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young woman with hair loss... help

Hello, I am a young woman (age 24) and have been experiencing gradual hair loss since the age of 19. Hair loss runs in my familly on my mothers side. My hair tends to get oily quickly and I need to wash it every day. I also have slight dandruff and a itchy scalp. I have tried almost everything (accupuncture, vitamins, hena, oil) I am continuing with the vitamins but nothing seems to be changing. I have seen doctors but they don't provide any help except to tell me to use Rogain (which I don't want to do) I am going to be getting married in a year and this is one of my biggest concerns (I don't want to be a bald bride). I feel as if I am gradually going bald on the top, and front of my head. It makes me very depressed to the point where I don't want to leave my house. I have read a few postings about Arnica 30 so I have started taking that along with my vitamins including fish oil. This is only my second day on it. I am in desperate need of help. My mother and aunts have very very scanty hair but this started happening to them only in their 30s. Please help!
  Dimps on 2004-12-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
On previous posting (other months) there has been discussion about Phosphorus OR Arnica, in lower potencies like 6X. (not both, you need to know what helped).

Take one ball once per day for awhile as it takes awhile for the body to reverse the condition. A month should show some sort of response.

Also in recent postings the use of Ustillago Maidis is highly recommended.

This is a very difficult condition especially if it runs in the family.

If scalp is itchy, begin with one dose of Mezereum 30X to treat the scalp and prepare for the other treatment you may choose.

Maybe this post will encourage others to comment as they have in the past.

At the very bottom of the Forum list are numbers and sometimes by searching the past postings, one finds some useful information.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra 2 decades ago
I have found that Arnica 6c is more effective than the 30c which I used to recommend to arrest Hair Loss. Dose 3 balls taken thrice daily.

I used to also recommend that Vit E is taken daily with Fish liver oil but in the recent past the use of Vit E has being discouraged by the medical profession as it has been found to cause an early death! I have been using it for the last 20 years and at age 75, I am still around. For the record, I stopped Vit E about a month ago and do not honestly notice any difference in my wellness.

Another remedy that I have recommended is Weisbaden 200 dose 4 balls which may only be taken every other day preferably last thing at night.

I would prefer that you use Arnica 6c for about a month and see if it arrests the loss of hair which you will have to carefully count whenever you have a shower. If you do not notice any improvement in your loss of hair, you may then change over to Weisbaden. Please note however that the dose should not be exceeded.

No coffee, cola drinks and preserved meats containing saltpeter may be used as they neutralize all homeopathic remedies
Joe De Livera 2 decades ago
Hair roots require sebum oil (a skin oil-hormone produced naturally by our own skin glands) for appropriate lubrication and proteins to sustain growth at the root level. These can be easily malfunctioned by using chemicalised shampoos and soaps which have a gradual long-term corrosive effect on the skin cells (here read hair follicle-root) thereby by cleaning - neutralising - drying the skin sebum oil and corroding the built-up of root protein thereby causing the hair roots to simply shed off at the slightest provocation like slight pulling or rubbing with a bath towel. This is the EXTERNAL REASON.

The INTERNAL REASON is high acidic foods which are not assimilated / absorbed causing malfunctioning of the Liver and ultimately the Hormonal system (immune system). High anxiety, Stress, Blood pressure are also the prime reasons which also raises the adrenal levels causing external glands to dry up like the skin, nails, hair, lips and internal glands to produce lots of dry gas and colon malfunction.

A through constitutional (homoeopathic study) of your pathological and psychological history and a jugglery of appropriate homoeopathic medicines will help alongwith / though only if you rectify the above root reasons, otherwise usually it a waste of human years filled with frustrating anxiety.

Alongwith Homoeopathic medicines, the following will be helpful - though do not expect any results atleast for 8 weeks. This causes the hair roots to grow strong, sustain itself and ultimately to maintain thick hair.

