The ABC Homeopathy Forum
How many remedies
I know this is an impossible question to answer exactly, or possibly even estimate... but I wondered how many single remedies are there? Hundreds? Thousands?Summerlander on 2008-09-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
A rough estimate is around five thousand.
Out of these around 500 are readily available, and you have to hunt around for the rest.
An average homeopath normally becomes familiar with and uses atmost 200 to 300 remedies in his life time.
Out of these around 500 are readily available, and you have to hunt around for the rest.
An average homeopath normally becomes familiar with and uses atmost 200 to 300 remedies in his life time.
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
remedy name high c high lm misc c source
4-dimethylaminoazobenzene 1m lm 9 hl
abelmoschus 10m oth
abies canadensis 10m oth
abies nigra 10m lm 8 100c 500c hl
abroma augustus 10m lm 3 oth
abrotanum 50m lm 6 hl
absinthium 10m lm 4 100c 500c hl
acalypha indica 10m lm 3 oth
aceticum acidum 10m lm 5 100c 500c hl
aconitum ferox 200c oth
aconitum napellus 50m lm 32 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 6m 7m 8m 9m 20m 30m 40m hl
actea spicata 1m lm 4 100c 500c hl
adamas 10m lm 26 100c oth
aesculus hippocastanum 1m lm 7 100c 500c hl
aethusa cynapium 10m lm 16 100c 500c hl
agaricus muscarius cm lm 26 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m 20m 25m hl
agave tequila 1m oth
agnus castus 1m lm 7 100c 500c hl
agraphis nutans 1m lm 3 100c 500c hl
ailanthus glandulosa 1m oth
aletris farinosa 1m oth
alfalfa 1m oth
allende meteorite 1m proved by melanie grimes hl
alligator miss. 1m lm 6 hl
allium cepa 10m lm 6 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m hl
allium sativum 1m oth
alloxanum 10m lm 3 hl
alnus serrulata 30c oth
aloe socotrina 10m lm 6 100c 500c hl
alstonia constricta 12c oth
althaea officinalis 30c lm 1 hl
alumen 1m lm 3 oth
alumina 20m lm 25 100c 500c hl
alumina phosphorica 20m lm 2 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m 20m hl
alumina silicata 10m lm 8 hl
aluminium arsenicatum 1m oth
aluminium metallicum 10m 100c 500c hl
aluminium nitricum 15c hl
aluminum bromatum 1m oth
aluminum carbonicum 15c hl
aluminum fluoratum 1m hl
aluminum iodatum 1m hl
aluminum muriaticum 1m hl
aluminum sulphuricum 15c lm 7 hl
ambra grisea cm lm 45 hl
ambrosia artemisafolia 30c oth
amethyst 10m lm 1 2m 3m 6m 8m hl
ammoniacum gummi 200c oth
ammonium aceticum 30c oth
ammonium benzoicum 30c oth
ammonium bromatum 1m hl
ammonium carbonicum 10m lm 20 100c 500c hl
ammonium causticum 1m hl
ammonium fluoratum 200c oth
ammonium iodatum 200c oth
ammonium muriaticum 10m lm 9 100c 500c hl
ammonium phosphoricum 10m lm 4 100c 500c hl
ammonium picricum 30c oth
ammonium sulph 1m lm 10 oth
ammonium valerianicum 200c lm 1 oth
amniotic fluid 30c oth
amphisbaena alba 10m oth
amygdalae amarae aqua 1m oth
amygdalae pers. 1m oth
amyl nitrosum 1m lm 6 hl
anacardium occidentale 200c oth
anacardium orientale cm lm 91 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m 11m 20m 30m hl
anagallis arvensis 1m lm 3 100c 500c hl
anas europaea 200c oth
anatherum muriaticum 10m lm 1 oth
ancylostoma caninum 1m 100c 500c hl
androctonos amurreuxi h. cm lm 20 50c 100c hl
angelica atropurpurea 1m oth
angelica sinensis (radix) 1m oth
angelite stone 1m hl
angustura vera 1m lm 11 100c 500c hl
anilinum 200c oth
anisum 1m hl
anthemis nobilis 1m hl
anthopleura xanthogrammica 1m 100c 500c hl
anthrakokali 30c oth
antimonium ars. 10m oth
antimonium crudum 10m lm 18 31c 32c 33c 34c 35c 36c 37c 38c 39c 40c 41c 42c 43c 44c 45c 46c 47c 48c 49c 50c 100c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m hl
antimonium iodatum 1m oth
antimonium metallicum 1m oth
antimonium muriaticum 10m oth
antimonium oxydatum 1m hl
antimonium sulph.aureum 1m lm 1 hl
antimonium tartaricum cm lm 14 100c 500c hl
antipyrinum 1m oth
aonyx cinerea 1m lm 5 oth
aphis chenop.glauci 30c oth
apis mellifica cm lm 40 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m hl
apocynum cannabinum 1m lm 5 100c 500c hl
aqua marina 10m lm 20 oth
aqua pura 10m oth
aquilegia caerulea 1m hl
ara macao 10m lm 7 hl
aragallus lamberti 200c oth
aralia q (ginseng) 10m lm 4 50c 100c 500c 2m 5m hl
aralia racemosa 1m hl
aranea diadema 10m lm 12 hl
aranea ixobola 50m lm 27 oth
aranea scinencia 1m oth
aratinga erythrogenys 500c 100c 500c hl
ardea herodias 1m lm 4 500c hl
argemone mexicana 1m oth
argemone pleiacantha 1m hl
argentum bromatum 1m hl
argentum iodatum 1m lm 1 hl
argentum metallicum 10m lm 60 50c 100c 500c hl
argentum muriaticum 10m hl
argentum nitricum cm lm 30 50c 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m 20m 30m 40m 51m hl
argentum phosphoricum 10m lm 2 hl
argentum sulphuratum 1m hl
argentum sulphuricum 2m lm 3 100c hl
argon 1m oth
aristoloch clem 10m oth
aristolochia serpentaria 1m oth
armadillidium vulgare 1m hl
arnica montana cm lm 23 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m 20m 30m 40m hl
ars hydrogenisatum 1m oth
arsenicum album 50m lm 50 100c 125c 300c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m 20m 30m 40m 50m hl
arsenicum bromatum 1m lm 30 100c 500c hl
arsenicum iodatum 13m lm 26 2m 3m 4m 10m 11m 12m 13m hl
arsenicum metallicum 1m lm 3 hl
arsenicum muriaticum 15c hl
arsenicum oxydatum 10m lm 16 hl
arsenicum sulph flav 10m lm 16 100c 500c hl
arsenicum sulph rubr 1m oth
artemisa vulgaris 10m lm 12 100c 500c hl
arum dracontinum 1m oth
arum maculatum 1m oth
arum triphyllum 1m lm 29 100c 500c hl
arundo mauritanica 1m lm 1 100c 500c hl
asafoetida 10m lm 10 100c 500c hl
asarum canadense 10m oth
asarum europaeum cm lm 20 100c 500c hl
asclepia tuberosa 1m oth
asparagus officinalis 1m oth
aspergillus niger 200c oth
aspidosperma 1m oth
assisi rose 1m hl
astacus fluviatilis 10m lm 1 oth
asterias rubens 1m lm 3 100c 500c hl
astragalus excapus 6c oth
atrax robustus 1m lm 1 hl
atropinum 10m oth
atropinum sulphurica 1m oth
aurum arsenicatum 10m lm 13 oth
aurum brom nat 12c oth
aurum bromatum 15c hl
aurum iodatum 10m lm 6 hl
aurum metallicum cm lm 30 50c 100c 300c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m 20m 30m 40m hl
aurum mur natronatrum 10m lm 18 100c 500c hl
aurum muriaticum 20m lm 17 100c 500c 2m 11m 12m 15m 18m 19m hl
aurum muriaticum kalinatum 10m lm 5 hl
aurum nitricum 1m oth
aurum phos. 1m lm 2 hl
aurum sulphuratum 10m lm 20 hl
aurum sulphuricum 10m lm 3 100c hl
avena sativa 1m hl
ayahuasca 1m lm 5 hl
badiaga 10m lm 4 100c 500c hl
balsamum peruvianum 1m oth
bambusa arundinacea 50m lm 12 oth
banisteriopsis caapi 10m oth
baptisia tinctoria 5m lm 22 100c 500c hl
baryta acetica 1m 100c hl
baryta ars. 12m lm 21 hl
baryta bromata 10m lm 6 hl
baryta carbonica cm lm 33 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m 20m 30m hl
baryta caustica 1m hl
baryta fluorica 10m oth
baryta iodata 10m lm 15 100c 500c hl
baryta muriatica 1m lm 42 100c 500c hl
baryta nitrica 1m lm 1 hl
baryta oxalsuccinica 200c oth
baryta phosphorica 50m lm 19 hl
baryta silicata 10m oth
baryta sulphurica 10m lm 36 hl
bat 1m 36c oth
beefeater gin 30c hl
belladonna cm lm 49 36c 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m hl
bellis perennis 10m lm 10 100c 500c hl
benzinum 1m oth
benzinum dinitricum 200c oth
benzinum nitricum 200c oth
benzoicum acidum 10m lm 4 100c 500c hl
berberis aquifolium 10m oth
berberis vulgaris 10m lm 17 100c 500c hl
berlin wall 200c 50m oth
beryllium carbonicum 1m hl
beryllium fluoratum 15c hl
beryllium metallicum 10m lm 22 100c 500c 2m 3m 5m hl
beryllium muriaticum 1m oth
beryllium nitricum 1m hl
beryllium oxydatum 1m hl
beryllium phosphoricum 30c 1m oth
beryllium sulfuricum 15c hl
betonica off 1m oth
betula alba 1m oth
biotitum 1m 100c 500c hl
bismuth muriaticum 1m hl
bismuthum bromatum 1m hl
