The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Is there nobody out there to help!
It is the third time around! i sure am in agony due to super-active Kleoids. Please read my submission Again1 please!'Dear doctors,
I went thru bypass surgery in 1994. I was 53 years old. My heart , according to surgeons, was not damaged and ejection fraction ratio (EFR) of left ventrical stayed above 60%. However, as result of surgery, I developed very active and painful keloids down the length of sternum.
As post surgery medication, I have been taking, along with 80 mg aspirin, Concor 5mg in the morning & Kozar 50mg and Atcol 10mg at night.
Lately I have started feeling quite a bit low. Because of Kleoids, I do not sleep well as such am tired all day long.
My general movements, which used to be extremely active, have slowed down a great deal. One doctor said that slwness in movement is because of beta-blockers (Concor+Kozar+Atcol). He also said that such heavy intake of beta blockers, especially with no damage to the heart was rather odd,even surprising. Moreover, I have also developed cough which often results in sputum expulsion.
I have always been very active. Presently am functioning as Chief Executive of Institute of Safety & Human Factors. Yes, I am a compulsive trainer. I am also trainer.
I need to regain my active profile and get rid of these irritable and painful Keloids.
Please help'
Any taker out there!
Amjad Faizi on 2008-08-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please visit the following thread.
dr. mahfooz
dr. mahfooz
♡ Mahfoozurrehman last decade
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