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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

silica for thyroid related hairloss?

Is silica the proper remedy for hairloss most likely due to thryoid hashimotos hypothryoidism? I have had continued hairloss since i was diagnosed 2 yrs ago and now my once very thick hair is considerably thinning, very thin at temples and front hairline, can even see through in some lights. It is so distressing to me. I was told to take 15 pills under tongue once/day (same time) and 2x/week to apply an arnica lotion to scalp 1/2 hour prior to bathing. Can you give me thoughts on this? I don't want to make it worse.
  sangale on 2004-12-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

In homoeopathy, the remedies are *NOT* decided based on the diagnosis , but they are carefully chosen considering the SYMPTOMS.
Dont take silica unless it matches ALL your symptoms.
It is NOT true that Silica helps hairloss due to Hashimoto's Syndrome.
magicure 2 decades ago
How do I know what the symptoms of silica deficiencies are? I have hashimotos to be sure, I am cold all time, dry skin, brittle nails, hairloss, anxious, among other things, but it is the hairloss that is really bothering me now. Do you think arnica 6c would be more recommended?
sangale 2 decades ago

You need to post ALL your symptoms so that we can suggest you a correct remedy. Are you on any treatment currently?
You require a "constitutional homoeopathic remedy" which is the remedy that fits your entire symptomatology.
You will have to post about your mental as well as physical symptoms in great details.
If you want I can post the questionnaire for you.

Take care...
magicure 2 decades ago
I am currently on 50 mg levythroxine which I just increased to 75mg because of my new lab results and symptoms. My symptoms are:
l) hair loss, hair thinning
2) brain fog
3) low body temp (always cold)
4) dry skin
5) dry eyes
6) brittle and ridged nails
7) anxiety

I am also taking MSM and Vit C, Biotin, both of which I just started recently, as well as silica. Since I started taking the above, it seems the hairloss has lessened a bit, but it is too early to tell, in that it has only been 2 days. Today I had about 25 hairs so far (it is now 2PM) that I found but it could have been more. This is moderate, because before I found the hairs all over my jackets etc. S.
sangale 2 decades ago
Looks like a Psoric case to me . Low silica will only , at best , alleviate. Needs constitutional treatment.
passkey 2 decades ago
What is psoric? What do you mean by constitutional treatment?
sangale 2 decades ago
Please tell us more about yourself, eg: what do you like to eat, aversions, sleeping patterns, menstruation, etc.
saltOftheEarth 2 decades ago
I eat fish and chicken, try to stay away from wheat products, and sugar, although sometimes deviate. Sleep irregular, sometimes good, most times get up during night to urinate, am mid 50s, menupausal. Used to have very thick hair, then about 8 yrs ago lost a chunk in front, which has not grown back. Could never figure out why, perhaps stress or beginnings of menopause. The rest of hair remained very thick until about 3 yrs ago I was losing hair and always cold and diagnosed sub clinical hashimotos. I tried resisting the thyroid meds, trying to lower antibodies, and tried selenium, and many things, but antibodies keep increasing. I finally went on 50mg of levythroxine about 7-8 months ago, and was ok for a while, but about 3 wks ago suddenly starting losing hair, anxious, dry skin, etc. Then last week I really noticed my hair thinning on temples and top and panicked. Went to homepath here (outside the US) who prescribed silica and arnica lotion (2x/week 20 minutes before bathing). I also increased my thyroid meds to 75mg/day. Does this help at all?? Does anyone know if hairloss related to thryoid will regrow once thryoid is stabilized??
sangale 2 decades ago
Hi Sangale,

I see you're taking synthetic thyroid hormone. This may be a bit of a problems. Many do better on natural thyroid hormone, such as armour thyroid. Do a search for perscription natural thyroid hormone. You also said you increased your meds. and feel anxious. It maybe that your dose is too high or that you need to split the dose into two. Take part in the a.m. and the other half at p.m. This could give your body a chance to assimilate the dosage. Also, thyroid hormones do impact the ovaries, they are part of the endocrine system, the brain, and other organs of this system.

The dry skin also sound like you are still undertreated for the thyroid. But, would consider trying natural hormone as mentioned above. And, it sounds as if you are more than subclinical hashimotos. Tests tend to lag behind symptoms and tests are the worst thing to be the determining facts of the severity of thyroid. I hope your doc. is looking carefully at your symptoms. Your sex hormones, estrogen, testosterone, progestrogen, etc. should be checked. Menopause is natural but impacted by thyroid problems. The thyroid may have caused your testosterone to be too high or another sex hormone to be off. You may have to check other health boards to find out levels typical for well being of women with the two problems of menopause and thyroid. Also check your iron levels. You'll hsve to do some quick homework to remedy this. Magnesium can be of help with the anxiety. Too much will cause diarrhea. I too have thyroid issues, that are on the mend. Reply back how you're doing if you can.
Hilife last decade
May be you need to change your shampoo, some shampoo can cause hair loss.
shina_help last decade
It is now june 05, and I seem to have controlled the thyroid with a combo of 100mcg of levythroxine and 5mcg of cytomel. My hairloss stopped actually, and it seems it was due to taking silicia, but I am still distressed about the lack of regrowth in particular the front center part that went missing about 8 yrs ago.
sangale last decade
Hi Sangale,

I'm happy for you with the progress. I have received a reply on hair loss that may be of help to you. I haven't tried this treatment just yet--currently working on 2 week after dose progess/improvement per Passkey's advice. You may want to consider the suggestion in the link below
Hilife last decade
I read this forum, thanks very much. I had heard about arnica previously and even bought it with intention of taking it and even giving to my son, who had acne. But my husband who doesn't believe at all in anything but traditional medicine, looked up arnica and said it was very toxic to the system and forebade me giving to me son, and I got scared and didn't take it as well. My hair loss seemed to stop upon taking silicia, even before my thyroid was controlled, but it is the regrowth that is still an issue. All of my hair is thick except the upper portion is missing the volume it once had and I am definitely still missing hair in the center front. There is no 'bald' spot per-se but thinning behind the front hairline. Since the rest of my hair is thick it is not 'that' noticeable but I notice it and am self conscious and have had to change my hair style to camoflage this. This I noticed upon onset of menopause.
sangale last decade

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