bismuthum carbonicum 30c oth
bismuthum iodatum 200c oth
bismuthum metallicum 200c lm 6 oth
bismuthum oxydatum 10m lm 10 100c 500c hl
bismuthum phosphoricum 15c hl
bismuthum subnitricum 1m lm 8 hl
bison bison 1m 100c 500c hl
bison bison alba 1m hl
bitis gabonica 1m 100c hl
blatta americana 200c oth
blatta orientalis 1m lm 12 100c 500c hl
boa constrictor 1m oth
boldo 200c oth
boletus laricis 1m oth
bombus sylvestris 1m 30c 200c hl
bombyx processionea 30c lm 1 oth
bone cement 1m hl
borax 50m lm 7 100c 500c hl
boricum acidum 1m oth
boron 10m lm 5 oth
boron oxydatum 15c hl
boron phosphoricum 15c hl
borrago officinalis 200c oth
boswellia serrata 1m oth
bothrops lanceolatus 1m lm 7 oth
bovista 50m lm 6 100c 500c hl
brachyglottis repanda 1m oth
branta canadensis 1m hl
brassica napus.oleifera 1m oth
bromium 50m lm 5 100c 500c hl
bromoethanum 500c 100c 500c hl
brosimum gaudichaudii 200c oth
brosimum utile 1m hl
bryonia alba 50m lm 15 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m hl
bubo virginianus 1m lm 9 hl
bufo rana 50m lm 30 oth
bungaris krait 1m 60c 100c 500c oth
bunias orientalis 30c oth
buthus austr 1m oth
butyric acid 200c oth
cactina 1m oth
cactus grandiflora 10m lm 8 45c 100c 500c hl
cadmium bromatum 1m 100c 500c hl
cadmium fluoratum 1m hl
cadmium iodatum 50m oth
cadmium metallicum 50m lm 3 hl
cadmium muriaticum 1m hl
cadmium phos 200c oth
cadmium sulphuratum cm lm 25 hl
caesalpinia bonducella 10m oth
caesium hydroxide 1m 40c oth
caesium nitricum 1m 7c oth
caffeinum 1m hl
cahinca 200c oth
cajuputum 30c oth
caladium seguinum 1m lm 10 100c 500c hl
calcarea acetica 1m 100c 500c hl
calcarea arsenicica 10m lm 20 100c 500c hl
calcarea bromata 10m lm 9 hl
calcarea calcinata 1m oth
calcarea carbonica cm lm 62 50c 60c 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m 11m 20m 30m 40m hl
calcarea caustica 1m lm 2 100c 500c hl
calcarea fluorica 10m lm 19 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m hl
calcarea hypophosphorosa 6c oth
calcarea iodata 10m lm 18 100c 500c hl
calcarea lactica 1m oth
calcarea mur. 10m lm 9 100c 500c hl
calcarea nitrica 10m lm 5 hl
calcarea oxalica 1m 100c 500c hl
calcarea phosphorica cm lm 21 100c 500c 2m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m hl
calcarea picricata 12c oth
calcarea silicata 50m lm 24 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m hl
calcarea sulphurica 10m lm 15 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m hl
calculus renalis 200c oth
calendula officinalis 10m lm 3 100c 500c hl
calypte anna (shepard) 1m lm 2 hl
camphora monobromata 200c oth
camphora officinalis 10m lm 15 oth
camphoricum acidum 30c oth
cantharis 10m lm 10 5m hl
capsicum annum 10m lm 10 100c 500c hl
carb hydrogenisatum 1m oth
carbo animalis cm lm 18 hl
carbo vegetabilis 20m lm 21 hl
carbolicum acidum 10m lm 15 100c 500c hl
carbon tetrachloride 30c hl
carboneum bioxygenisatum 1m lm 3 hl
carboneum bromatum 15c hl
carboneum chloratum 30c hl
carboneum oxygenisatum 200c oth
carboneum sulphuratum 10m lm 29 100c 500c hl
carduus benedictus 200c oth
carduus marianus 1m lm 16 hl
carlsbad water 10m oth
carnegeia gigantea 10m lm 6 hl
carob bean 1m lm 4 hl
cascarilla (sweet bark) 1m lm 13 oth
castanea vesca 1m oth
castor equi 10m lm 3 oth
castoreum 1m lm 12 100c 500c hl
cat hair 1m hl
cathartes aura 10m lm 4 oth
caulophyllum thalictroides 1m lm 5 100c 500c hl
causticum cm lm 99 3m hl
ceanothus americanus 1m lm 2 100c 500c hl
cedron 1m oth
cement (japan) 1m oth
cenchris contortrix 50m lm 14 oth
centaurea tag 1m oth
centipede 1m 100c 500c hl
cereus bonplandii 10m lm 5 hl
cereus serpentinus 50m oth
cesium metallicum 200c oth
cesium muriaticum 10m 100c 500c 2m 3m 5m hl
cesium sulphuricum 200c oth
chalice well water 200c oth
chamomilla 50m lm 9 31c 32c 33c 34c 35c 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m hl
chelidonium majus 50m lm 12 100c 500c hl
chelone glabra 1m oth
chenopodium 1m lm 6 100c 500c hl
chickadee feather 1m 100c 500c hl
chimophila umbellata 1m 100c 500c hl
china officinalis cm lm 25 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m hl
chininum arsenicosum 10m lm 20 oth
chininum bromatum lm 6 hl
chininum muriaticum 1m oth
chininum phosphoricum lm 4 oth
chininum salicylicum 1m oth
chininum sulphuricum 10m lm 13 100c 500c hl
chionanthus virg. 1m oth
chironex fleckeri 1m oth
chloralum 10m lm 1 hl
chlordanum 1m hl
chlorinum 1m lm 13 available from lab by 5/03 oth
chloroform 15c hl
chocolate cm lm 24 100c 3m hl
chromicum acidum 1m oth
chromium bromatum 1m 100c 500c hl
chromium metallicum 1m lm 5 hl
chromium muriaticum 1m hl
chromium oxydatum 1m 100c 500c hl
chromium sulphuricum 1m hl
chrysarobinum 1m oth
chryslydeocarpus 30c hl
cicuta virosa 10m lm 21 100c 500c hl
cimex 1m oth
cimicifuga racemosa cm lm 49 100c 500c hl
cina 10m lm 16 100c 500c hl
cinnabaris 1m lm 6 100c 500c hl
cinnamomum 10m lm 8 hl
cisplatin 200c oth
cistus canadensis 1m lm 4 100c 500c hl
citrus vulgaris 1m oth
clematis erecta 10m lm 6 100c 500c hl
cobaltum bromatum 15c oth
cobaltum iodatum 15c hl
cobaltum metallicum 1m lm 6 100c 500c hl
cobaltum muriaticum 15c hl
cobaltum nitricum 1m hl
cobaltum phosphoricum 1m oth
cocculus indicus cm lm 26 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m hl
coccus cacti 1m lm 5 100c 500c hl
cochlearia armoracia 10m oth
cococolanum 1m hl
coffea cruda 20m lm 12 100c 500c hl
coffea tosta 10m lm 3 hl
cola nitida 50m lm 10 oth
colchicum autumnale cm lm 35 100c 500c hl
collinsonia canadensis 10m lm 8 oth
colocynthis cm lm 30 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m hl
columba pal 10m lm 7 oth
common house spider (divya) 1m oth
comocladia dentata 10m lm 3 100c 500c hl
computer terminal rays 30c hl
conchiolinum 1m oth
concretum 1m hl
condurango 10m lm 15 100c 500c hl
conium maculatum 10m lm 51 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m hl
convallaria majalis 1m oth
convovulus arvensis 1m oth
copaiva officinalis 10m lm 2 100c 500c hl
corallium rubrum 10m lm 3 oth
coriandrum sativum (fruit) 1m hl
cornus circinata 1m oth
cornus florida 1m oth
cortisone aceticum 10m hl
cortisonum 1m hl
corydalis formosa 10m 12c 1m 10m oth
cotyledon 1m oth
crab apple 1m oth
crassula ovata 30c hl
cresolum 1m 100c 500c hl
crocus sativus 10m lm 7 100c 500c hl
crotalus cascavella 10m lm 25 oth
crotalus horridus 10m lm 20 hl
croton tiglium 10m lm 16 100c 500c hl
crow divya chabra 1m oth
cubeba officinalis 1m lm 2 100c 500c hl
culex musca 10m lm 6 oth
culicoide 30c oth
cuprum aceticum 50m 100c 500c hl
cuprum arsenicosum 1m lm 3 100c hl
cuprum bromatum 1m 100c 500c hl
cuprum carbonicum 15c hl
cuprum cyanatum 1m hl
cuprum fluoratum 1m 100c 500c hl
cuprum iodatum 15c hl
cuprum metallicum 10m lm 30 100c 500c hl
cuprum muriaticum 1m lm 1 hl
cuprum nitricum 1m lm 9 100c 500c hl
cuprum oxydatum nigrum 15c hl
cuprum phosphoricum 10m lm 3 100c 500c hl
cuprum sulphuricum 1m lm 3 hl
curare 50m lm 7 20m 30m 40m hl
cyanocitta cristata 1m 100c 500c hl
cyclamen europeum 10m lm 21 300c 500c 2m hl
cypraea eglantina 200c oth
cypripedium pubescens 10m lm 3 oth
cytisus scoparius 1m hl
dahlia coccinea 1m lm 4 100c 500c hl
damiana 1m oth
danaus plexippus 1m lm 4 hl
daphne indica 200c lm 5 hl
datura arborea 1m oth
datura inoxia 1m hl
dendranthema grandiflora 1m hl
derris pinata 1m oth
diamond immersion 1m oth
dicksonia antarctica 1m hl
digitalis purpurea 10m lm 18 100c 500c hl
diodon holocanthus 1m hl
diomedea exulans 1m oth
dionaea muscipula 1m hl
dioscorea villosa 1m lm 3 100c 500c hl
dirca palustris 1m oth
dolichos pruriens 10m lm 1 100c 500c hl
drosera rotundifolia 10m lm 15 100c 500c hl
duboisia myoporoides 30c oth
dulcamara 10m lm 12 100c 500c hl
echinacea angustifolia 1m lm 4 100c 500c hl
elaeis guineensis 200c oth
elaps corallinus 50m lm 14 hl
elaterium 30c oth
electricitas 1m lm 5 hl
