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Help me please!!!!!!! Page 3 of 4

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Okay now wait and watch for only 2 more days without repeating the remedy.

Report back on the 3rd day including the sexual symptoms as well.
raphaeloliveira last decade
dear raphaeloliveira im sorry im reporting you back late due to some circumstances.

I have not repeated natrum muriaticum.
The incontrollable urine drops have reduced to 50%.
My mode keeps swinging betwenn dull and good.
Sexual symptoms are as before.
Feeling urine sensation when thinking of sex. But it has also reduced.
please suggest me further.
babar_80 last decade
Now go to the store and try to find a bottle of spring water that is smaller than 500ml. Let me know what size you can find.

Then pour out only 1/4 of the water, so a small part will remain empty. Drop 2 pellets of Natrum Muriaticum 30C in it, and let it dissolve for at least half hour.

You will take doses from this bottle and the amount each time will be the cap of the bottle almost full which will be equivalent to 5ml or 1 teaspoon. Make sure that you don't touch the cap with your mouth or tongue.

What's most important is that every time just before you're going to take a dose, you must succussion the bottle, which means you will hit the bottom of the bottle firmly a certain number of times producing a controlled shaking.

For now take a daily dose for only 3 days from the stock bottle and succussion 8 times before each dose. Then report back.

Always store your bottle in a dark place away from food or any products that has strong smell. Do not add more pellets after each dose.
raphaeloliveira last decade
dear raphaeloliveira i went to store today. i found natrum in shape of globules.
but i coult not find spring water. Can i use simple purified water or boiled water?
babar_80 last decade
You could use the same Natrum that you already had. Was it in liquid? In case yes, that you can put 2 drops.

It's okay to use boiled water, but what matters is that you need a bottle with a proper size. If it's a glass bottle of around 250ml it's even better. Let me know what you can find.
raphaeloliveira last decade
yes i have botthle of 200ml.
Today i've purchase natrum in globules form.
I also have drops in liquid form.
Tomorrow i will return the tablets to store and use liquid which i already have.
Am i supposed to mix only two drops in 200ml water.
I plan to use disposable pepsi or coke bottle after washing it.
And one dose is equal to one cap full of water.
And im supposed to hit this bottle on my palm 8 times before taking the dose?
Is this how i should do it all.
babar_80 last decade
Yes, you got the procedure right.

There's only one thing that is very important though. The bottle can't be a pepsi or coke bottle, it must be a clean bottle that has never used before or had contact with food or soda and also preferably one that has not been washed with soap and a sponge before. Even if you boil a pepsi or coke bottle, you'll still be able to feel a light smell of the drink and this won't work.

What you should do is try to find any new bottle and then rinse it with only hot water and let it dry naturally. Then you do the whole procedure.

It's important that you learn now how to make all this, because you may need to use this method other times with different potencies.
raphaeloliveira last decade
dear raphaeloliveira i have take three doses of natrum+water solutin.
I haven't felt any further improvements in my symptoms since last i updated you about my symtoms
please suggest me further.
babar_80 last decade
Please suspend the remedy for now and answer these questions:

1 - If I ask you to buy a different potency from a specific pharmacy online, would you be able to do so?

2 - Can you get exactly a 250ml clear bottle like one of in the picture attached below?

3 - Do you have vodka at home or are able to buy in your country?

4 - Would you be able to find a pack of disposable plastic cups at the store?

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raphaeloliveira last decade
i can arrange bottles.
And i will also manage vodka somehow. vodka is a from of alcohol right? But im sorry to say that i don't know any other pharmacy online who can send medicine in pakistan.
I will go to the store and ask the person wether he can help me buying outside pakistan.
I also dont have facility of credit card.
Are you susceptive about the quality of local remedies which im buying here in pakistan? i think they are of the poor quality. I purchased (schwabe) the top brand available here in pakistan.
babar_80 last decade
dear raphaeloliveira i hope you are fine.
Are you busy somewhere?

Im waiting for your kind attention and time.
babar_80 last decade
I'm sorry, I really didn't see your last message.

