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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Acne scar treatments while on accutane

Are there any medicines for depressed acne scars (pits, ice pick type scars) while on accutane.

Accutane (isotretinoin) is an allopaty medicne used for severe acne and mainly shrinks the oil glands in the face to control the acne.

Just wondering if any homeopathy medicine can help with the old acne scars without having a side effect with accutane which controls the existing acne...

  unluckyguy on 2005-01-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Schussler's Bio Chemic salts called KALI MUR-6X plus KALI SULPH-3X. 4 tablets of Kali Mur-6X and 8 tablets of Kali Sulph-3X (as one dose), taken together daily three-four times will help clear the Acne problem, though very gradually.

What is acne and other modalities can be found in the following link ;


Correct your diet, hygenie and attitude as well.

keep smiling ... HA21
HA21 2 decades ago
Applying allopathic remedies to the skin are driving a problem that the body is trying to vent on the surface , back inside . To say the least not advisable , at the worst nasty chronic problems. Take the asvice offered by HA21
passkey 2 decades ago
What about acne scars.
Will the medicines suggested by HA21 work for them also.

Or is there a different medicine for the depressed. Some scars are years old
unluckyguy 2 decades ago
not until you have finished all other homeopathic remedies - but then some Fluor Acid 6x am & pm for a couple of weeks may help
passkey 2 decades ago
Thanks passkey and HA21 for the responses.

The acne itself is not active anymore. It is the old acne pits that are the problem.

I was hoping for some medicines that may help with those type of scars.
The previous posts are a little bit confusing, are the medicines suggested meant for active acne or scars from old acne, scars are what are bothering me now.

Thanks a lot...
unluckyguy 2 decades ago
Fluoric Acid helps with scarring
passkey 2 decades ago
Hi all,
I am 25 years old male, Acne started in my life at the age of 15 and Now i am taking homeopathic medicenes for the past three months and now it has been reduced and but still it comes now and then, the horrible thing is the ols acne scars, is there any way to get rid off it.
I heard form someone that acne pitting cant be treated, but i have some other scars too..
1. small wrinkles
2. the skin on the cheek is uneven(where the acne had come before and i hadnt priked that, but still i can see small but many bumps on the skin)
let me tell symptoms
1. Acne scars on cheeks -
-small wrinkles
-brownish scars like how a cured wound on knees would look
-small bumps on the cheeks(puzz or the skin is not absorbed inside)

4.. my face looks horrible in mirror if the lights are focused from the sides of the cheek.( i can see only the uneven skin)

5. i feel better in dim lighted room ( when lights are focused straight on my face) as the uneven skin is concealed.

6.sleep straight with back fully touching the bed?

7. sensitive to comments on looks.

8. fruatration

9.. fruits make me feel better
and i hate oily foods

11. i have done chemical peeling once - the for a few weeks my face appeared brighter

12..i am taking homeopathy medicines to stop further acne

13. cold hands

All i want to know is-- can this uneven skin(bumps and one year old pus) be absorbed in and wrinkles be reduced and brownish wound like scars be corrected with homeopathic medicines.
vncnt_fernando 2 decades ago
Hi all,
I am 25 years old male, Acne started in my life at the age of 15 and Now i am taking homeopathic medicenes for the past three months and now it has been reduced and but still it comes now and then, the horrible thing is the ols acne scars, is there any way to get rid off it.
I heard form someone that acne pitting cant be treated, but i have some other scars too..
1. small wrinkles
2. the skin on the cheek is uneven(where the acne had come before and i hadnt priked that, but still i can see small but many bumps on the skin)
let me tell symptoms
1. Acne scars on cheeks -
-small wrinkles
-brownish scars like how a cured wound on knees would look
-small bumps on the cheeks(puzz or the skin is not absorbed inside)

4.. my face looks horrible in mirror if the lights are focused from the sides of the cheek.( i can see only the uneven skin)

5. i feel better in dim lighted room ( when lights are focused straight on my face) as the uneven skin is concealed.

6.sleep straight with back fully touching the bed?

7. sensitive to comments on looks.

8. fruatration

9.. fruits make me feel better
and i hate oily foods

11. i have done chemical peeling once - the for a few weeks my face appeared brighter

12..i am taking homeopathy medicines to stop further acne

13. cold hands

All i want to know is-- can this uneven skin(bumps and one year old pus) be absorbed in and wrinkles be reduced and brownish wound like scars be corrected with homeopathic medicines.
vncnt_fernando 2 decades ago
Hi all,
I am 25 years old male, Acne started in my life at the age of 15 and Now i am taking homeopathic medicenes for the past three months and now it has been reduced and but still it comes now and then, the horrible thing is the ols acne scars, is there any way to get rid off it.
I heard form someone that acne pitting cant be treated, but i have some other scars too..
1. small wrinkles
2. the skin on the cheek is uneven(where the acne had come before and i hadnt priked that, but still i can see small but many bumps on the skin)
let me tell symptoms
1. Acne scars on cheeks -
-small wrinkles
-brownish scars like how a cured wound on knees would look
-small bumps on the cheeks(puzz or the skin is not absorbed inside)

4.. my face looks horrible in mirror if the lights are focused from the sides of the cheek.( i can see only the uneven skin)

5. i feel better in dim lighted room ( when lights are focused straight on my face) as the uneven skin is concealed.

6.sleep straight with back fully touching the bed?

7. sensitive to comments on looks.

