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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

hair loss from scalp and eyebrows

Hi , im 25 yrs old , suffering from hair loss from an age of 18 . i have dandruff related problems including itching . Along with dandruff flakes ,i sometimes, encounter tiny crystaline masses in my scalp , while scratching.
From the past 6 months im also suffering from hair loss from my EYEBROWS .

My skin is partially dry ,especially my scalp and forehead .

Pl send me advices and remedies to my problem
  koustav sen on 2008-11-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
pl have one dose sulphur 30 every morning empty stomach for three days then graphites 200 one dose weekly for one month report
akshaymohl last decade
Dear Mr.Akshaymohl,

Thanks for your post here.
I have purchased SULPHAR 30 and GRAPHITE 200 with the advice from a local homeopathic doctor. But instead he gave me a course of the above medicenes for a duration of 15 days.
Morning : sulphar 30(one dose)
evening : graphite 200(one dose)

He also gave me an additional course of KALI SULPH...(im not sure of the name of this medicine). which i might have to take twice a day (one dose in morning , and one dose in afternoon before meal)

I have'nt started consuming the medicines yet...
Do you think i should proceed with this course ???
Please let me know about it
... thanks in advance

Koustav sen
koustav sen last decade
you should do yur thyroid levels and meanwhile you can take Calc Sulp 6x 4 pills thrice a day

Dr Samir Chaukkar MD(Hom)
drsamirac last decade
I'm from Dehradun suffering from the problem of hair loss since last five years. In the initial stage I'have taken the english medicine which harm me a lot(hair loss from whole part of the body)upto 90%. After that I have taken homoepathy medicine which recover my problem upto 75%. Now my doctor is gone out of India & still i have a problem of eyebrow and beard loss (mainly moustache). So plz suggest me effective medicine for this problem.
panku888 last decade

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