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speech delay, delay milestones

Hello, im having some problems wiht my son he is 3 he have no spontaneous speech yet, he has hypotnonia and sit by 11 months, crawl by 15 and walk by 28 months, he have done things in his own time but he is 3 now and just a few vowels came last week, he is always improving, and does some sign language, but doesnt seem to understand 100% of things , but most of it. he doenst run yet or jump, and he is very shy too, one speech therapist might be worried that he mught have a autism(mild)because of speech and some beahaviours(spinning wheels sometimes,ignoring to his name but just with her), but i really dont think he is, what can i do to help, ive started going to the homepath and started him with 30c phos (3 times a week), i heard about carsinosin? is this safe?should i ask my homepath?
  MARIPI74 on 2008-11-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
nat mur 30 one dose daily for 7 days along with five phos 6x thrice daily for one month
akshaymohl last decade
Baryta carb will be the right choice for this case.
Zahid)2 last decade
if you can describe the nature of the child, his likes and dislikes, his habbits etc., the right remedy can be decided.

however, based on your post it seems that baryta carb would be better as he is very shy in nature.
rishimba last decade
Hello, he likes crunchy food, nomally cold, or yougrt like things , ice cream, and finger foods,he in normally very happy but when he is mad he can be very upset, but its easy to make him happy again with distractions, he likes going out a lot, sand pit, playground,ballpit, he if fine with children as long as there are not many, or he knows them, and need reasurrance he will go ff but turn around and wave to be sure we are there, he sleeps very well 7 to 7 3o am and waits till we get him, very contected most of the time, and lately he seems to be into everuthing, he is prone to colds, and lately very chesty, and lovely with us really,just the speech and very shy when a los of people is around.
MARIPI74 last decade
habits: lie down in floor to see cars or train wheels ,love videos,and painting (real paint)

dilikes> crowded places, specially babys ir children crying as he get upset when he see other children crying, he is better now, but worries a lot,normal food as pasta, rice, nuggets..he wont touch just sandwich like, and any desserte, loves bananas..and good with pear melon, apple . only drink water, doesnt like juices or fizzy and dont like candies...love chocolate though..and very into the cat and dog lately.
MARIPI74 last decade
My son is 5 year old, does not speak. Meet his all milestone on time. He is hyperactive child very found of pickle. He like pomegranate, grapes, Apple and all green vegetables.
Roohi1 7 years ago
Memory is good. Follow directions and commands. Has cute and smiling face. He is tall fair child .
Roohi1 7 years ago

Write more details about your son.

Any bettering worsening factor for his complaints? Temperature/climate preferences? His fears, about his nature and about other complaints?
maheeru 7 years ago

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