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Posts about Acne, Hairloss

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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

acne and hairloss 21 yr old male

I write for my son in that he wont write on his own. He has acne on forehead and back and has been taking propecia for aat least 2 yrs for hairloss. he still has all hair but it has gotten thinner, and sometimes looks weak in front. he feels propecia has helped. He was on bactrim antibiotic for a long time also and I convinced him a few months ago to get off bactrim, which he did but his acne returned. I have been reading the posts and see about arnica but wonder if it conflicts with propecia?? He leaves for school shortly so I want to start him on something that could help and make him more self confident.
  sangale on 2005-01-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
read "Sugar Blues". Skin disorders and hair loss are deeply linked to eating habits. The author could relate.
Still, for homeopathy's sake:
Is your son an extrovert? Does he care a lot what others think about him? Is he a people-pleaser? Signs of repressed anger? Little bodily hair? Craves sweets or salts? Craves cold drinks more or hot drinks? Is he sweet, mellow?
Discribe his personality. Only then the medication can be accurate. Homeopathy treats the individual as a whole.
Best regards.
caroandujar 2 decades ago
He is not an extrovert, but has many friends. He does very much care what others think about him. He is quick to anger around us (parents) but not so much with his friends. His body hair is normal, not excessive. He doesnt seem to crave sweets, he doesnt always eat desserts but sometimes asks for chocolates. He does take more cold than hot drinks. He can be very sweet, but shows anger quickly as well.
sangale 2 decades ago

Is your son living in Silicon Valley area, I know a lady who can help everyone grows new hairs within 1 -2 weeks no matter how old they are or what gender they are.

help_you 2 decades ago
I believe that your son's loss of hair is due to the long course of Bactrim that he has been taking for his acne. I really cannot understand how physicians can possibly prescribe this powerful drug for a simple case of acne !

I have successfully treated many cases of Acne with Arnica 30c. Dose 2 balls taken under the tongue thrice daily for the first week. Arnica is also successfully used to stop the loss of hair and he can continue with a reduced dose of twice daily for about a month and you can report results. His acne should disappear within a week but if it does not please report.

Use Johnson's Baby Shampoo on his hair as it is very mild and will not cause hair loss as some shampoos do.

No coffee and Cola drinks during
treatment. It is also presumed that no other drugs are used for his acne.
Joe De Livera 2 decades ago
Hello doctor I am 22 year old male and I am suffering from acne for last one year.I'd used doxycycline,azithramycin,accutane,amoxilin.and I also used homeopathic sulphur of 30 potency.but it helped me little bit.My acne disappeared for 3-4 months.but now they are again worsening my face.and my face became full of acne and red patches. And due to taking lot of antibiotics and accutane I also start loosing my hair.and I've become partially bald.so doctor please help me and suggest any medicine which help in acne and red patches.please help me
rahul48 last decade

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