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Intermittent sweat and heat

Problem with wave of heat with sweat on head. Have tried many remedies but still no alleviation. Noticed that this problem seems to be most noticeable when someone comes into the house. Head will be soaked and hair gets wet, very embarrasing when talking to someone and they are dry. Sometimes back is wet too.Possible causation is suppression of sweat, used to use lots of deodorant but problem got worse.
There is internal heat, and sometimes chilliness. Needs to open the windows in cooler weather but then has to close them as gets chilly.
Also has smelly armpits (rancid at times) and tends to be thirstless.
Partial thyroidectomy in teen years. Very empathetic type person. Likes dogs.
Face turns red with alcohol.
please help
  saltOftheEarth on 2005-01-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Start using Merc.sol 200,in water.

Take a 500 ml.bottle,fill it half,dissolve 4 to 5 pellets/a few drops of the medicine,shake well and take a sip.

When you take the medicine next time,shake the bottle well,before taking the sip.

Makeup the water to the original quantity,once half of the original quantity is consumed.No more medicine.

Add a few drops of alcohol to preserve the water.

Take three times a day,until improvement sets in.

Post feedback after two days.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Hi Murthy,
we only have the 30C potency, used the same way?
much thanks,
saltOftheEarth 2 decades ago
Yes.You can use 30 also the same way.

Post response,after two days.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
my friend feels much improvement on the whole.
The sweat seems to have improved but maybe still a slight wave now and then. There has been a drying sensation all over, and pustules on head are dried and gone. She says she feels wonderful though sleep is a little disordered.
Should she take same again or just wait and let it finish working?
much gratitude to you,
saltOftheEarth 2 decades ago
Sorry forgot to add she still has the hot/cold aggravation.
saltOftheEarth 2 decades ago
Wait for two days.If there is no further improvement start all over again.Throw away the remaining liquid,and make fresh preperation.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Hi Murthy,
Just doesn't seem to stick. There was some amelioration at first but now doesn't seem to be much. Seems to be aggravated by sitting at the computer, heat. Underarm odour has changed slightly from rancid to 'fishy'. Still has drenching head sweats, always seems worse when has to talk to someone. Tongue still white and indented. Friend had some tongue enlargement at birth. Heels are very dry. Does tend to have the hurriedness of Merc. walks fast, talks fast, has been known to change subject quickly. Had very weak teeth in childhood, with decay at gumline. Had lots of colds and laryngitis in life. Has recently craved milk which does not normally drink much.
Should we continue with the Merc. sol for the time being?
much gratitude,
saltOftheEarth 2 decades ago
now the fingertips are very dry and some peeling, esp. on her right hand.
saltOftheEarth 2 decades ago
Stop Merc.sol.Wait for two days.Post symtoms again after two days.Keep Hepar Sulph 30/200 handy.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
There is little improvement, though there seems to be more noticeable chilly periods, on going to bed one night she had to put several blankets on to get warm.
She seems to always be moist in the armpit and genital area, and has a reddish rash in that area, right side, has had that for several months. She had China a few weeks ago for that and it did seem to improve for a while.
Right index finger very dry and scaly, catching on fabrics.
She is getting quite anxious about her sweating problem.
saltOftheEarth 2 decades ago
Also, her problem seemed to come about after use of female progesteron cream for hypothyroidism.
saltOftheEarth 2 decades ago
Let us wait for other's opinions.I am unable to offer any further suggestions,right now.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago

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