eledone cirrohas 10m lm 3 oth
emerald 1m oth
enallagma carunculatum 1m lm 2 hl
ephedra trifurca 1m lm 8 hl
epigaea repens 15c hl
epiphegus 1m oth
equal 30c hl
equisetum hyemale 1m lm 7 100c 500c hl
erbium 200c oth
erigeron canadense 1m 100c 500c hl
erodium cicutarium 200c oth
eryngium maritimum 1m oth
eschscholtzia calif 1m oth
ether 10m lm 6 100c 500c hl
ethylicum 10m lm 19 100c 500c hl
eucalyptus globulus 10m lm 3 hl
eugenia jambos 1m oth
euonymus atropurpurea 200c oth
eupatorium aromaticum 1m oth
eupatorium perfoliatum 10m lm 5 100c 500c hl
eupatorium purpureum 1m oth
euphorbia lathyris 200c oth
euphorbia pilulifera 1m lm 1 oth
euphorbium officinarum 10m lm 28 oth
euphrasia officinalis 10m lm 6 100c 500c hl
eupion 1m oth
fagopyrum 10m oth
fagus sylvatica 1m lm 7 100c 500c oth
falco cherrug 1m oth
falco peregrinus 50m lm 7 oth
falco sparverius 1m lm 5 100c 500c hl
ferrum aceticum 1m oth
ferrum arsenicosum 10m lm 18 100c 500c hl
ferrum bromatum 1m lm 1 oth
ferrum carb 1m oth
ferrum cyanatum 30c oth
ferrum fluoratum 1m 100c 500c hl
ferrum iodatum 10m lm 10 600c hl
ferrum lacticum 1m 12c oth
ferrum magneticum 1m oth
ferrum metallicum 50m lm 24 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m hl
ferrum muriaticum 1m lm 32 100c 500c hl
ferrum nitricum 10m oth
ferrum phosphoricum 10m lm 9 hl
ferrum picricum 1m 12c oth
ferrum silicatum 1m lm 1 oth
ferrum sulphuricum 10m lm 5 100c 500c hl
ficus religiosa 1m oth
fig 200c hl
filix mas 1m lm 1 oth
flavus 1m oth
fluoricum acidum 10m lm 11 100c 500c hl
folicum acidum 1m oth
formalinum 1m lm 1 100c 500c hl
formica rufa 10m lm 19 100c 500c hl
formicum acidum 15c hl
fragaria vesca 1m oth
franciscea uniflora 1m lm 6 oth
frankincense 200c oth
fraxinus americana 200c lm 2 hl
fraxinus excelsior 200c oth
fucus vesiculosus 10m oth
fumaria officinalis 1m lm 3 oth
fumus cigarretti 1m lm 1 hl
funiculus umbilicus 1m 100c 500c hl
gadolinium metallicum 1m 100c 500c hl
gadolinium phosphoricum 1m oth
galega off. 200c oth
galeocerdo cu hep 1m lm 5 hl
galium aparine 50m 2m 20m oth
gallicum acidum 10m lm 3 100c 500c hl
gallium metallicum 1m 100c 500c hl
gallium oxydatum 100c 100c 500c oth
gallium sulphuricum 1m hl
gambogia 1m lm 5 100c 500c hl
gasolinum sine plumbum 1m lm 1 hl
gelsemium sempervirens 50m lm 19 31c 32c 33c 34c 35c 36c 37c 38c 39c 40c 41c 42c 43c 44c 45c 46c 47c 48c 49c 51c 52c 53c 54c 55c 56c 57c 58c 59c 60c 100c 500c hl
gentiana lutea 1m oth
geochelone sulcata 6c lm 3 hl
geococcyx calif. 1m lm 9 100c hl
geranium maculatum 30c oth
germanium 50m lm 13 50c hl
germanium bromatum 1m 100c 500c hl
germanium muriaticum 15c hl
germanium oxydatum 15c hl
germanium sulphuratum 200c oth
gettysburg water 1m oth
gingko biloba 1m lm 1 100c 500c hl
ginseng 10m lm 4 50c 400c 2m hl
glastonbury blackthorn 30c hl
glonoin 10m lm 28 100c 500c 2m 5m hl
glutamicum acidum 30c oth
glycerinum 1m oth
gnaphalium polycephalum 1m lm 3 100c 500c hl
goldfish 1m oth
gossypium 10m lm 3 oth
granatum punica 1m lm 1 100c 500c hl
granitum 1m lm 4 oth
graphites 10m lm 30 100c 500c 1200c 1300c 1400c 1500c 1600c 1700c 1800c 1900c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m hl
gratiola officinalis 10m lm 3 100c 500c hl
green (color) 30c oth
grindelia robusta 1m lm 2 100c 500c hl
grus japonesis 1m 100c 500c hl
guaco 200c oth
guaiacum 50m lm 30 100c 500c hl
guarana 1m oth
gulo gulo 1m 100c 500c hl
gun powder 1m oth
gypsum 30c hl
hafnium oxidum 10m lm 1 oth
hamamelis virginica 1m lm 9 100c 500c hl
hecla lava 10m lm 12 hl
hedera helix 50m oth
helianthus annuus 1m hl
helium 10m lm 1 oth
helleborus foetidus 1m oth
helleborus niger 50m lm 8 100c 500c hl
helleborus viridis 1m oth
heloderma horridus 10m lm 19 oth
helodrilus calig. 10m lm 6 5m hl
helonias dioica 10m lm 4 21c 100c 500c hl
hemachatus haemachatus 1m 100c hl
hematitum 1m hl
hepar sulphuris calc 50m lm 15 50c 100c 500c 2m 3m 5m 13m 20m hl
hippocampus 1m lm 9 hl
hippomanes 1m oth
hippozaenium 10m oth
hippuric acid 1m oth
histaminum 10m oth
hoang nan 10m oth
homarus 1m oth
hornbeam 200c oth
house dust mite 1m oth
humulus lupulus 1m oth
hura braziliensis 10m lm 42 100c 500c hl
hydrangea arb. 1m lm 4 100c 500c hl
hydrastinum muriaticum 30c oth
hydrastis canadensis 10m lm 10 100c 500c hl
hydrobromicum acidum 15c oth
hydrocotyle asiatica 1m oth
hydrocyanicum acidum 1m oth
hydrogen cm lm 30 100c 2m 3m 4m 5m hl
hydrogen peroxidatum 10m lm 1 50c 100c 500c 1500c 2m 2500c 3m 3500c 4m 4500c 5m 5500c 6m 6500c 7m 7500c 8m 8500c 9m 9500c hl
hydrogenium bromatum 15c hl
hydrophis cyan. 10m oth
hyoscyamus niger 50m lm 30 50c 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 6m 7m 8m 9m hl
hypericum perforatum 10m lm 12 100c 500c hl
iaspis ruber 1m misc pot 500c hl
iberis amara 10m lm 5 500c hl
ichthyol 1m oth
ignatia amara cm lm 33 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m 20m 30m 70m 80m 90m hl
ignis alc. 10m lm 1 oth
ilex aquifolium 1m 100c 500c hl
indigo (color) 1m oth
indigofera tinctoria 1m hl
indium metallicum 1m lm 2 hl
iodium 10m lm 27 100c 500c hl
iodoformum 1m oth
ipecacuanha 50m lm 6 100c 500c hl
iridium metallicum 10m lm 3 100c 500c hl
iris tenax 1m oth
iris versicolor 10m lm 15 100c 500c hl
jacaranda caroba 200c oth
jacaranda gualandai 1m oth
jade 1m hl
jalapa 1m lm 3 hl
jatropha curcas 1m oth
juglans cinerea 1m lm 22 100c 500c hl
juglans regia 1m lm 7 oth
juncus effusus 1m oth
juniperus communis 1m 1m only oth
juniperus virginiana 10m hl
kali aceticum 1m oth
kali arsenicosum 10m lm 23 2m 4m hl
kali bichromicum 10m lm 9 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m hl
kali bromatum 50m lm 24 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 16m 20m 21m 24m 25m 27m 30m 35m 45m 50m 60m 65m 70m 85m hl
kali carbonicum cm lm 27 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m hl
kali chloricum 1m lm 3 100c 500c hl
kali chromicum sulphuricum 200c 30c oth
kali citricum 15c hl
kali cyanatum 10m lm 3 hl
kali ferrocyanatum 15m lm 6 100c 500c hl
kali fluoratum 10m lm 2 hl
kali iodatum 10m lm 27 100c 500c hl
kali manganicum 1m hl
kali muriaticum 10m lm 12 100c 500c hl
kali nitricum 10m lm 21 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m hl
kali oxalicum 1m hl
kali phosphoricum cm lm 37 12m 14m 20m 25m 30m 35m 40m 45m 50m 60m 70m 80m hl
kali picricum 1m lm 7 oth
kali salicylicum 10m oth
kali silicata 1m lm 14 hl
kali sulphuricum 10m lm 20 60c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m hl
kali tartaricum 1m 100c 500c hl
kalmia latifolia 1m lm 16 100c 500c hl
kauri australis 1m lm 1 hl
kerosine 6c oth
knopper gall 1m oth
kreosotum 1m lm 21 hl
krypton 1m hl
lac asinum 200c oth
lac bubalus bubalis 1m oth
lac camelinum 10m hl
lac caninum 50m lm 40 220c 12m 13m 15m 18m 40m hl
lac caninum (ainsworth's) 10m oth
lac canis latrans 1m lm 2 100c 500c hl
lac canis lupus 1m 100c 500c hl
lac caprinum 1m lm 12 oth
lac defloratum cm lm 21 100c 500c hl
lac delphinum 50m lm 12 12m 15m 16m 17m 18m 19m hl
lac equinum 10m lm 50 2m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m 12m 13m 14m 15m 16m 17m 20m hl
lac felinum 10m lm 8 oth
lac humanum 50m lm 20 hl
lac lama glama 6c oth
lac maternum 1m oth
lac ovis 10m lm 3 hl
lac suis 1m oth
lac Vacc floc 200c oth
lac.oryctalagus cuniculus 1m oth
lacerta agilis 1m oth
lachesis cm lm 40 60c 100c 2m 3m 5m 40m hl
lachnanthes tinctoria 1m oth
lactic acid 1m lm 7 100c 500c hl
lactuca virosa 1m lm 3 100c 500c hl
lady bug 1m oth
lamium album 1m oth
lampropeltis getula calif 1m oth
lanthanum 1m oth
lanthanum bromatum 200c 6c oth
lapis albus 1m oth
lapis c.b. 10m lm 22 oth
lapis lazuli 1m 6c oth
lapis marmoreus connemara 10m lm 4 oth
larrea tridentata 1m lm 6 hl
larus arg 10m lm 5 oth
latex volcani 30c oth
lathyrus sativus 10m lm 6 hl
laticauda columbrina 1m hl
latrodectus hasselti 10m lm 1 oth
latrodectus mactans cm lm 7 oth
