The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Bach Flower Remedies - Part II
Please read the first paragraph of the first post in the following thread
to know how to take flower remedies.
is the remedy for people who keep their troubles hidden under a mask of pleasure and happiness. The archetypal Agrimony person would be the sad clown, suffering anguish inside by still the life and soul of the party. Their friends are often the last to know that anything is wrong in the Agrimony person's life.
Sometimes Agrimony people turn to drink or drugs to help them maintain a mask of happiness, and they tend not to like being alone since they find it harder to keep the mask up when they are forced into their own company. Instead they will seek out friends, parties and bright lights. Only at night when they are alone with their thoughts will the mental torture they have repressed so successfully come back to haunt them.
Agrimony is given to help Agrimony people to accept and come to terms with the darker side of life and their own personalities, so that they can become more rounded human beings. They will not lose their sense of humour, but they will laugh at their troubles to dispel them, rather than laughing to hide them. As a mood remedy, Agrimony helps anyone who is trying not to face a trouble and using jokes and witticisms and smiles to avoid a painful reality.
was described by Dr Bach as the remedy for people who 'feel the need to see more good and beauty in all that surrounds them.' Beech people - or people in a Beech state - are intolerant of people who are not just like them. They lack compassion and understanding of the different circumstances and different paths that other people are given, and fail to see that others too are working towards perfection but in different ways.
Sometimes Beech intolerance is manifested as outbursts of irritability: the remedy helps to encourage tolerance and understanding, and as this happens so the irritability also fades.
is for people who find it difficult to say 'no' to other people. They are kind, gentle souls and like to be of help to others. But sometimes other more ruthless people will take advantage of this, and instead of willing service the Centaury ends up the slave of another's wishes.
The Centaury remedy does not harden the Centaury personality. Instead it supports the development of courage and self-determination so that Centaury people are better able to draw the line and make space where they can be themselves free of the desires and commands of others
is the remedy for people who lack faith in their own judgement. Faced with the need to make a decision they are not like the Scleranthus people who hesitate and cannot make up their minds, because they can come to a decision without too much trouble. But having done so the doubts creep in and they are no longer sure if what they have decided is right. They then go around asking for the opinions and advice of others. They end up hopelessly confused or doing something that they know in their hearts is not right for them.
Cerato is the remedy to give people in this state more faith in their judgement so that they can listen to their inner voices and trust their intuition.
people are full of love and care for their families and friends. But they expect to receive back all the love they give, with interest, and feel slighted and unnecessarily hurt if they don't get what they expect. Also, their great love can lead them to hold onto their loved ones and try to keep them dependent and close to hand. This can stifle the development of other personalities, or simply drive them away.
When someone falls into this negative Chicory state the remedy is used to bring out the positive side of the Chicory person: love given unconditionally and in freedom.
is the remedy for people suffering a temporary loss of self-confidence due to the overwhelming amount of responsibility they have taken on. Genuine Elm types are people who are successful and carrying out work that they believe in, but at times feel the weight of the charge on them and become depressed and concerned that they will not be able to go on.
The remedy helps to dispel these feelings so that the Elm person can resume his or her life without thought of failure.
The Elm state can be usefully contrasted with the Larch state: whereas people in the former take up challenges willingly and then only later, and only occasionally, doubt their abilities, Larch people are convinced they are going to fail right from the start, and so they tend not to try things in the first place.
is the remedy for the relatively mild downheartedness and despondency that follows when something has gone wrong. As soon as things start to go right again this kind of despondency tends to lift by itself, but the remedy can be used to lift it the sooner so that the person is better able to make things go right, instead of just hoping they will do so.
Gentian is often confused with Gorse, but in fact they can be told apart quite easily. People in a Gorse state have decided to give up and so feel completely without hope. They have pitched their tents and refuse to be encouraged, and even if they are persuaded to try to find a way out they will do so grudgingly, assuring everyone that there is no use even trying. People in a Gentian state are discouraged: but they will soon pick up again when things start to go right.
is for people who are obsessed with themselves, but who do not like to be alone. Dr Bach called them 'buttonholers' because they do anything to keep people with them, all the time talking at exhaustive length about their problems and illnesses, great and small, until people begin actively to avoid them. Thus the thing Heather people fear - loneliness - is brought about because of their own behaviour.
The remedy is given to help Heather people see their own concerns in the context of other people's. Having suffered themselves from the need to talk, they become good listeners and great supports for others. As a result people seek them out for their compassion rather than avoiding them because of their self-centredness.
is often thought of as the remedy for anger - but this isn't necessarily the case. Where Holly is for anger, it will be because the anger is based specifically on hatred, suspicion, envy or jealousy. But in other cases other remedies would be needed, such as Impatiens when anger is due to impatience, Vervain where it is caused by a sense of injustice, or Chicory where the angry person feels snubbed and hurt by ingratitude in others.
Holly is for very negative, aggressive feelings directed at others. The basic problem is an absence of love, and the remedy works to encourage generosity of spirit and openness towards others.
is used against feelings of exhaustion and tiredness that come before an effort has been made. The person in this state feels that he or she is too tired to cope with the demands of the day. It's easier to stay in bed or put off making a start - but if an effort can be made to get started the weariness will fade, a sign that unlike the Olive state this is a mental rather than a physical weariness.
is the remedy for strong, steady people who never give up under adversity. Instead they plod on with determination, and never consider resting until they are past the point of exhaustion. Because they are so steady they often have many people relying on them, and their sense of duty is strong, so that they can feel frustrated and unhappy if illness or exhaustion get in the way of discharging duties.
