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Hair Loss



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Hair loss and splitting finger nails

Hi...I'm a 42 year old women and I have been experiencing hair loss every since I had my third baby four years ago. My hair loss in pretty much all over, but worse in the back and my scalp shows.My hair is dry and brittle and falls out easily. Before my prenacy I had thick hair. I had complications with the pregnacy (premature labor)which lead me to bedrest for 4 months and after I delivered I was hopitalized with excessive blood loss and high fever. My hands and feet are contantly cold and my fingernails have fidges, are blueish in color. I eat healty, take vitamins B,C,D,mag., omega 3's, amoung others and excerise 4 times a week. I also experience headaches around the time of my period along with anxiety. When I took the test here the number one remedy was Calarea Carbonica, and following was lycopodium,sepia and fluric acid. I've read that silicea and sulfur are also good for this condition. I'm not quite sure how to take these remedies ie...dosing and times per day and what can be taken together. I'd appreciate any suggestions that you can offer. Thank you.
  mickiboots on 2008-12-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
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faisal qureshi last decade
What dose and how many times a day...Thank You.
mickiboots last decade

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