Take 20 ml. of Arnica Mother Tinture and 80 Ml of Raw castor oil (un-refined). Stir and mix till totally dissolved into one homogenous mix. Castor oil is thick and purgative in nature, handling is stick n cumbersome, though is a good protien provider to the external skin Apply this every 3rd day well massaged into the scalp - no use oiling the hair. Try to do it before bed time and wash off the next morning with some mild shampoo while under running shower. Avoid letting the shampoo stay on the head while bathing.

Though this is not your constitutional remedy, tentatively you may take Acid Phos-200, liquid 2 drops on your clean scraped tongue, first thing every morning for about 30 doses/ days and stop. Results start showing after about 50 odd days from the first dose.

If you can suddenly get frighened enough, who knows, the hairs would stand out or pop out straight ... hee hee he ... just joking.
HA21 2 decades ago
Thank you for your replies. Mr. Joe De Livera, Why do you think Arnica 6c works better? isn't it less potent. I have read pas postings but what bothers me is no one writes their results. After treatment is suggested it seems like the forum ends. Can someone please comment on their experience with any one of these treatments. Thank you
Dimps 2 decades ago
Worst case of hair loss I ever came across was due to thyroid problems. Nearly always the problem is hormonal in some way. Once had a 16 yr old schoolboy with this . Cured it - but still not sure if it was what I did , or the body curing itself.
passkey 2 decades ago
"I have read pas postings but what bothers me is no one writes their results. After treatment is suggested it seems like the forum ends. Can someone please comment on their experience with any one of these treatments. Thank you"

Dimps, I have noticed this as well and have questioned it on my hairloss post. I wish people would leave feedback as to whether or not their hair loss has ceased following medication.

I can however comment on my experience. If you have read my post you will see that I have been losing hair for the past few years. I too am very depressed, it has got to the point where I don't even want to leave my house!!

Since posting I have tried a few remedies. Phosphorus, Sulphur, Calc Carb and Lycopodium. All which have been unsuccessful!! I hope to try Arnica soon and will let you know what happens :-)
starlet 2 decades ago
Thank you for respondig starlet. I have started using Arnica 6c now for only a few days but have not noticed any change as yet. I will keep posting once a week with any developments.
Dimps 2 decades ago
Your welcome. I only wish more people would write about their experiences, whether or not it worked.

Anyway, I look forward to reading about your developments. Good luck!
starlet 2 decades ago
One more suggestion that I can make after you start on the Arnica 6 is that you only use Johnson's Baby Shampoo on your hair as this is very mild and also helps to arrest the loss of hair. You can also use any of the Arnica based hair dressings as these have also been found to help.

Please note that arresting hair loss is a slow process and the new hair will take some time, at least a month, to be visible above the old growth. They can however be identified as they are short and stand up above the old hair if the hair is pressed down after 2-3 weeks after you start on the treatment.

Weisbaden 200c is yet another remedy that can be used to help the hair. Dose 4 balls taken every other day. The Arnica should not be taken on the day the Weisbaden is taken.

Please post the response of your hair to this therapy every week.
Joe De Livera 2 decades ago
Its been one week since I have been taking the Arnica 6c with fish oil pill and there has been no change. My hair is still falling at the same rate. I will keep an optomistic outlook and report back in one more week. If nothing changes within 1 month I will try altering my treatment.
Dimps 2 decades ago

It has been about 1 month since I have been using Arnica 6c. along with this I have been using fish oil pills and coconut oil on my scalp at night. I have noticed a reduction in the amount of hair that is falling but there does not seem to be any new hair growth. I am thinking taking the Arnica every other day and taking weisbaden every other day. I will keep posting.
Dimps 2 decades ago
Glad to hear you're doing better. I've just started taking an ionized mineral supp to detox and get rid of parasites. One of the benefits of this supp (according to them) is that it will stop hair loss (don't know about re-growth). have you tried some kind of parasite or digestive detox?

This supp I'm on is brand new and not even available in health food stores yet. (My naturopath gave it to me.) It's called an electaceutical and is supposed to boost the immune system so it can fight digestive parasites. The ionization process allows the minerals to be absorbed in the body which normal vitamins and minerals can't do. So, according to them, once these ionized minerals get into the digestive tract and start clearing out parasites (also puts in good flora) you can actually get the benefits from other vitamin supps and nutrients in our food.