Okay try to arrange the 250ml bottles and the vodka which will be used as a preservative due to its alcoholic content.

Regarding the remedies that you were taking, they're fine because they were basic potencies. But this next potency that I'll indicate requires a high quality made medicine and also it's a potency that's more difficult to find and need to be ordered per request.

The indication is Natrum Muriaticum LM2.

I need you to try to ask someone to buy it for you from this link:


The form should be: LM granules Practitioners Only
The size: 2g LM-Granules
The potency: LM2

If you can't get anyone to buy it online for you, then please provide an e-mail so I can get your home address and orders it for you and ask them to ship to your place.

How's your symptoms so far?
raphaeloliveira last decade
dear raphaeloliveira sir im very thankfull to you, for what you have done for me till now. I was disappointed from homeopathy and other medicine, nothing was working for me. But after your kind attention and help i have improved a lot, but the roots are still there. And i hope i will get rid of it soon with your help and price less knowledge you have. Im really gratefull.
Todya i went to store and asked for LM2 potency in granules form. I live in a small mid size city. The store guy asked me to look for these medicine in lahore a really big city. If i find it from there can i buy it?
These days in pakistan there are Eid festival holidays. After 3 or 4 days i will go to lahore and look for Natrum muriaticum LM2 from there. And if i dont find it there then i will request you to send it for me. And i will send the expenses in your bank account if you don't mind and if you have time for that.
Thanks again.
babar_80 last decade
You probably won't be able to find it even in that big city because the stores most of the times don't carry this kind of potency in stock and it's harder to find it. I live in a big city and even here I need to make special order for LM potencies.

Please, edit your personal message where you wrote 'Homeopathic fan' and replace it with your name and complete address. Leave that information for only 1 day, then after that you can delete it. I'll order it and ask them to ship to you and you don't need to worry about the expenses.

The root will be removed, that's what we'll be working on.
raphaeloliveira last decade
Dear raphaeloliveira i don't find the words to thank you.
This is my E-mail address. Please send me your e-mail address on this address and i will send you my complete address.
babar_80 last decade
The forum doesnt allow address.
i hope you understand
babar_80 last decade
Oh sorry a little mistake.
babar_80 last decade
dear raphaeloliveira i hoope you are fine.
Just wanted to let you know that from last two days im feeling that urine drops have started again.
The only bettement was on the urine sid.
I haven't experienced full erections since a month or more. When there are erections i feel little pain, like something pains like swallowing pain. The pain is very little and it starts form head and feels in the urine pipe and goes somewhere inside.
Feeling really low on the sexual side.
sexual organs specially peni remains shrinked.

Erections are also not good.
please suggest further
babar_80 last decade
I've ordered your remedies already, please wait until you receive it. You should get it within a week.

Meanwhile arrange those items that I asked you, specially the 250ml bottle, which will be very important for the next step.
raphaeloliveira last decade
Daer raphaeloliveira i hope you are fine.
Today i have recieved the remedies.
They are lm2 and lm3.
please let me know what should i do further?
babar_80 last decade
Read these instructions very carefully step by step you must do everything right here. If you have any questions, ask me before you start doing it.

Preparing your medicinal solution bottle

1- Grab your new clean 250ml bottle and pour in 1 oz / 30ml of vodka.

2- Pour in 5 oz / 150ml of fresh spring water. If you don't have spring water, then you can use filtered or previously boiled water.

3- Put 1 single granule of Natrum Muriaticum LM2. Use the tiny cap to catch the granule, do not touch with your finger. DO NOT put more than 1 granule.

[About 2 oz / 60ml of the bottle will remain empty]

4- Store your bottle in a dark place away from anything that has strong smell and electronic appliances. Be careful when you carry the bottle around, to not produce any undesirable shaking.

Taking a dose of LM potency

1- Grab a new disposable plastic cup and pour in 6 oz / 180ml of water. This is called the dilution glass.

2- Succuss by hitting the bottom of your medicinal solution bottle ONLY 1 time against your thigh or the palm of your hand. This will produce a controlled shaking.

