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Posts about Vulvodynia



The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Vulvodynia &constant PAIN

Hi I am a 38 year old female suffering from Vulvodynia for 2 years (non stop). I have genitla Herpes also. I suffer from PAIN all the time it is exasperated upon sitting and tight clothing. Unsure if it is neuralgia . Doctors say no I think yes I have tried numerous conventional medicines (lyrica neurontin valtrex) which have not worked .Sexual intorcourse is possible but it hurts afterwards....actually it adds to the pain thats constant I also have burning after urination. I was overseas and went to a Homeopathic doctor who prescribed me Sepia for 4 weeks doses were 10 m 3 days 12x for 20 while I experienced some relief from the burning with urination the pain and buring is still there ? Is anyone experiencing this too?
  sadpussy on 2008-09-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Better yet does anyone know what would help ?
sadpussy last decade
you better to use MUREX 30 for 1 week twice a day morning 2 pills and night 2 pills. then observe for 15 days for it s action.
ramanasudhakar last decade

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