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radiation burn scar not healing

Following cancer treatment I have a radiation burn scar in my throat which is not healing. My doctor says that it may never heal. I feel that traditional Western medicine has nothing to offer for healing in a case like this. I am not knowlegeable enough in regard to homeopathic medicine to know what remedy I should try. Any help in this area would be so appreciated.
  sleon on 2005-01-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi Sleon,
I strongly suggest you should see a qualified Hpath face to face.
Your condition is one that needs very carefull management.
This should not be attempted over the net. Unless the practitioner works this way and you are many miles from any good hpaths.
There are cancer nosodes and a remedy called X-ray, possibly this would bring back every ailment you have ever had, But it sounds as if you are not strong enough for this yet. Don't dispare, you are treatable.

Warm regards
parachute 2 decades ago
Check out


go to carsinosium

he has email also.
parachute 2 decades ago
For skin irritations and severe burns, try something topical.

Call around to health stores, ask if they have "dried CALENDULA flowers" They may label them "marigold."

There is a cream available, but expensive and not as good as the "tea" from the dried flowers.

It is the marigold family, but the ones to get have a CENTER, this is Calendula. Single edge of Yellow petals with darker centers. It is very inexpensive. Get two fistfulls. It may be only yellow petals. Maybe $4.

Make a dark tea with it. Bring water to boil and turn off. Place one fistfull in 2 qts of the hot water and bring back to boil, turn off, cover and let cool.

You will have to get a piece of thin cloth to strain this. Just throw it all away, much too hard to dump out and wash cloth etc.

After bathing, use a soft cloth or large piece of cotton OR a little spray bottle to spritz this liquid over your legs or any other parts. (rub around gently) Let it dry. It will not stain. You may also drink this tea. Completely safe.

This is an excellent "tea" for severe burns and many skin outbreaks.

There is liquid Calendula for sale, but it has alcohol in it.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra 2 decades ago
I just noticed, I said "legs." I pasted this from another post. You can put this on any part of the body. S.
sabra 2 decades ago
I have some experience of using X ray for radiation burns and it works fine - use 1m or 10m
passkey 2 decades ago
Xray, the remedy? I am not sure the average person would know this. Blessings, Sabra
sabra 2 decades ago
I wonder if Causticum wouldn't help, if modalities match. However, if taking other remedies, would go for Kali Mur 6x, thrice a day for a week to start with. Please look up the remedy to see if it fits, or post more details.
Minsa 2 decades ago

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