laurocerasus 10m lm 10 100c 500c 2m hl
laurus nobilis 200c lm 1 oth
lecithin 1m oth
ledum palustre cm lm 6 100c 500c hl
lemna minor 1m lm 1 100c 500c hl
leonurus 1m oth
lepidium bonariense 1m oth
leptandra virginica 10m oth
levomepromazine 30c oth
lilium tigrinum 10m lm 18 100c 500c hl
limenitis bredowii 1m lm 8 hl
limestone 10m lm 1 oth
limulus cyclops 1m oth
linaria vulgaris 1m oth
lithium arsenicicum 1m lm 3 hl
lithium benzoicum 1m oth
lithium bromatum 10m hl
lithium carbonicum 10m lm 13 100c hl
lithium fluoratum 15c hl
lithium iodatum 1m 100c 500c hl
lithium metallicum 10m 100c 500c 5m hl
lithium muriaticum 50m lm 9 100c 500c 2m 50m hl
lithium nitricum 1m 100c 500c hl
lithium oxydatum 1m 100c 500c hl
lithium phosphoricum 10m lm 7 500c oth
lithium sulphuricum 1m lm 5 hl
lobelia cardinalis 30c oth
lobelia erinus 1m oth
lobelia inflata 1m lm 9 100c 500c hl
lobelia syphilitica 1m oth
lolium temulentum 1m oth
loxosceles apache 30c lm 1 hl
loxosceles reclusa 10m lm 7 hl
luffa operculata 10m lm 3 oth
lumbricus terrestris 10m oth
luna 1m hl
lunar eclipse 200c hl
lycopersicum esculentum 1m lm 8 oth
lycopodium clavatum cm lm 59 50c 60c 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 9m 11m 12m 20m hl
lycopus virginicus 10m lm 5 100c 500c hl
magenta (a. wauters - color) 30c oth
magnesia acetica 1m hl
magnesia arsenata 10m lm 2 hl
magnesia bromata 10m lm 5 hl
magnesia carbonica 10m lm 18 100c 500c 2m hl
magnesia iodata 1m 100c 500c hl
magnesia lactica 200c oth
magnesia muriatica 10m lm 31 50c 100c 500c hl
magnesia nitrica 10m lm 1 2m 3m 5m hl
magnesia oxydata 15c hl
magnesia phosphorica 10m lm 12 100c 500c hl
magnesia silicata 10m lm 5 hl
magnesia sulphurica 50m lm 17 hl
magnesium fluor 15c hl
magnesium metallicum 1m lm 2 oth
magnet.pol.arct. 10m lm 2 hl
magnetis poli ambo 1m oth
magnetis polus australis 10m lm 1 hl
magnolia grandiflora 1m oth
maiasaura lapidea 10m lm 3 300c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m hl
malus pumila.mac 1m hl
malva silvestris 200c oth
mancinella venenata 50m lm 30 100c 500c 2m hl
mandragora off. 10m lm 6 hl
manganum aceticum 10m lm 5 100c 500c hl
manganum bromatum 15c hl
manganum carbonicum 1m lm 2 100c 500c hl
manganum iodatum 1m hl
manganum metallicum 10m lm 11 100c 500c hl
manganum muriaticum 1m hl
manganum nitricum 15c hl
manganum oxydat. nigrum 1m 100c 500c hl
manganum phosphorica 1m hl
manganum silicea 200c oth
manganum sulphuricum 1m 100c 500c hl
mangifera indica 1m lm 13 oth
mantis religiosa 1m lm 5 oth
marble 10m lm 4 oth
mater margaritae 30c hl
medusa 10m lm 16 100c 500c hl
melilotus alba 50m lm 3 100c 500c hl
melilotus officinalis 50m lm 5 100c 500c hl
mentha piperita 1m oth
mentha pulegium 1m 100c 500c hl
mentha viridus 1m oth
mentholum 1m oth
menyanthes trifoliata 10m lm 1 oth
mephitis 1m lm 12 100c 500c hl
merc precipitus ruber 1m oth
mercurialis perennis 1m oth
mercurius aceticus 15c hl
mercurius aurum 30c oth
mercurius bromatum 1m oth
mercurius corrosivus 1m lm 7 100c 500c hl
mercurius cyanatus 1m lm 6 100c 500c hl
mercurius dulcis 1m lm 2 100c 500c hl
mercurius et kali iodatus 1m lm 2 hl
mercurius iod flavus 10m lm 7 hl
mercurius iod ruber 10m lm 2 100c 500c hl
mercurius nitricus 1m 1m oth
mercurius precipitatus albus 10m lm 1 hl
mercurius sulphocyanatus 1m 100c 500c hl
mercurius sulphuricus 1m lm 6 100c 500c hl
mercurius vivus cm lm 45 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m hl
mezereum 50m lm 15 100c 500c hl
microcystic aeruginosa 30c hl
microwave 30c oth
millefolium 10m lm 6 hl
mimulus guttatus 1m oth
mobile phone (nuala eising) 1m oth
moldavitum 30c hl
molothrus ater 1m hl
molybdenum 1m lm 12 hl
molybdenum muriaticum 15c hl
molybdenum phosphoratum 15c hl
molybdenum sulphura 200c 6c oth
monosodium glutamate 12c 200c oth
morchella esculente 15c 15c hl
moschus 50m lm 70 oth
mourning dove 1m lm 5 500c hl
mrsa 1m 100c 500c hl
mucor racemosa 200c oth
murex 10m lm 6 oth
muriaticum acidum 10m lm 16 100c 500c hl
mus tormentosus 1m lm 10 hl
musca domestica 1m lm 2 3m hl
mygale lasiodora 10m lm 9 oth
myrica cerifica 1m lm 5 100c 500c hl
myristica sebifera 1m lm 1 100c 500c hl
myrtus communis 1m oth
nabalus serpentaria 50m lm 1 oth
naja annulifera 1m 100c hl
naja haje haje 1m hl
naja melanoleuca 1m 100c hl
naja mossambica 1m 100c hl
naja nivea 1m 100c hl
naja tripudia cm lm 23 50c 60c 15m 20m oth
naphthalinum 10m lm 3 oth
narcissus 6c 30c 1m oth
natrum aceticum 15c hl
natrum arsenicicum 50m lm 18 100c 500c hl
natrum bromatum 1m lm 2 100c 500c hl
natrum cacodylate 200c 12c oth
natrum carbonicum 10m lm 23 31c 32c 33c 34c 35c 36c 37c 38c 39c 40c 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m hl
natrum causticum 1m lm 6 hl
natrum choleinicum 6c oth
natrum fluoratum 1m lm 4 hl
natrum hypochlorosum 1m oth
natrum iodatum 10m lm 4 50c hl
natrum lacticum 1m lm 5 oth
natrum muriaticum cm lm 52 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m 20m 26m 30m hl
natrum nitricum 1m lm 5 100c 500c hl
natrum oxalicum 30c oth
natrum oxydatum 1m 100c 500c oth
natrum phosphoricum 10m lm 30 100c 500c hl
natrum salicylum 1m 100c 500c hl
natrum silicatum 10m lm 18 oth
natrum sulphuratum 1m lm 42 100c 500c 1m 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m hl
natrum sulphuricum 50m lm 42 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m hl
nauchelli nymphacae 1m hl
nautilus 10m oth
neodymium iodatum 1m 500c hl
neodymium muriaticum 12c lm 3 oth
neodymium oxydatum 1m 100c 500c hl
neon 1m lm 3 oth
nepenthe 200c lm 1 100c 500c oth
nepeta cataria 1m oth
nephrolepsis exaltata 6c hl
new forest eye 30c oth
niccolum arsenatum 1m 100c 500c hl
niccolum bromatum 15c hl
niccolum causticum 1m 100c 500c hl
niccolum fluoratum 15c hl
niccolum iodatum 15c hl
niccolum metallicum 10m lm 30 100c 500c hl
niccolum muriaticum 1m 100c 500c hl
niccolum nitricum 15c hl
niccolum phosphoricum 1m 100c 500c hl
niccolum silicatum 30c oth
niccolum sulphuricum 1m lm 6 100c hl
nicotiana rustica 1m oth
nidus edulis 1m oth
night light 6c hl
nilumbo nucifera 1m lm 4 hl
niobium metallicum 10m lm 7 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m hl
niobium muriaticum 1m 100c 500c hl
niobium nitricatum 1m lm 1 100c 500c hl
niobium oxydatum 1m 100c 500c hl
nitri spiritus dulcis 1m oth
nitricum acidum cm lm 59 60c 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m hl
nitrogen 1m oth
nitrogenum oxygenatum 10m lm 3 hl
nuphar luteum 1m lm 8 100c 500c hl
nux moschata 20m lm 30 100c 500c 2m 3m 5m 11m 12m 14m 16m 18m hl
nux vomica cm lm 31 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m 11m 20m 30m 40m hl
nymphaea odor. 30c hl
ocimum canum 1m oth
ocimum sanctum 10m oth
octopus vulgaris 200c lm 3 30c oth
oenanthe crocata 1m lm 4 100c 500c hl
okoubaka aubr 1m oth
olea europaea (syrian) 1m 30c oth
oleander 10m lm 16 100c 500c hl
oleum animale 10m oth
oleum chaulmoogra 1m 100c 500c hl
oleum jecoris aselli 10m lm 8 5m hl
oleum lavandi 1m hl
oleum santali 1m oth
oleum succini 30c oth
olive rhodes 1m 30c oth
oncorrhynchus t. 1m lm 6 hl
oniscus asellus 200c oth
onosmodium virginianum 10m lm 4 hl
onychotheutis ban. 10m oth
opuntia vulgaris 10m lm 2 hl
orange (color) 30c oth
organic peanut 1m lm 1 hl
origanum majorana 60m lm 4 100c 500c 53m 55m hl
origanum vulgare 1m oth
ornithogalum umbellatum 10m lm 12 oth
osmium 10m lm 1 100c 500c hl
ova ansera 10m 2m 3m 5m hl
ova tosta 1m oth
ovi gallina pellicula 1m hl
ovum chelydra serpentina 1m lm 2 100c 500c hl
oxalicum acidum 10m lm 8 100c 500c hl
oxalis acetosella 1m oth
oxydendron arboreum 200c oth
oxygenium 10m oth
ozone cm lm 12 oth
pacific madrone 30c lm 5 hl
paeonia officinalis 1m 100c 500c hl
pagurus bern 200c 30c oth
palladium metallicum 10m lm 28 100c 500c hl
palladium muriaticum 1m hl
palladium oxide 1m hl
panthera onca (spotted) 1m lm 2 100c 500c hl
