need help with Genital Warts!! Please i am at your mercy

So i just went to my doctor on friday because a few days before i noticed a 'pimple' or so i thought on my penis near the base where it connects to ur skin. Figured it would go away in a couple days but didn't so went to my doctor said it was Genital warts... He put some brown liquid on it and said 'take a shower in a hour' ok... so i did that then a few days later they multiplyed so i went to a diff doctor 2 days ago. and she told me i have 8 Genital Warts and they are all very tiny more looke like red dots or something like that .... and they are all around my shaft but not on my head more like 2 on each side of my shaft But anyways she Prescribed me this condylox which i got today Thursday. Not very sure of what correct amount to use is ??? she didnt really specify ... am i suppose to pull my penis and then apply this 'gel' ?? and just little daps or drop? ... But Also i bought these capsuls called 'Host Defense' and this 'blockade with ViraBLOC' Wondering if those will help cure this? was kinda pricely .. And i am basically so confused and mentally hurt and feel very depressed i am 19 year old male ..... :( i just dont know what to do ... she said its 'most common stD' and i just don't understand why there is no cure for it ...? if 'millions of people' have it. I just wanna know can i cure it ?? what can i do?? help me please i am willing to pay/do anything this is very embarressing and definately hurting my self eestem doctors made me feel very bad about myself .... what can i do to make these Genital Warts Dissapear forever?, Better yet cure it ?? please help!! oh and also this is my first time EVER getting any STD. and this is my first outbreak which started approximately a 11days ago. I heard you can 'cure'/Treat it easier if you just recently got Genital Warts Which i am experiencing now what is my first out break. Please Help ! Desprate//Confused//Lost :( and i just don't see the point of living if i cannot live life like i was just a couple weeks ago ..
  IntotheStorm on 2008-05-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
please describe the exact location colour and shape.

also describe if there is any sensation attached to it.

does it bleed when rubbed by mistake.
rishimba last decade

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