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Professional Constitutional Kit #1:


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Does Alfalfa tonic interfere with Silicea ?


I have been taking Silicea 30 for the past one month.
Recently, I started taking a non-prescription, over-the counter
Alfalfa tonic preparation. Incidentally (and after purchasing),
I saw that Alfalfa was also a homeo remedy. Will the two clash ?

Since it is an over-the-counter tonic, it also includes the
following in it :
Calc. Phos.
Kali Phos.
Ferrum Phos.
Mag. Phos.
Nat. Phos.

Any opinions will be helpful.

  ranaknight on 2005-01-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
No, it won't clash, especially if you take the two at separate times, but plain Alfa - without Five Phos or other stuff added is really as good or better.
Minsa 2 decades ago
Yep, agree.

Am concerned one would purchase any tonic without checking the ingriedients first.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra 2 decades ago

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