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Dog phobia - please help! 6


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Dog phobia

Can anyone recommend a remedy for my 6 yo. daughter? She is absolutely terrified of dogs. If one comes near her, she screams, cries, and if not picked up right away, will literally try to climb the nearest adult. She's this way even with the smallest puppy. As far as we know, she's never been bitten by one, or even growled at, but she's told me she's afraid they're going to bite her. The Remedy Finder recommends either stramonium, china officinalis, or causticum. Can anyone recommend one over another, based on the description I provided above? Thanks.
  jonesrk on 2004-12-31
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
This is just one symptom.You need atleast three prominent symptoms to work upon.

A symptom is anything which is a deviation from normal.

Try to find out as many deviations as you can,your child has,from a normal child.

Come back with all the symtoms.We shall be able to guide you with a proper remedy,only then.

Hoemeopathy is a science,as well as an art.Don't experiment with it,unless you know,what you are doing.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Well, I would imagine her heart rate speeds up quite a bit from the fear. She's also clingy - once I pick her up, she won't let me put her down unless she KNOWS the dog is locked up, and even then, she sticks close to me for awhile. That's about all I can come up with. It's her initial reaction that's the most prominent. Regardless how small and harmless the dog, she reacts as if it's a vicious attack dog charging her.
jonesrk 2 decades ago
Still a single symtom only.

Is she mild,active,overactive?

Does she weep at slight causes?

What about her likes and dislikes?

What makes her happy?

What makes her sad?

How does she mix among other childern?

Does she play well?

Is she an introvert?

Lot many things are to be observed,WHICH ARE DEVIATIONS from being NORMAL.

Her bowel habits,sweating pattern,also mater.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Sorry, I thought you meant symptoms related to the fear only.

She's somewhere between mild and active. She's most often content to play quietly by herself, but when she is active and playing with others, she is very active and loud.

She cries easily when chastised, especially when she knows she's in the wrong.

She likes music, dancing, princesses, and typical 'girly' things. Though not generally a fearful child (except for the dogs), she dislikes many scary things that other kids enjoy - scenes in movies, small roller coasters, etc.

Being at home with her family, snuggling with me or her dad.

Being separated from me.

Shy at first, but she usually gets along with them very well.

Yes, both with other kids and by herself.

Yes, somewhat.

She used to have chronic constipation, we think caused by a mild milk protein sensitivity. She still occasionally has problems if we don't keep on top of her fiber supplements. She's had frequent problems with wetting accidents that's only recently started to get better.

She doesn't sweat much. She's generally cool, and it takes a lot to get her heated enough to sweat.
jonesrk 2 decades ago
I forgot to add, though she can be shy at first, when she gets comfortable in her surroundings, she likes to show off or 'perform'. She was in a dance recital and the part she most enjoyed was being onstage in front of the large audience.
jonesrk 2 decades ago
It is an odd thing but peopele who fear dogs often have a tubercular heritage.
Is there any TB in the genetic background of you or your husband.
Does she have fine hair , long eyelashes and fine skin , any auburn or red hair , or in the family. Does she have a pixie face with a somewhat pointed chin.
passkey 2 decades ago
As far as I know there's no TB in our family. Her hair and skin are fine. She has a very slight hint of red in her dark blonde hair, especially when she's been in the sun, and her grandmother has red hair. No pixie face or pointed chin though.
jonesrk 2 decades ago
I would suggest . on the info you give ,that you get Tuberculinum 30 and give her a tablet once a week for three weeks and observe any change in the problem.
passkey 2 decades ago

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