The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Seeking remedy for Vaginal Thrush
Hello,I am seeking a remedy to help me for vaginal thrush. I have this on & off or the past two years. At the moment I have:
Swollened red labia
Milky white discharge
Burning sensation
Feels better in cool air or cool water
I would like some help to get me through the weekend so I can go see my doctor next week!
I have Apis Mellifica at home but want to check before taking.
Thank you!
Tarab on 2009-02-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
knock of offe -teeas-olas--and citric aid foods drinks
calcarea carbonia 30c-----use 3/4 full 8 oz water bottle---2 pelets in that---shake /thump on hand--4-5 times--take a swig--not evn 1/4 mouthful---label put in frig --repeat for next few days-once a day--and stop once notice ANYTHING AT ALL CHANGE OR NEW occur--no matter how seemingly unrelated
also if had antibiotis of late strat usuing probioti one day with largest meal of day--
stay awy from sex intercoarse also
and repirt back
calcarea carbonia 30c-----use 3/4 full 8 oz water bottle---2 pelets in that---shake /thump on hand--4-5 times--take a swig--not evn 1/4 mouthful---label put in frig --repeat for next few days-once a day--and stop once notice ANYTHING AT ALL CHANGE OR NEW occur--no matter how seemingly unrelated
also if had antibiotis of late strat usuing probioti one day with largest meal of day--
stay awy from sex intercoarse also
and repirt back
♡ John Stanton last decade
use from same solution each day--NOT-- new mix each day--remember shake and thump before each dose(swig)
and no coffe and such as mentioned--also no skin topials at all--nothing on skin--and nothing ingested remotly mediinal--aplllies to alcohol---otherwise no idea what is going on if no response
and no coffe and such as mentioned--also no skin topials at all--nothing on skin--and nothing ingested remotly mediinal--aplllies to alcohol---otherwise no idea what is going on if no response
♡ John Stanton last decade
I will try this and report back.
I am not familiar with this method of mixing two pellets in water ; will they dissolve immediately? and yes understand it's the same mix.
I am not familiar with this method of mixing two pellets in water ; will they dissolve immediately? and yes understand it's the same mix.
Tarab last decade
metod taught by hahnemann and any whom follow the founder---if pelets are the hard sort--then the medicne is only coated over thenma and willhave been mixed in water solution immediate --soft pelets well speaks fro itself--dissolves quikly---shake/thump as metioned before each dose---if alc is homoeopathic enough to ur ase --u will see response--remember no further dsing if see hange--stop go method--unless aggratvion or new symptom occurs
♡ John Stanton last decade
Tarab last decade
i accept no 'thank you's til cured
♡ John Stanton last decade
Reporting back on the situation:
Slight improvement
Less Burning sensation
Less discharge
Still irritated
Had second dose this morning.
Reporting back on the situation:
Slight improvement
Less Burning sensation
Less discharge
Still irritated
Had second dose this morning.
Tarab last decade
rememcer keep eye for any new occurances--in passinf ok--but if linger stop med--aslo it an aggravtion occur in any exiting complaint --stop med-----keep track of menatl attiyude and emotion--if feeling not right --also stop
♡ John Stanton last decade
Hi ,
Just giving update on the situation and looking for additional advice.
Took the remedy for one week and had good improvement then for one week I had my periods so I stopped the treatment. Now period finished and wondering what to do - restart the treatment?
Thanks for advice.
Just giving update on the situation and looking for additional advice.
Took the remedy for one week and had good improvement then for one week I had my periods so I stopped the treatment. Now period finished and wondering what to do - restart the treatment?
Thanks for advice.
Tarab last decade
Hello ,
Thank you for your recommendations. I am taking a good quality probiotic. It has Lactobacillus Rhamnosus GG not GR-1?
How is the Fem-Dophilus working?
I have it under control but would ideally like be rid of it. I will look into that book!
Thank you for your recommendations. I am taking a good quality probiotic. It has Lactobacillus Rhamnosus GG not GR-1?
How is the Fem-Dophilus working?
I have it under control but would ideally like be rid of it. I will look into that book!
Tarab last decade
Thanks for the encouraging news! I will look into buying fem-dophilus, the specification on the GG versus GR-1 is very useful. You give me hope and I am very grateful for your help.
Thanks for the encouraging news! I will look into buying fem-dophilus, the specification on the GG versus GR-1 is very useful. You give me hope and I am very grateful for your help.
Tarab last decade
Just curious if you have looked into the correlation of stress and yeast infections? Because I had not been taking antibiotics when I got it so I cannot say it was that (although I took some after)...Thanks:)
Tarab last decade
Tarab last decade
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