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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Stressed out for past 10 years resulting in anger and hair loss

I have been sufferring from iratibilty forthe last 10 years. I come from a family that uses anger to controll and everyone yells.
I notice that soon as I am ready to fall a sleep I will have an angry thought or vision/dream indicating my emtions are angry. When I wake I expect to get into it with a person and usually do.
I try to avoid it ,but something triggers it. If at work I hold it in ,but, I have resentments sand may blow up later.
The angry vision before I sleep happens almost every night then I wake up thinking of something that made me ngry and hold it in my mind. I went to accupunture and have been on herbs or pms for 1 month now. They also say I have digestive troubles stemming from excess mucus in the abondem and body. In addition I used to have parisites a while back. I have alepecia and angry that I feel that bad relationships caused my hair to fall out from stress.
I use aromatherapy as well. It all helps me cope but I have to use alot ofenergy to remain calm and peaceful.
I still have the angry dreams and get easily irated. I often blow up when pushed in a coversation. It affects my freindships and relationships.
Plus I find that I go over negative events often when wake.
I want something not just to calm me but give more peace of mind and bilty to cope with annoyance, and stress! I ordered this after taking the test. 1 x 2oz Pills Lycopodium Clavatum 30C
I want to see what people think of using it for my symtoms. It says these sypmtoms often come after digestive troubles. In deed the accupunturists also confirms. I was told by a holistic health profesional that the waists fromparsites can caused mental stress and thinking disorders.
I feel I got rid of parsites and am on herbs to expell mucus from my digestive tracts. I need something to heal on a deeper level other than just the Pms stuff. I bought Sepia and Nat mur pills in 30C potency. Im not sure how to take them. I also got sulpuer ointment and graphites ointment with the intetion of putting it on my scalp after reading about pms and hair loss. I have lost 1/2 of my hair. I have not gotten them in the mail yet.
  pretyk on 2009-01-29
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