The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Anger effects on heart
I am getting pain on left side of the chest which is travelling to left arm, heaviness of head, stomic sitting with weakness and chest conjection in middle when i get angry. Please advice any remedy. Thanks.marana on 2009-02-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
pl take aconite 30 twice daily for 5 days and also during pain report
♡ akshaymohl last decade
Please look at STAPHYSAGRIA, if it happened with anger however in general Aco. is good medicine for timely relief.
dr. mahfooz
dr. mahfooz
♡ Mahfoozurrehman last decade
This is not a minor problem take CACTUS GRANDIFL MT 4drop and CRATAEGUS OXYACANTHA MT 10 drops with a cup full of water 3 time in a day and consult with a registered medical practitioner as soon as possible.
kanchan dhar last decade
Looks like Bryonia to me but it's risky anyway to suggest since an aggravation cannot be countered online, in this case ;
which country are you from Marana ? If you consult a doctor in person, then ask about bryonia , take his phone number and keep in the pocket always ;
Don't drink any water during the pain (consult your doctor about this);;
which country are you from Marana ? If you consult a doctor in person, then ask about bryonia , take his phone number and keep in the pocket always ;
Don't drink any water during the pain (consult your doctor about this);;
sorahamsha last decade
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