paracress 30c hl
paraffinum 1m oth
paraphenyldiaminum 30c oth
pareira brava 1m lm 1 100c 500c hl
paris quadrifolia 10m lm 13 100c 500c hl
passer domesticus 200c oth
passer montanus 1m hl
passiflora 1m oth
pastinaca 10m hl
pavo 1m hl
pearl 30c lm 1 oth
pectens jacobaeus 10m oth
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
4-dimethylaminoazobenzene 1m lm 9 hl
abelmoschus 10m oth
abies canadensis 10m oth
abies nigra 10m lm 8 100c 500c hl
abroma augustus 10m lm 3 oth
abrotanum 50m lm 6 hl
absinthium 10m lm 4 100c 500c hl
acalypha indica 10m lm 3 oth
aceticum acidum 10m lm 5 100c 500c hl
aconitum ferox 200c oth
aconitum napellus 50m lm 32 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 6m 7m 8m 9m 20m 30m 40m hl
actea spicata 1m lm 4 100c 500c hl
adamas 10m lm 26 100c oth
aesculus hippocastanum 1m lm 7 100c 500c hl
aethusa cynapium 10m lm 16 100c 500c hl
agaricus muscarius cm lm 26 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m 20m 25m hl
agave tequila 1m oth
agnus castus 1m lm 7 100c 500c hl
agraphis nutans 1m lm 3 100c 500c hl
ailanthus glandulosa 1m oth
aletris farinosa 1m oth
alfalfa 1m oth
allende meteorite 1m proved by melanie grimes hl
alligator miss. 1m lm 6 hl
allium cepa 10m lm 6 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m hl
allium sativum 1m oth
alloxanum 10m lm 3 hl
alnus serrulata 30c oth
aloe socotrina 10m lm 6 100c 500c hl
alstonia constricta 12c oth
althaea officinalis 30c lm 1 hl
alumen 1m lm 3 oth
alumina 20m lm 25 100c 500c hl
alumina phosphorica 20m lm 2 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m 20m hl
alumina silicata 10m lm 8 hl
aluminium arsenicatum 1m oth
aluminium metallicum 10m 100c 500c hl
aluminium nitricum 15c hl
aluminum bromatum 1m oth
aluminum carbonicum 15c hl
aluminum fluoratum 1m hl
aluminum iodatum 1m hl
aluminum muriaticum 1m hl
aluminum sulphuricum 15c lm 7 hl
ambra grisea cm lm 45 hl
ambrosia artemisafolia 30c oth
amethyst 10m lm 1 2m 3m 6m 8m hl
ammoniacum gummi 200c oth
ammonium aceticum 30c oth
ammonium benzoicum 30c oth
ammonium bromatum 1m hl
ammonium carbonicum 10m lm 20 100c 500c hl
ammonium causticum 1m hl
ammonium fluoratum 200c oth
ammonium iodatum 200c oth
ammonium muriaticum 10m lm 9 100c 500c hl
ammonium phosphoricum 10m lm 4 100c 500c hl
ammonium picricum 30c oth
ammonium sulph 1m lm 10 oth
ammonium valerianicum 200c lm 1 oth
amniotic fluid 30c oth
amphisbaena alba 10m oth
amygdalae amarae aqua 1m oth
amygdalae pers. 1m oth
amyl nitrosum 1m lm 6 hl
anacardium occidentale 200c oth
anacardium orientale cm lm 91 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m 11m 20m 30m hl
anagallis arvensis 1m lm 3 100c 500c hl
anas europaea 200c oth
anatherum muriaticum 10m lm 1 oth
ancylostoma caninum 1m 100c 500c hl
androctonos amurreuxi h. cm lm 20 50c 100c hl
angelica atropurpurea 1m oth
angelica sinensis (radix) 1m oth
angelite stone 1m hl
angustura vera 1m lm 11 100c 500c hl
anilinum 200c oth
anisum 1m hl
anthemis nobilis 1m hl
anthopleura xanthogrammica 1m 100c 500c hl
anthrakokali 30c oth
antimonium ars. 10m oth
antimonium crudum 10m lm 18 31c 32c 33c 34c 35c 36c 37c 38c 39c 40c 41c 42c 43c 44c 45c 46c 47c 48c 49c 50c 100c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m hl
antimonium iodatum 1m oth
antimonium metallicum 1m oth
antimonium muriaticum 10m oth
antimonium oxydatum 1m hl
antimonium sulph.aureum 1m lm 1 hl
antimonium tartaricum cm lm 14 100c 500c hl
antipyrinum 1m oth
aonyx cinerea 1m lm 5 oth
aphis chenop.glauci 30c oth
apis mellifica cm lm 40 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m hl
apocynum cannabinum 1m lm 5 100c 500c hl
aqua marina 10m lm 20 oth
aqua pura 10m oth
aquilegia caerulea 1m hl
ara macao 10m lm 7 hl
aragallus lamberti 200c oth
aralia q (ginseng) 10m lm 4 50c 100c 500c 2m 5m hl
aralia racemosa 1m hl
aranea diadema 10m lm 12 hl
aranea ixobola 50m lm 27 oth
aranea scinencia 1m oth
aratinga erythrogenys 500c 100c 500c hl
ardea herodias 1m lm 4 500c hl
argemone mexicana 1m oth
argemone pleiacantha 1m hl
argentum bromatum 1m hl
argentum iodatum 1m lm 1 hl
argentum metallicum 10m lm 60 50c 100c 500c hl
argentum muriaticum 10m hl
argentum nitricum cm lm 30 50c 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m 20m 30m 40m 51m hl
argentum phosphoricum 10m lm 2 hl
argentum sulphuratum 1m hl
argentum sulphuricum 2m lm 3 100c hl
argon 1m oth
aristoloch clem 10m oth
aristolochia serpentaria 1m oth
armadillidium vulgare 1m hl
arnica montana cm lm 23 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m 20m 30m 40m hl
ars hydrogenisatum 1m oth
arsenicum album 50m lm 50 100c 125c 300c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m 20m 30m 40m 50m hl
arsenicum bromatum 1m lm 30 100c 500c hl
arsenicum iodatum 13m lm 26 2m 3m 4m 10m 11m 12m 13m hl
arsenicum metallicum 1m lm 3 hl
arsenicum muriaticum 15c hl
arsenicum oxydatum 10m lm 16 hl
arsenicum sulph flav 10m lm 16 100c 500c hl
arsenicum sulph rubr 1m oth
artemisa vulgaris 10m lm 12 100c 500c hl
arum dracontinum 1m oth
arum maculatum 1m oth
arum triphyllum 1m lm 29 100c 500c hl
arundo mauritanica 1m lm 1 100c 500c hl
asafoetida 10m lm 10 100c 500c hl
asarum canadense 10m oth
asarum europaeum cm lm 20 100c 500c hl
asclepia tuberosa 1m oth
asparagus officinalis 1m oth
aspergillus niger 200c oth
aspidosperma 1m oth
assisi rose 1m hl
astacus fluviatilis 10m lm 1 oth
asterias rubens 1m lm 3 100c 500c hl
astragalus excapus 6c oth
atrax robustus 1m lm 1 hl
atropinum 10m oth
atropinum sulphurica 1m oth
aurum arsenicatum 10m lm 13 oth
aurum brom nat 12c oth
aurum bromatum 15c hl
aurum iodatum 10m lm 6 hl
aurum metallicum cm lm 30 50c 100c 300c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m 20m 30m 40m hl
aurum mur natronatrum 10m lm 18 100c 500c hl
aurum muriaticum 20m lm 17 100c 500c 2m 11m 12m 15m 18m 19m hl
aurum muriaticum kalinatum 10m lm 5 hl
aurum nitricum 1m oth
aurum phos. 1m lm 2 hl
aurum sulphuratum 10m lm 20 hl
aurum sulphuricum 10m lm 3 100c hl
avena sativa 1m hl
ayahuasca 1m lm 5 hl
badiaga 10m lm 4 100c 500c hl
balsamum peruvianum 1m oth
bambusa arundinacea 50m lm 12 oth
banisteriopsis caapi 10m oth
baptisia tinctoria 5m lm 22 100c 500c hl
baryta acetica 1m 100c hl
baryta ars. 12m lm 21 hl
baryta bromata 10m lm 6 hl
baryta carbonica cm lm 33 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m 20m 30m hl
baryta caustica 1m hl
baryta fluorica 10m oth
baryta iodata 10m lm 15 100c 500c hl
baryta muriatica 1m lm 42 100c 500c hl
baryta nitrica 1m lm 1 hl
baryta oxalsuccinica 200c oth
baryta phosphorica 50m lm 19 hl
baryta silicata 10m oth
baryta sulphurica 10m lm 36 hl
bat 1m 36c oth
beefeater gin 30c hl
belladonna cm lm 49 36c 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m hl
bellis perennis 10m lm 10 100c 500c hl
benzinum 1m oth
benzinum dinitricum 200c oth
benzinum nitricum 200c oth
benzoicum acidum 10m lm 4 100c 500c hl
berberis aquifolium 10m oth
berberis vulgaris 10m lm 17 100c 500c hl
berlin wall 200c 50m oth
beryllium carbonicum 1m hl
beryllium fluoratum 15c hl
beryllium metallicum 10m lm 22 100c 500c 2m 3m 5m hl
beryllium muriaticum 1m oth
beryllium nitricum 1m hl
beryllium oxydatum 1m hl
beryllium phosphoricum 30c 1m oth
beryllium sulfuricum 15c hl
betonica off 1m oth
betula alba 1m oth
biotitum 1m 100c 500c hl
bismuth muriaticum 1m hl
bismuthum bromatum 1m hl
bismuthum carbonicum 30c oth
bismuthum iodatum 200c oth
bismuthum metallicum 200c lm 6 oth
bismuthum oxydatum 10m lm 10 100c 500c hl
bismuthum phosphoricum 15c hl
bismuthum subnitricum 1m lm 8 hl
bison bison 1m 100c 500c hl
bison bison alba 1m hl
bitis gabonica 1m 100c hl
blatta americana 200c oth
blatta orientalis 1m lm 12 100c 500c hl
boa constrictor 1m oth
boldo 200c oth
boletus laricis 1m oth
bombus sylvestris 1m 30c 200c hl
bombyx processionea 30c lm 1 oth
bone cement 1m hl
