The ABC Homeopathy Forum
different effects of the same remedy
Dear dr.B.,I have recently covered the homeopathy elementary course,wich was very useful to understand a bitt more about homeopathy.Yet,i'm still very beginner,so i have some questions wich i would like to clarify.
First, as i understood, a remedy is chosen based on the similar symtoms as the ailments that is intended to cure.But every remedy has effects on many levels.So i wonder,if,for example,i've been prescribed Byronia for migraine, and i know that Byronia is also used a lot for rheumatical pains,wich i don't have, is possible that using Byronia i will cure my migraines,but i will get some rheumatic symptoms?
And my second question is about the "imponderabilia".How is realy possible to use moon or sun energy as a bottled remedy?
Thank you for your kindness,
laura_g on 2005-01-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
If you have Bry symptoms,you will be relieved of them.You won't get rhematic pains,as you won't be using the medicine to the extant that you 'prove' the medicine.
When a medicine is initially 'proved' the experimenters are subjected to repeated doses of the medicine,until they start proving.Then,their symtoms are recorded.
All provers won't give the same set of symtoms.Materia medica is a colllection of aggregate symptoms,from all the provers.
Out of a batch of say 100 provers,may be 30 may get rhematic symptoms,and others may not get it.
But,if the symptoms as mentioned in MM are present in you,the medicine is capable of curing you.
When a medicine is initially 'proved' the experimenters are subjected to repeated doses of the medicine,until they start proving.Then,their symtoms are recorded.
All provers won't give the same set of symtoms.Materia medica is a colllection of aggregate symptoms,from all the provers.
Out of a batch of say 100 provers,may be 30 may get rhematic symptoms,and others may not get it.
But,if the symptoms as mentioned in MM are present in you,the medicine is capable of curing you.
bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
question 2,- Homeopatthy is an energy nased medicine [ all potencies over Avogadro's number [12c] cannot possibly have a single molecule of the original substance . All that there is in the remedy is an "energy imprint" .
Any form of energy can be used to produce a remedy . If you refer to H.C.Allen's Materia Medica of Nosodes , you will find details of many energy type remedies , such as Magnetism, Electricity and X Ray.
The remedies are produced by passing the appropriate energy form through a flask of alcohol and proceeding from there as with any other remedy.
Any form of energy can be used to produce a remedy . If you refer to H.C.Allen's Materia Medica of Nosodes , you will find details of many energy type remedies , such as Magnetism, Electricity and X Ray.
The remedies are produced by passing the appropriate energy form through a flask of alcohol and proceeding from there as with any other remedy.
passkey 2 decades ago
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