3- Take 1/2 (half) teaspoon from the medicinal solution bottle and place it into the dilution glass.

4- Stir gentle.

5- Take 1/2 (half) teaspoon from the dilution glass as a dose. Place the water under your tongue before you swallow it.


- Rinse your teaspoon immediately after a dose. Reserve it only for this purpose.
- Discard and throw away the water left in the dilution glass.
- Use new plastic cups for next doses.
- If you don't have disposable plastic cups, you can use a clean glass previously boiled in water.
- When you succuss the bottle, it doesn't has to be too hard or strong. Only firm enough to produce a shaking and you should be able to see bubbles forming on the water.

Please report back the next day. Do not repeat the remedy, you'll only take doses on your own after I adjust the dosage based on your reactions.

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raphaeloliveira last decade
sir raphaeloliveira ive understand all the procedure.
I will do exactly as you have told me to do.

Am i supposed to take the dose immedieately i prepare the remedy. Or should i wait for a certain time after preparing it.

And thanks again for what you are doing for me. i cant describe in words. i dont find the words to express my self.
with best wishes and regards.
babar_80 last decade
After you prepare the bottle, wait for at least 1 hour before you take the first dose, just to make sure that the water + alcohol absorb the LM granule substance.

If you're using any utensil to measure the water and alcohol, make sure it's clean.
raphaeloliveira last decade
Dear sir raphaeloliveira i hope you are fine.
Im really sorry i could not feedback due to some just in time emergencies. I was out of city. last night i came back. I know you must be visiting the forum daily. Im sorry again.
Last night i prepared the bottle. And i took first dose today in the morning.

How much time should i wait to see the effects?
with best wishes and thanks
babar_80 last decade
You should see either an improvement or aggravation within 2 days, but more usually just 1 day or within a few hours.

In your case you can always report back after 1 day, so I can adjust your dose until I get it right.

Store your bottle because you'll use it to take all the following doses. Report back tomorrow then.
raphaeloliveira last decade
Let me first summarize what I just read:

Conium 1M , October 21
October 29 , Sulphur 30 , 2 doses , patient takes it on November 1 and 2
November 8, patient again told to repeat Sulphur 30, 2 doses
November 14, patient told to take 1M Sulphur
November 19, patient told to take Natrum Mur 30, 2 doses with moderate improvement (possibly a palliation)
November 27, patient told to take Natrum Mur, 3 doses ( no improvement)
December 24, patient takes LM2 Natrum Mur

I must point out that the above prescriptions seem to defy all laws of homeopathy. Firstly Conium was given with sparse indications without proper case analsysis and that too in a high potency like 1M.

Sulphur 30 was unecessarily repeated 4 times, where just 2 closely spaced doses given intially should have started the recovery if it was the indicated medicine. The disease never comes back the same after the body has responded to one potency, and unless you want to conduct provings, same potency in the C scale does not call for repetition. Then, giving Sulphur 1M was not needed, as it was clear that Sulphur was not the indicated remedy from the response to 30.

Natrum Mur was given with very little mental improvements, and was supposedly chosen as the one which will remove the 'roots' of the problem by going to the LM potency. Just for setting things straight, if you only partly 'think' a remedy is providing benefit, then it is rarely the correct choice for the current presentation. When the actual similium for your entire case is given, rather than remedies which may be simply poking around in other parts of your constitution (although with some beneficial effect), you will know about it, without any doubt. This may not be the case if we were choosing only a similar, but we are not, we are choosing the Similium, and I do not think many practitioners understand exactly how similar the similium is to the patients symptoms, as when it comes to anti-miasmatics, this is virtually an exact match, at every level.

So, my advise to the patient here would be, to be careful as the treatment is not progressing on sound homeopathic principles. And particularly with LMs, one should never play around with those unless the person prescribing has absolutely mastered the materia medica and using the centesimals, which almost certainly is far from being the case here. It makes me wonder, are some of the prescribers here using patients as 'guinea pigs' ?
classical_hom last decade

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