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ABC Homeopathy Forum




Arnica Montana:


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

can arnica montana cause schizophrenia ?


can the usage of arnica montana cause the illness of schizophrenia?

ARE any remedies availbale for this illness in homeopathy?

Plz suggest any medication in homeopathy for its treatment.

  kimlee on 2008-10-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Arnica can not cause Schizophrenia. Homeopathy can cure but it needs personal attention and follow up. Suggest you approach a good homeopath for it. There are limitations for forums to handle such cases. Good luck.
srisri last decade
thx srisri for ur reply.

but can homeopathy cure it and how long the traetment shoul dbe for this .

hoping u reply again
kimlee last decade
Kimlee: As I said Homeopathy can definitely help. Duration depends on how the patient responds and the deep seated nature of the illness.

Due to the very nature of the illness, it is difficult to treat Schizophrenia over forums like this but there are prescribers attempting to do that. You can try your luck as well.
srisri last decade
thx again 4 ur help . may be its not schizophrenia nd its other depression .
kimlee last decade
Kimlee: You can post the symptoms and see the response.
srisri last decade
llopathy medication r working gr8 .

just want how will homeopathy cure it along with the allopathy medicatiopn.

thjx and waiting 4 ur reply.
kimlee last decade
oh sorry message did not post correctly.

Syptoms include hallucinations and hearing voices with patients knowing that these r not real.

Plus with other depression syptoms.

thx again
kimlee last decade
sorry message could not be posted .

In short its depression with hallucination syptoms.

thx again.
kimlee last decade
hello any remedy for psychotic depression plz?

its neen almost 6 month son allopathic medication.

thx in advance
kimlee last decade

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