So much is positive about the Oak person, but the negative side is the stubborn refusal to rest or sit back when the need for rest is obvious to all around. The remedy is used to help the Oak remain strong in adversity and not crack under the strain, while at the same time a different wisdom is learned, so that the person in this state can learn when not to strive.
is the remedy for tiredness and exhaustion after an effort of some kind, such as hard physical or mental labour, or the long struggle against illness. It can be usefully contrasted with Hornbeam, which is the remedy for tiredness felt even before an effort has been made.
The remedy is given to restore feelings of strength and the faith needed to continue.
is for people who blame themselves for something they feel they have done in the past, some neglect of a parent, some fault in themselves, something they have left undone, and for those who reproach themselves that, even though they may have been successful in their work, they should have done better. They are never, as Dr Bach writes in 'The Twelve Healers', content with their own efforts or the results. They also at times tend to claim responsibility for the mistakes made by others.
They are perfectionists and set themselves high standards, and this may cause them to over-work and strain to do better, and when the strain becomes too much for the physical body, they blame themselves for the ensuing illness as they feel they are failing in their duty to others, to their work and the family responsibilities. This guilt-complex takes so much of the joy out of their lives and they become despondent and begin to despair. They can often feel so guilty about some minor matter that these thoughts fill their minds and they are always asking for forgiveness.
red chestnut
is for people who feel fear for the well-being of others: the husband afraid when his wife goes out alone after dark, the mother fretting over what may happen to her child at school. Red Chestnut fears are natural, normal concerns magnified to the point where they may have a negative effect on the person who is the object of concern, destroying confidence and undermining self-belief.
The remedy helps people in this state to send out calm, unworried thoughts to their loved ones, so that instead of making everyone anxious they are rocks of strength on whom others lean..
rock water
is the remedy for people who take self-repression and self-denial to extremes. They are very wrapped up in themselves, seeking always to perfect themselves in some way and setting themselves targets and being very unkind to themselves if they fail to live according to their own rules. If they seek to influence others it is not directly but by example only.
The Rock Water remedy does not stop people from having high ideals or from trying to meet them. But it does help ease the excesses of the Rock Water personality, so that people like this can show more flexibility when it is necessary, and are not so hard on themselves.
people are perfectionists with a keen sense of justice and extreme mental energy that they willingly throw behind those causes that they believe in. Their enthusiasm can be infectious, and they feel a strong need to persuade others to their own point of view.
At an extreme Vervain people can become fanatics, unable to listen to alternative points of view, and they may put themselves under a great deal of stress because they find it so hard to switch off and relax. The remedy is given to help people in this state to pull back from time to time so that body and mind and be restored. It encourages the wisdom to enjoy life and the passage of time instead of always feeling the need to be active.
is for people who know their own minds and think they know what is best for others. They are mentally strong and enjoy the exercise of power, but in their negative states this can lead them to dominate others by force alone. Tyrannical fathers and overbearing bosses are typical negative Vines, in that they will expect absolute obedience from others and will not be overly concerned with winning hearts and minds as long as their orders are followed. In this respect they are very different from Vervain people, who will attempt to convert others to their way of thinking: Vines are content with the simple imposition of discipline.
In their positive aspect Vine people make wise, gentle and loving guides who can inspire and lead others without resorting to force. The remedy is given to encourage this positive side of the Vine nature.
is the remedy to help to protect against outside influences in general, and against the effects of change in particular.
Walnut types are people who are fulfilling their purpose in life but who under the influence of the opinions, theories or beliefs of others, or of external circumstances in general, may be led to doubt their path. They are not like Cerato people, who actively seek out the opinions of others, but instead may be affected almost despite themselves.
As a remedy against the effects of change, Walnut is useful at all the transitions of life, from being born to teething to going to school to puberty to marriage to childbearing to retirement and beyond. It helps to break links with the past so that the person can move forward with confidence and without undue suffering.
water violet
is the remedy for those talented, capable people whose independence and self-reliance can make them seem to be proud and disdainful of others. True Water Violet people are quiet and dignified and prefer their own company or that of a few close friends, but where their natural reserve has built a barrier between them and others they may actually become lonely and be unable to make contact with others. When this happens the remedy can help to bring them back into balance so that they can be more involved with humanity.
wild oat
is the remedy for people who feel that they want to do something worthwhile with their lives but do not know in which direction they should move. So instead they drift from occupation to occupation, but without finding their true path, which leads in turn to feelings of frustration and consequent depression.
This state of indecision is not like the Scleranthus one, because in the case of Scleranthus the path itself isn't in doubt, but rather the different ways of following it: the different options are known. Wild Oat people do not know what their options are because their goals are not defined.
The remedy helps people to find their true role, putting them back in touch with their own basic purpose in life so that the way ahead seems obvious
is the most famous of the remedies, but in fact is not a remedy at all, but rather a mix of five different remedies (Cherry Plum, Clematis, Impatiens, Rock Rose and Star of Bethlehem) which together help deal with any emergency or stressful event. Taking a driving test, exam nerves, speaking in public, after an accident or an argument - there are countless uses for Rescue Remedy.
In an emergency Rescue Remedy can be taken neat from the bottle, four drops at a time, and as frequently as required. Otherwise put four drops in a glass of water and take frequent sips until the emotions have calmed.
A combination bach flower remedy (agrimony+mimulus) hits success. Read Clarewish in the following thread
There are only 38 flower remedies. We have dealt with all the 38. Now it is for you to map your mind with a single remedy or a combination of remedies. Good Luck!!!
♥ kadwa on 2009-03-01
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