If you want more info on it, let me know and I'll post more since I can't include my email address!

Good luck!
Electra 2 decades ago
Glad to hear you're doing better. I've just started taking an ionized mineral supp to detox and get rid of parasites. One of the benefits of this supp (according to them) is that it will stop hair loss (don't know about re-growth). have you tried some kind of parasite or digestive detox?

This supp I'm on is brand new and not even available in health food stores yet. (My naturopath gave it to me.) It's called an electaceutical and is supposed to boost the immune system so it can fight digestive parasites. The ionization process allows the minerals to be absorbed in the body which normal vitamins and minerals can't do. So, according to them, once these ionized minerals get into the digestive tract and start clearing out parasites (also puts in good flora) you can actually get the benefits from other vitamin supps and nutrients in our food.

If you want more info on it, let me know and I'll post more since I can't include my email address!

Good luck!
Electra 2 decades ago
I am glad that you have noticed a reduction in your hair loss. The growth of new hair should be noticed within the month.

Since you are using Coconut oil, I would suggest that you get Arnica Q which is the Mother Tincture and mix 20% into the oil. Shake the mixture well till it emulsifies and massage it into the scalp for a few minutes.

Here in Sri Lanka the women in the villages have long lustrous hair and their only hair dressing is Coconut Oil. I know that using an oil on the hair is rather messy but the results speak for themselves.

Yes you may alternate the Arnica / Weisbaden intake but do not use any other new fangled medicines which are recommended by others as they may neutralize the remedies you are using now.
Joe De Livera 2 decades ago
I am interested in taking Arnica 6C but was wondering if a low dosage of Seroxat will effect its usage?

Does anybody know?
Colette 2 decades ago
hello. I cannot find the weisbaden 200c anywhere. Even on this web site potentcy only goes as high as 30c. Do you know where to purchaase? I live on the East coast of the US
Dimps 2 decades ago
You may contact:

Washington Homeopathic Products


They may stock Weisbaden 200c.
Joe De Livera 2 decades ago
I heard that Garlic is also good for hair loss, but as we know it causes bad breath. I'm looking for a garlic product that has all the advatages of the garlic but without the bad breath.
Kelsey 2 decades ago
Hi Dimps,

I am pleased to read that you're doing better. I've only started taking Arnica recently and hope to see some results too.

If your hair was falling 100% before, how much hair would you say was falling now?
starlet 2 decades ago
At this point I would say my hair loss has decreased to 50% from 100%. I still haven't had much luck with my hair growing back but I know that takes a while and this is definitely a posotive start! All the best to you
Dimps 2 decades ago
Hi everyone,

I definitely understand what you've been going through. I am a 24 year old female who has been experiencing hair loss for 6 years now. I used to have a very thick head of hair but then I began to have thick, persistent dandruff and my hair began to fall out in clumps.

The dandruff is now restricted to the front and sides of my head and is white and scaly in nature. My hair is also very dry, and my eyebrows have begun to fall out.

Any help or suggestion will be greatly appreciated.
prina 2 decades ago
Graphites 30 is your remedy for dandruff. Dose 3 balls twice daily. Report results in 10 days.

Treatment to arrest and promote the growth of hair can commence after the dandruff stops.

No coffee, cola drinks and preserved meats like ham bacon sausages may be used during treatment.

All Homeopathic remedies should be taken under the tongue for maximum effect. It is recommended that the balls are not touched by hand.
Joe De Livera 2 decades ago
Thank you for the advice. I will definitely let you know how it goes.
prina 2 decades ago
I read in a health magazine recently that a top hair professional recommended cold showers for the head followed by hot showers. Do this five times for say 30 seconds at each temperature. This is suppose to increase the blood flow to the scalp. It is also suppose to be very good for the immune system too & certainly wakes you up!

All the best
Colette 2 decades ago
In my last post I forgot to request you to change the shampoo you use to Johnsons' Baby Shampoo which is very mild. This too will help you to get rid of the dandruff.
Joe De Livera 2 decades ago

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