borax 50m lm 7 100c 500c hl
boricum acidum 1m oth
boron 10m lm 5 oth
boron oxydatum 15c hl
boron phosphoricum 15c hl
borrago officinalis 200c oth
boswellia serrata 1m oth
bothrops lanceolatus 1m lm 7 oth
bovista 50m lm 6 100c 500c hl
brachyglottis repanda 1m oth
branta canadensis 1m hl
brassica napus.oleifera 1m oth
bromium 50m lm 5 100c 500c hl
bromoethanum 500c 100c 500c hl
brosimum gaudichaudii 200c oth
brosimum utile 1m hl
bryonia alba 50m lm 15 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m hl
bubo virginianus 1m lm 9 hl
bufo rana 50m lm 30 oth
bungaris krait 1m 60c 100c 500c oth
bunias orientalis 30c oth
buthus austr 1m oth
butyric acid 200c oth
cactina 1m oth
cactus grandiflora 10m lm 8 45c 100c 500c hl
cadmium bromatum 1m 100c 500c hl
cadmium fluoratum 1m hl
cadmium iodatum 50m oth
cadmium metallicum 50m lm 3 hl
cadmium muriaticum 1m hl
cadmium phos 200c oth
cadmium sulphuratum cm lm 25 hl
caesalpinia bonducella 10m oth
caesium hydroxide 1m 40c oth
caesium nitricum 1m 7c oth
caffeinum 1m hl
cahinca 200c oth
cajuputum 30c oth
caladium seguinum 1m lm 10 100c 500c hl
calcarea acetica 1m 100c 500c hl
calcarea arsenicica 10m lm 20 100c 500c hl
calcarea bromata 10m lm 9 hl
calcarea calcinata 1m oth
calcarea carbonica cm lm 62 50c 60c 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m 11m 20m 30m 40m hl
calcarea caustica 1m lm 2 100c 500c hl
calcarea fluorica 10m lm 19 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m hl
calcarea hypophosphorosa 6c oth
calcarea iodata 10m lm 18 100c 500c hl
calcarea lactica 1m oth
calcarea mur. 10m lm 9 100c 500c hl
calcarea nitrica 10m lm 5 hl
calcarea oxalica 1m 100c 500c hl
calcarea phosphorica cm lm 21 100c 500c 2m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m hl
calcarea picricata 12c oth
calcarea silicata 50m lm 24 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m hl
calcarea sulphurica 10m lm 15 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m hl
calculus renalis 200c oth
calendula officinalis 10m lm 3 100c 500c hl
calypte anna (shepard) 1m lm 2 hl
camphora monobromata 200c oth
camphora officinalis 10m lm 15 oth
camphoricum acidum 30c oth
cantharis 10m lm 10 5m hl
capsicum annum 10m lm 10 100c 500c hl
carb hydrogenisatum 1m oth
carbo animalis cm lm 18 hl
carbo vegetabilis 20m lm 21 hl
carbolicum acidum 10m lm 15 100c 500c hl
carbon tetrachloride 30c hl
carboneum bioxygenisatum 1m lm 3 hl
carboneum bromatum 15c hl
carboneum chloratum 30c hl
carboneum oxygenisatum 200c oth
carboneum sulphuratum 10m lm 29 100c 500c hl
carduus benedictus 200c oth
carduus marianus 1m lm 16 hl
carlsbad water 10m oth
carnegeia gigantea 10m lm 6 hl
carob bean 1m lm 4 hl
cascarilla (sweet bark) 1m lm 13 oth
castanea vesca 1m oth
castor equi 10m lm 3 oth
castoreum 1m lm 12 100c 500c hl
cat hair 1m hl
cathartes aura 10m lm 4 oth
caulophyllum thalictroides 1m lm 5 100c 500c hl
causticum cm lm 99 3m hl
ceanothus americanus 1m lm 2 100c 500c hl
cedron 1m oth
cement (japan) 1m oth
cenchris contortrix 50m lm 14 oth
centaurea tag 1m oth
centipede 1m 100c 500c hl
cereus bonplandii 10m lm 5 hl
cereus serpentinus 50m oth
cesium metallicum 200c oth
cesium muriaticum 10m 100c 500c 2m 3m 5m hl
cesium sulphuricum 200c oth
chalice well water 200c oth
chamomilla 50m lm 9 31c 32c 33c 34c 35c 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m hl
chelidonium majus 50m lm 12 100c 500c hl
chelone glabra 1m oth
chenopodium 1m lm 6 100c 500c hl
chickadee feather 1m 100c 500c hl
chimophila umbellata 1m 100c 500c hl
china officinalis cm lm 25 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m hl
chininum arsenicosum 10m lm 20 oth
chininum bromatum lm 6 hl
chininum muriaticum 1m oth
chininum phosphoricum lm 4 oth
chininum salicylicum 1m oth
chininum sulphuricum 10m lm 13 100c 500c hl
chionanthus virg. 1m oth
chironex fleckeri 1m oth
chloralum 10m lm 1 hl
chlordanum 1m hl
chlorinum 1m lm 13 available from lab by 5/03 oth
chloroform 15c hl
chocolate cm lm 24 100c 3m hl
chromicum acidum 1m oth
chromium bromatum 1m 100c 500c hl
chromium metallicum 1m lm 5 hl
chromium muriaticum 1m hl
chromium oxydatum 1m 100c 500c hl
chromium sulphuricum 1m hl
chrysarobinum 1m oth
chryslydeocarpus 30c hl
cicuta virosa 10m lm 21 100c 500c hl
cimex 1m oth
cimicifuga racemosa cm lm 49 100c 500c hl
cina 10m lm 16 100c 500c hl
cinnabaris 1m lm 6 100c 500c hl
cinnamomum 10m lm 8 hl
cisplatin 200c oth
cistus canadensis 1m lm 4 100c 500c hl
citrus vulgaris 1m oth
clematis erecta 10m lm 6 100c 500c hl
cobaltum bromatum 15c oth
cobaltum iodatum 15c hl
cobaltum metallicum 1m lm 6 100c 500c hl
cobaltum muriaticum 15c hl
cobaltum nitricum 1m hl
cobaltum phosphoricum 1m oth
cocculus indicus cm lm 26 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m hl
coccus cacti 1m lm 5 100c 500c hl
cochlearia armoracia 10m oth
cococolanum 1m hl
coffea cruda 20m lm 12 100c 500c hl
coffea tosta 10m lm 3 hl
cola nitida 50m lm 10 oth
colchicum autumnale cm lm 35 100c 500c hl
collinsonia canadensis 10m lm 8 oth
colocynthis cm lm 30 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m hl
columba pal 10m lm 7 oth
common house spider (divya) 1m oth
comocladia dentata 10m lm 3 100c 500c hl
computer terminal rays 30c hl
conchiolinum 1m oth
concretum 1m hl
condurango 10m lm 15 100c 500c hl
conium maculatum 10m lm 51 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m hl
convallaria majalis 1m oth
convovulus arvensis 1m oth
copaiva officinalis 10m lm 2 100c 500c hl
corallium rubrum 10m lm 3 oth
coriandrum sativum (fruit) 1m hl
cornus circinata 1m oth
cornus florida 1m oth
cortisone aceticum 10m hl
cortisonum 1m hl
corydalis formosa 10m 12c 1m 10m oth
cotyledon 1m oth
crab apple 1m oth
crassula ovata 30c hl
cresolum 1m 100c 500c hl
crocus sativus 10m lm 7 100c 500c hl
crotalus cascavella 10m lm 25 oth
crotalus horridus 10m lm 20 hl
croton tiglium 10m lm 16 100c 500c hl
crow divya chabra 1m oth
cubeba officinalis 1m lm 2 100c 500c hl
culex musca 10m lm 6 oth
culicoide 30c oth
cuprum aceticum 50m 100c 500c hl
cuprum arsenicosum 1m lm 3 100c hl
cuprum bromatum 1m 100c 500c hl
cuprum carbonicum 15c hl
cuprum cyanatum 1m hl
cuprum fluoratum 1m 100c 500c hl
cuprum iodatum 15c hl
cuprum metallicum 10m lm 30 100c 500c hl
cuprum muriaticum 1m lm 1 hl
cuprum nitricum 1m lm 9 100c 500c hl
cuprum oxydatum nigrum 15c hl
cuprum phosphoricum 10m lm 3 100c 500c hl
cuprum sulphuricum 1m lm 3 hl
curare 50m lm 7 20m 30m 40m hl
cyanocitta cristata 1m 100c 500c hl
cyclamen europeum 10m lm 21 300c 500c 2m hl
cypraea eglantina 200c oth
cypripedium pubescens 10m lm 3 oth
cytisus scoparius 1m hl
dahlia coccinea 1m lm 4 100c 500c hl
damiana 1m oth
danaus plexippus 1m lm 4 hl
daphne indica 200c lm 5 hl
datura arborea 1m oth
datura inoxia 1m hl
dendranthema grandiflora 1m hl
derris pinata 1m oth
diamond immersion 1m oth
dicksonia antarctica 1m hl
digitalis purpurea 10m lm 18 100c 500c hl
diodon holocanthus 1m hl
diomedea exulans 1m oth
dionaea muscipula 1m hl
dioscorea villosa 1m lm 3 100c 500c hl
dirca palustris 1m oth
dolichos pruriens 10m lm 1 100c 500c hl
drosera rotundifolia 10m lm 15 100c 500c hl
duboisia myoporoides 30c oth
dulcamara 10m lm 12 100c 500c hl
echinacea angustifolia 1m lm 4 100c 500c hl
elaeis guineensis 200c oth
elaps corallinus 50m lm 14 hl
elaterium 30c oth
electricitas 1m lm 5 hl
eledone cirrohas 10m lm 3 oth
emerald 1m oth
enallagma carunculatum 1m lm 2 hl
ephedra trifurca 1m lm 8 hl
epigaea repens 15c hl
epiphegus 1m oth
equal 30c hl
equisetum hyemale 1m lm 7 100c 500c hl
erbium 200c oth
erigeron canadense 1m 100c 500c hl
erodium cicutarium 200c oth
eryngium maritimum 1m oth
eschscholtzia calif 1m oth
ether 10m lm 6 100c 500c hl
ethylicum 10m lm 19 100c 500c hl
eucalyptus globulus 10m lm 3 hl
eugenia jambos 1m oth
euonymus atropurpurea 200c oth
