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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


I am posting my problem here hoping someone can help me out.

I am a 24 yr. old male (physicist (USA based) by profession), suffering
from IBS. I am writing down my symptoms as best as I can,

height: 5'8''

weight: 155 lbs

Mouth: Tastes acidic all the time especially when I eat flour based food.
The inner lining is destroyed from time to time. Lips are black and dry,
even cracks when air humidity is low.

Eyes: Red and burning.

Face: Burning

feel weak all the time even when I am not working that much.

sweat: smells pretty bad although i take shower everyday especially in armpits and groin.

Thirst: unquenchable, crave for sweet and cold liquid. cold water works

abdomen: bloating, burning sensation, feel hungry but can not eat a lot,
cannt resist hunger, funny noises from abdomen after taking meal, feel
better after eating.

mood: mood swings, can not stand loneliness, desire company, quite
ambitious, health problems are always working in the back of mind.
lustful want a sex buddy.

stool: not smooth, mucus, very soft, no smell, comes out as a whole in
good shape but deforms as soon as drops in water shatters into small
granules seems like undigested food particles.

rectum: developed pilesfor last six months, swelling in the anus,
bleeding due to hemorrhoid .

muscular strain, crackling of the bones (joint). have asthmatic problems,
for past few months I have started gaining few extra pounds on my abdomen.

Please help me out with my problem there is no good homeopathic
practitioner nearby my locality, so any help will be very much

Thanks in advance!
  phymaniac on 2008-07-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Thanks a lot Dr. Kireet.. Actually I forgot to mention you I tried to find remedy by myself and tried taking Arsenicum Album 1M and Phosphorus 1M and was taking Nux Vom 1M, and after taking those my symptoms became a little better but on the other hand now I have developed new problems I feel huge irritation and burning in my stomach and my mouth tastes acidic all the time. Moreover the stool has become hard and in the begining it comes in very small peices or a twig shaped hard stool and then gradually it softens and further it aches all the time near the shoulder and I also forgot to mention I have a habit of shaking my legs whenever I m working or talking to someone. my hands also tremble.

I have bought Antimonium Crudum 1M and Nux Vom 1M and following your instructions properly.
phymaniac last decade

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