The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Need treatment for spasticity for my sons
Hi, I have 2 sons who have Pelizaeus-Merzbacher Disease, a neuromuscular condition which effects the appropriate amount of myelin sheath in their bodies.High tone is getting worse in my eldest son who is seven. He has high tone in his legs, tremors,no balance, low trunk tone, and scissors when he walks with his walker which is becoming more difficult. He presently has been taking Tizanadine to help with the spasticity? Are their any homeopathic alternatives to help my boys instead of taking medication???
trisha on 2008-09-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
yes, there are many remedies for this condition. what you need to tell us,
- individual personalities of the children.
- their likes and dislikes in food, weathers, fears and dreams..
- describe the particular irregularity in their condition, like,
* exact movements of hands,
* exact movement of legs
* tremors felt,
* description of pains felt in the limbs.
* whether the urination and bowel movements are normal or involuntary.
* describe position of heels and toes while he tries to walk.
* can he walk without the walker, please describe.
* is there any peculiarity about the walk, movement of legs, movement of hands, movement of face etc.
- individual personalities of the children.
- their likes and dislikes in food, weathers, fears and dreams..
- describe the particular irregularity in their condition, like,
* exact movements of hands,
* exact movement of legs
* tremors felt,
* description of pains felt in the limbs.
* whether the urination and bowel movements are normal or involuntary.
* describe position of heels and toes while he tries to walk.
* can he walk without the walker, please describe.
* is there any peculiarity about the walk, movement of legs, movement of hands, movement of face etc.
♡ rishimba last decade
Both of your child need causticum200c weekly single dose along with calc phos 6x 4tab twice daily for 1month.
Zahid)2 last decade
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