eupatorium aromaticum 1m oth
eupatorium perfoliatum 10m lm 5 100c 500c hl
eupatorium purpureum 1m oth
euphorbia lathyris 200c oth
euphorbia pilulifera 1m lm 1 oth
euphorbium officinarum 10m lm 28 oth
euphrasia officinalis 10m lm 6 100c 500c hl
eupion 1m oth
fagopyrum 10m oth
fagus sylvatica 1m lm 7 100c 500c oth
falco cherrug 1m oth
falco peregrinus 50m lm 7 oth
falco sparverius 1m lm 5 100c 500c hl
ferrum aceticum 1m oth
ferrum arsenicosum 10m lm 18 100c 500c hl
ferrum bromatum 1m lm 1 oth
ferrum carb 1m oth
ferrum cyanatum 30c oth
ferrum fluoratum 1m 100c 500c hl
ferrum iodatum 10m lm 10 600c hl
ferrum lacticum 1m 12c oth
ferrum magneticum 1m oth
ferrum metallicum 50m lm 24 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m hl
ferrum muriaticum 1m lm 32 100c 500c hl
ferrum nitricum 10m oth
ferrum phosphoricum 10m lm 9 hl
ferrum picricum 1m 12c oth
ferrum silicatum 1m lm 1 oth
ferrum sulphuricum 10m lm 5 100c 500c hl
ficus religiosa 1m oth
fig 200c hl
filix mas 1m lm 1 oth
flavus 1m oth
fluoricum acidum 10m lm 11 100c 500c hl
folicum acidum 1m oth
formalinum 1m lm 1 100c 500c hl
formica rufa 10m lm 19 100c 500c hl
formicum acidum 15c hl
fragaria vesca 1m oth
franciscea uniflora 1m lm 6 oth
frankincense 200c oth
fraxinus americana 200c lm 2 hl
fraxinus excelsior 200c oth
fucus vesiculosus 10m oth
fumaria officinalis 1m lm 3 oth
fumus cigarretti 1m lm 1 hl
funiculus umbilicus 1m 100c 500c hl
gadolinium metallicum 1m 100c 500c hl
gadolinium phosphoricum 1m oth
galega off. 200c oth
galeocerdo cu hep 1m lm 5 hl
galium aparine 50m 2m 20m oth
gallicum acidum 10m lm 3 100c 500c hl
gallium metallicum 1m 100c 500c hl
gallium oxydatum 100c 100c 500c oth
gallium sulphuricum 1m hl
gambogia 1m lm 5 100c 500c hl
gasolinum sine plumbum 1m lm 1 hl
gelsemium sempervirens 50m lm 19 31c 32c 33c 34c 35c 36c 37c 38c 39c 40c 41c 42c 43c 44c 45c 46c 47c 48c 49c 51c 52c 53c 54c 55c 56c 57c 58c 59c 60c 100c 500c hl
gentiana lutea 1m oth
geochelone sulcata 6c lm 3 hl
geococcyx calif. 1m lm 9 100c hl
geranium maculatum 30c oth
germanium 50m lm 13 50c hl
germanium bromatum 1m 100c 500c hl
germanium muriaticum 15c hl
germanium oxydatum 15c hl
germanium sulphuratum 200c oth
gettysburg water 1m oth
gingko biloba 1m lm 1 100c 500c hl
ginseng 10m lm 4 50c 400c 2m hl
glastonbury blackthorn 30c hl
glonoin 10m lm 28 100c 500c 2m 5m hl
glutamicum acidum 30c oth
glycerinum 1m oth
gnaphalium polycephalum 1m lm 3 100c 500c hl
goldfish 1m oth
gossypium 10m lm 3 oth
granatum punica 1m lm 1 100c 500c hl
granitum 1m lm 4 oth
graphites 10m lm 30 100c 500c 1200c 1300c 1400c 1500c 1600c 1700c 1800c 1900c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m hl
gratiola officinalis 10m lm 3 100c 500c hl
green (color) 30c oth
grindelia robusta 1m lm 2 100c 500c hl
grus japonesis 1m 100c 500c hl
guaco 200c oth
guaiacum 50m lm 30 100c 500c hl
guarana 1m oth
gulo gulo 1m 100c 500c hl
gun powder 1m oth
gypsum 30c hl
hafnium oxidum 10m lm 1 oth
hamamelis virginica 1m lm 9 100c 500c hl
hecla lava 10m lm 12 hl
hedera helix 50m oth
helianthus annuus 1m hl
helium 10m lm 1 oth
helleborus foetidus 1m oth
helleborus niger 50m lm 8 100c 500c hl
helleborus viridis 1m oth
heloderma horridus 10m lm 19 oth
helodrilus calig. 10m lm 6 5m hl
helonias dioica 10m lm 4 21c 100c 500c hl
hemachatus haemachatus 1m 100c hl
hematitum 1m hl
hepar sulphuris calc 50m lm 15 50c 100c 500c 2m 3m 5m 13m 20m hl
hippocampus 1m lm 9 hl
hippomanes 1m oth
hippozaenium 10m oth
hippuric acid 1m oth
histaminum 10m oth
hoang nan 10m oth
homarus 1m oth
hornbeam 200c oth
house dust mite 1m oth
humulus lupulus 1m oth
hura braziliensis 10m lm 42 100c 500c hl
hydrangea arb. 1m lm 4 100c 500c hl
hydrastinum muriaticum 30c oth
hydrastis canadensis 10m lm 10 100c 500c hl
hydrobromicum acidum 15c oth
hydrocotyle asiatica 1m oth
hydrocyanicum acidum 1m oth
hydrogen cm lm 30 100c 2m 3m 4m 5m hl
hydrogen peroxidatum 10m lm 1 50c 100c 500c 1500c 2m 2500c 3m 3500c 4m 4500c 5m 5500c 6m 6500c 7m 7500c 8m 8500c 9m 9500c hl
hydrogenium bromatum 15c hl
hydrophis cyan. 10m oth
hyoscyamus niger 50m lm 30 50c 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 6m 7m 8m 9m hl
hypericum perforatum 10m lm 12 100c 500c hl
iaspis ruber 1m misc pot 500c hl
iberis amara 10m lm 5 500c hl
ichthyol 1m oth
ignatia amara cm lm 33 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m 20m 30m 70m 80m 90m hl
ignis alc. 10m lm 1 oth
ilex aquifolium 1m 100c 500c hl
indigo (color) 1m oth
indigofera tinctoria 1m hl
indium metallicum 1m lm 2 hl
iodium 10m lm 27 100c 500c hl
iodoformum 1m oth
ipecacuanha 50m lm 6 100c 500c hl
iridium metallicum 10m lm 3 100c 500c hl
iris tenax 1m oth
iris versicolor 10m lm 15 100c 500c hl
jacaranda caroba 200c oth
jacaranda gualandai 1m oth
jade 1m hl
jalapa 1m lm 3 hl
jatropha curcas 1m oth
juglans cinerea 1m lm 22 100c 500c hl
juglans regia 1m lm 7 oth
juncus effusus 1m oth
juniperus communis 1m 1m only oth
juniperus virginiana 10m hl
kali aceticum 1m oth
kali arsenicosum 10m lm 23 2m 4m hl
kali bichromicum 10m lm 9 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m hl
kali bromatum 50m lm 24 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 16m 20m 21m 24m 25m 27m 30m 35m 45m 50m 60m 65m 70m 85m hl
kali carbonicum cm lm 27 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m hl
kali chloricum 1m lm 3 100c 500c hl
kali chromicum sulphuricum 200c 30c oth
kali citricum 15c hl
kali cyanatum 10m lm 3 hl
kali ferrocyanatum 15m lm 6 100c 500c hl
kali fluoratum 10m lm 2 hl
kali iodatum 10m lm 27 100c 500c hl
kali manganicum 1m hl
kali muriaticum 10m lm 12 100c 500c hl
kali nitricum 10m lm 21 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m hl
kali oxalicum 1m hl
kali phosphoricum cm lm 37 12m 14m 20m 25m 30m 35m 40m 45m 50m 60m 70m 80m hl
kali picricum 1m lm 7 oth
kali salicylicum 10m oth
kali silicata 1m lm 14 hl
kali sulphuricum 10m lm 20 60c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m hl
kali tartaricum 1m 100c 500c hl
kalmia latifolia 1m lm 16 100c 500c hl
kauri australis 1m lm 1 hl
kerosine 6c oth
knopper gall 1m oth
kreosotum 1m lm 21 hl
krypton 1m hl
lac asinum 200c oth
lac bubalus bubalis 1m oth
lac camelinum 10m hl
lac caninum 50m lm 40 220c 12m 13m 15m 18m 40m hl
lac caninum (ainsworth's) 10m oth
lac canis latrans 1m lm 2 100c 500c hl
lac canis lupus 1m 100c 500c hl
lac caprinum 1m lm 12 oth
lac defloratum cm lm 21 100c 500c hl
lac delphinum 50m lm 12 12m 15m 16m 17m 18m 19m hl
lac equinum 10m lm 50 2m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m 12m 13m 14m 15m 16m 17m 20m hl
lac felinum 10m lm 8 oth
lac humanum 50m lm 20 hl
lac lama glama 6c oth
lac maternum 1m oth
lac ovis 10m lm 3 hl
lac suis 1m oth
lac Vacc floc 200c oth
lac.oryctalagus cuniculus 1m oth
lacerta agilis 1m oth
lachesis cm lm 40 60c 100c 2m 3m 5m 40m hl
lachnanthes tinctoria 1m oth
lactic acid 1m lm 7 100c 500c hl
lactuca virosa 1m lm 3 100c 500c hl
lady bug 1m oth
lamium album 1m oth
lampropeltis getula calif 1m oth
lanthanum 1m oth
lanthanum bromatum 200c 6c oth
lapis albus 1m oth
lapis c.b. 10m lm 22 oth
lapis lazuli 1m 6c oth
lapis marmoreus connemara 10m lm 4 oth
larrea tridentata 1m lm 6 hl
larus arg 10m lm 5 oth
latex volcani 30c oth
lathyrus sativus 10m lm 6 hl
laticauda columbrina 1m hl
latrodectus hasselti 10m lm 1 oth
latrodectus mactans cm lm 7 oth
laurocerasus 10m lm 10 100c 500c 2m hl
laurus nobilis 200c lm 1 oth
lecithin 1m oth
ledum palustre cm lm 6 100c 500c hl
lemna minor 1m lm 1 100c 500c hl
leonurus 1m oth
lepidium bonariense 1m oth
leptandra virginica 10m oth
levomepromazine 30c oth
lilium tigrinum 10m lm 18 100c 500c hl
limenitis bredowii 1m lm 8 hl
limestone 10m lm 1 oth
limulus cyclops 1m oth
linaria vulgaris 1m oth
lithium arsenicicum 1m lm 3 hl
lithium benzoicum 1m oth
lithium bromatum 10m hl