8. fruatration

9.. fruits make me feel better
and i hate oily foods

11. i have done chemical peeling once - the for a few weeks my face appeared brighter

12..i am taking homeopathy medicines to stop further acne

13. cold hands

All i want to know is-- can this uneven skin(bumps and one year old pus) be absorbed in and wrinkles be reduced and brownish wound like scars be corrected with homeopathic medicines.
vncnt_fernando 2 decades ago
For absorbtion use Hepar Sul 10m single dose and wait.

Glad the Fluor Acid is helping /

Is there any cancer in your family background?.
passkey 2 decades ago
thanks passkey.
Actually none has cancer in my family

And I have got many raised scars and some depressed scars (which are very wide and looks like healed wounds)
and some ice picked pittings.

Can this be treated with Hepar Sul 10m
and what about Fluor Acid-do i need to apply externally or internally, if internally what potency please?

vncnt_fernando 2 decades ago
If yoou look at the start of this post the answer to your question is there - but only internally.
passkey 2 decades ago
I tried Silica for Acne and boil scars but it was of little help. I changed the brandname and it was of some but little help. One day I beat up the quartz (A piece of Clear rock) and mixed it with water. (One part of very fine dust to 1000 parts of water) I again raised the potency by shaking the liquid and letting it settle for 10 minutes and then I removed just upper third of liquid. To my estimate it was in between 5 to 10 potency.

That worked like a magik on many people. Many scars were gone in two weeks. Results were apparant with just one dose. One must take it for several weeks. As you take it Scars will immidiately start settling, but if you stop it they may come back again. Permanent results will be seen after some weeks.
pw3000 2 decades ago
Hi all,
I have a doubt.
- Now i am taking some homeopathic medicines for reducing my acne. So can I able to take this other remedies like Hepar Sul, Flouric acid for acne scars, while take remedies for acne.
vncnt_fernando 2 decades ago
Does anyone know where I can find Flouric acid or products with flouric acid in it?
preciousguinness 2 decades ago
It may be that youve had too much precious guinness - but suggest you look at "Homeopathic Medicine " at the top of this posting.
passkey 2 decades ago
Hi all,
What does the complementary remedy mean? Can we able to take the complementary remedy with the main one. For example Silicea is given as complementary for Fluoric acid.
vncnt_fernando 2 decades ago
No it is simply complementary in the sense that it "follows well' after the original remedy . Any remedy can have many complementary remedies.
passkey 2 decades ago
"To my estimate it was in between 5 to 10 potency. "

what led you to believe that? what visual clues did you use? Just curious to compare what mine looks like to yours. on a scale of transparent to opaque. mine is about a 5 or 6. slightly milkish looking in a small water bottle.
hotty198 last decade
Dr. Passkey....are you a doctor? If so, then can you tell me if I can take fluoric acid 6x for my acne scars while I am still on accutane. Accutane has caused some brand new, large scars and I figure the newer they are, the easier it may be for a treatment like fluoric acid to heal them.

Also, if fluoric acid 6X the same thing as fluoric acid 6CH ??

K. K. last decade
I have a Drs Diploma in Homeopathy ONLY.

If you are acutane only take a homeopathic remedy at least 2 weeks after you FINISH that Drug.

I am NOT surprised that Acutane has caused new LARGE scars.

Your body has selected acne as a means of relieveing its deep internal stress.

If you then try to suppress this surface symptom the body will increase its efforts to deal with its problem .

Quite often ACNE is an indication that in the past 5 - 7 generations there was cancer . A hereditary sign of this is acne!
walkin last decade
Sorry ....
NO the right potency to equal X is 6DH
walkin last decade
Thanks for the information, Dr. Passkey! I do realize the risks with accutane....believe me, I have been suffering from bad acne for the past 15 years. All that time I refused to take accutane. I have tried everything from creams, naturopathic remedies, diet analysis and vitamin programs, liver cleanse, peels, etc.

Then I tried this silica remedy that I read about on this forum about a year and a half ago, for the acne but mostly for the scarring. It was a miracle at first, then after a couple of months, it caused a terrible, stubborn acne breakout (way worse), several more scars, not to mention severe panic attacks (heart racing out of control, almost on a daily basis) and vertigo. There were no 'stresses' in my life causing these things either.

I was so frustrated, because I really had my hopes up due to the results I had in the first few weeks with homemade silica.

Any idea why this has happened to me with the silica? It was, without a doubt, that the homemade silica was that cause of all of these disturbing effects. I did not change anything else, and was never on any medications...until now (accutane) due to frustration at the end of my rope.

Any input or explanations would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
K. K. last decade
The fact that the silica worked at first means that it is the right remedy but probably the wrong potency.

Or it couod be that you should have stopped taking the silica as soon as the condition got better - you can then go over the top and resurrect the problem .

Try -- at first-- going up to 6x poency on twice a day doses. For about 2 - 3 weeks and STOP.
walkin last decade
Dr. Passkey:
Please read my last post. I am interested in hearing advice on this from an experienced homeopathic doctor.

Walkin: Your advice was helpful. I will try this next month when I have completed my accutane treatments.

As for the other replies, thank you for trying to help, I appreciate your intentions. I do have a B.A.Sc. degree with a major in Human Nutrition, as well as a B.Ed. degree and am not quite dumb enough to have ruled out all other possible acne 'irritants' in the past FIFTEEN YEARS of my life. My mother, six syblings, and grandmother have suffered acne the same. It is GENETIC.

Thanks again everyone!

K. K. last decade

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