lithium carbonicum 10m lm 13 100c hl
lithium fluoratum 15c hl
lithium iodatum 1m 100c 500c hl
lithium metallicum 10m 100c 500c 5m hl
lithium muriaticum 50m lm 9 100c 500c 2m 50m hl
lithium nitricum 1m 100c 500c hl
lithium oxydatum 1m 100c 500c hl
lithium phosphoricum 10m lm 7 500c oth
lithium sulphuricum 1m lm 5 hl
lobelia cardinalis 30c oth
lobelia erinus 1m oth
lobelia inflata 1m lm 9 100c 500c hl
lobelia syphilitica 1m oth
lolium temulentum 1m oth
loxosceles apache 30c lm 1 hl
loxosceles reclusa 10m lm 7 hl
luffa operculata 10m lm 3 oth
lumbricus terrestris 10m oth
luna 1m hl
lunar eclipse 200c hl
lycopersicum esculentum 1m lm 8 oth
lycopodium clavatum cm lm 59 50c 60c 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 9m 11m 12m 20m hl
lycopus virginicus 10m lm 5 100c 500c hl
magenta (a. wauters - color) 30c oth
magnesia acetica 1m hl
magnesia arsenata 10m lm 2 hl
magnesia bromata 10m lm 5 hl
magnesia carbonica 10m lm 18 100c 500c 2m hl
magnesia iodata 1m 100c 500c hl
magnesia lactica 200c oth
magnesia muriatica 10m lm 31 50c 100c 500c hl
magnesia nitrica 10m lm 1 2m 3m 5m hl
magnesia oxydata 15c hl
magnesia phosphorica 10m lm 12 100c 500c hl
magnesia silicata 10m lm 5 hl
magnesia sulphurica 50m lm 17 hl
magnesium fluor 15c hl
magnesium metallicum 1m lm 2 oth
magnet.pol.arct. 10m lm 2 hl
magnetis poli ambo 1m oth
magnetis polus australis 10m lm 1 hl
magnolia grandiflora 1m oth
maiasaura lapidea 10m lm 3 300c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m hl
malus pumila.mac 1m hl
malva silvestris 200c oth
mancinella venenata 50m lm 30 100c 500c 2m hl
mandragora off. 10m lm 6 hl
manganum aceticum 10m lm 5 100c 500c hl
manganum bromatum 15c hl
manganum carbonicum 1m lm 2 100c 500c hl
manganum iodatum 1m hl
manganum metallicum 10m lm 11 100c 500c hl
manganum muriaticum 1m hl
manganum nitricum 15c hl
manganum oxydat. nigrum 1m 100c 500c hl
manganum phosphorica 1m hl
manganum silicea 200c oth
manganum sulphuricum 1m 100c 500c hl
mangifera indica 1m lm 13 oth
mantis religiosa 1m lm 5 oth
marble 10m lm 4 oth
mater margaritae 30c hl
medusa 10m lm 16 100c 500c hl
melilotus alba 50m lm 3 100c 500c hl
melilotus officinalis 50m lm 5 100c 500c hl
mentha piperita 1m oth
mentha pulegium 1m 100c 500c hl
mentha viridus 1m oth
mentholum 1m oth
menyanthes trifoliata 10m lm 1 oth
mephitis 1m lm 12 100c 500c hl
merc precipitus ruber 1m oth
mercurialis perennis 1m oth
mercurius aceticus 15c hl
mercurius aurum 30c oth
mercurius bromatum 1m oth
mercurius corrosivus 1m lm 7 100c 500c hl
mercurius cyanatus 1m lm 6 100c 500c hl
mercurius dulcis 1m lm 2 100c 500c hl
mercurius et kali iodatus 1m lm 2 hl
mercurius iod flavus 10m lm 7 hl
mercurius iod ruber 10m lm 2 100c 500c hl
mercurius nitricus 1m 1m oth
mercurius precipitatus albus 10m lm 1 hl
mercurius sulphocyanatus 1m 100c 500c hl
mercurius sulphuricus 1m lm 6 100c 500c hl
mercurius vivus cm lm 45 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m hl
mezereum 50m lm 15 100c 500c hl
microcystic aeruginosa 30c hl
microwave 30c oth
millefolium 10m lm 6 hl
mimulus guttatus 1m oth
mobile phone (nuala eising) 1m oth
moldavitum 30c hl
molothrus ater 1m hl
molybdenum 1m lm 12 hl
molybdenum muriaticum 15c hl
molybdenum phosphoratum 15c hl
molybdenum sulphura 200c 6c oth
monosodium glutamate 12c 200c oth
morchella esculente 15c 15c hl
moschus 50m lm 70 oth
mourning dove 1m lm 5 500c hl
mrsa 1m 100c 500c hl
mucor racemosa 200c oth
murex 10m lm 6 oth
muriaticum acidum 10m lm 16 100c 500c hl
mus tormentosus 1m lm 10 hl
musca domestica 1m lm 2 3m hl
mygale lasiodora 10m lm 9 oth
myrica cerifica 1m lm 5 100c 500c hl
myristica sebifera 1m lm 1 100c 500c hl
myrtus communis 1m oth
nabalus serpentaria 50m lm 1 oth
naja annulifera 1m 100c hl
naja haje haje 1m hl
naja melanoleuca 1m 100c hl
naja mossambica 1m 100c hl
naja nivea 1m 100c hl
naja tripudia cm lm 23 50c 60c 15m 20m oth
naphthalinum 10m lm 3 oth
narcissus 6c 30c 1m oth
natrum aceticum 15c hl
natrum arsenicicum 50m lm 18 100c 500c hl
natrum bromatum 1m lm 2 100c 500c hl
natrum cacodylate 200c 12c oth
natrum carbonicum 10m lm 23 31c 32c 33c 34c 35c 36c 37c 38c 39c 40c 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m hl
natrum causticum 1m lm 6 hl
natrum choleinicum 6c oth
natrum fluoratum 1m lm 4 hl
natrum hypochlorosum 1m oth
natrum iodatum 10m lm 4 50c hl
natrum lacticum 1m lm 5 oth
natrum muriaticum cm lm 52 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m 20m 26m 30m hl
natrum nitricum 1m lm 5 100c 500c hl
natrum oxalicum 30c oth
natrum oxydatum 1m 100c 500c oth
natrum phosphoricum 10m lm 30 100c 500c hl
natrum salicylum 1m 100c 500c hl
natrum silicatum 10m lm 18 oth
natrum sulphuratum 1m lm 42 100c 500c 1m 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m hl
natrum sulphuricum 50m lm 42 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m hl
nauchelli nymphacae 1m hl
nautilus 10m oth
neodymium iodatum 1m 500c hl
neodymium muriaticum 12c lm 3 oth
neodymium oxydatum 1m 100c 500c hl
neon 1m lm 3 oth
nepenthe 200c lm 1 100c 500c oth
nepeta cataria 1m oth
nephrolepsis exaltata 6c hl
new forest eye 30c oth
niccolum arsenatum 1m 100c 500c hl
niccolum bromatum 15c hl
niccolum causticum 1m 100c 500c hl
niccolum fluoratum 15c hl
niccolum iodatum 15c hl
niccolum metallicum 10m lm 30 100c 500c hl
niccolum muriaticum 1m 100c 500c hl
niccolum nitricum 15c hl
niccolum phosphoricum 1m 100c 500c hl
niccolum silicatum 30c oth
niccolum sulphuricum 1m lm 6 100c hl
nicotiana rustica 1m oth
nidus edulis 1m oth
night light 6c hl
nilumbo nucifera 1m lm 4 hl
niobium metallicum 10m lm 7 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m hl
niobium muriaticum 1m 100c 500c hl
niobium nitricatum 1m lm 1 100c 500c hl
niobium oxydatum 1m 100c 500c hl
nitri spiritus dulcis 1m oth
nitricum acidum cm lm 59 60c 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m hl
nitrogen 1m oth
nitrogenum oxygenatum 10m lm 3 hl
nuphar luteum 1m lm 8 100c 500c hl
nux moschata 20m lm 30 100c 500c 2m 3m 5m 11m 12m 14m 16m 18m hl
nux vomica cm lm 31 100c 500c 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m 11m 20m 30m 40m hl
nymphaea odor. 30c hl
ocimum canum 1m oth
ocimum sanctum 10m oth
octopus vulgaris 200c lm 3 30c oth
oenanthe crocata 1m lm 4 100c 500c hl
okoubaka aubr 1m oth
olea europaea (syrian) 1m 30c oth
oleander 10m lm 16 100c 500c hl
oleum animale 10m oth
oleum chaulmoogra 1m 100c 500c hl
oleum jecoris aselli 10m lm 8 5m hl
oleum lavandi 1m hl
oleum santali 1m oth
oleum succini 30c oth
olive rhodes 1m 30c oth
oncorrhynchus t. 1m lm 6 hl
oniscus asellus 200c oth
onosmodium virginianum 10m lm 4 hl
onychotheutis ban. 10m oth
opuntia vulgaris 10m lm 2 hl
orange (color) 30c oth
organic peanut 1m lm 1 hl
origanum majorana 60m lm 4 100c 500c 53m 55m hl
origanum vulgare 1m oth
ornithogalum umbellatum 10m lm 12 oth
osmium 10m lm 1 100c 500c hl
ova ansera 10m 2m 3m 5m hl
ova tosta 1m oth
ovi gallina pellicula 1m hl
ovum chelydra serpentina 1m lm 2 100c 500c hl
oxalicum acidum 10m lm 8 100c 500c hl
oxalis acetosella 1m oth
oxydendron arboreum 200c oth
oxygenium 10m oth
ozone cm lm 12 oth
pacific madrone 30c lm 5 hl
paeonia officinalis 1m 100c 500c hl
pagurus bern 200c 30c oth
palladium metallicum 10m lm 28 100c 500c hl
palladium muriaticum 1m hl
palladium oxide 1m hl
panthera onca (spotted) 1m lm 2 100c 500c hl
paracress 30c hl
paraffinum 1m oth
paraphenyldiaminum 30c oth
pareira brava 1m lm 1 100c 500c hl
paris quadrifolia 10m lm 13 100c 500c hl
passer domesticus 200c oth
passer montanus 1m hl
passiflora 1m oth
pastinaca 10m hl
pavo 1m hl
pearl 30c lm 1 oth
pectens jacobaeus 10m oth
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
Source for the above remedies...
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
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