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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Warts around Fingernails

I am trying to find a treatment for warts on my hands around my fingernails. Freezing took care of some that were on my fingers, but the ones around the fingernails will not give up, even with multiple freezing and laser burning treatments. I have searched around the net and on this site, and multiple sources have pointed me to Causticum as a treatment for this. I have had these warts for over 10 years so I am certianly open to any suggestion to rid myself of these. What would be the appropriate dose of Causticum for this condition? I have just started taking 12C three times a day but that was just from the instructions on the bottle. Is 30C considered a stronger or weaker dose of Causticum? Does anyone know of a better remedy for this condition? Any help is greatly appreciated.
  bitflip on 2005-01-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I am homeopathic doctor. you can take caust 30 for this condition. But donot repeat that so frequently. You can take 3doses of causticum 30 with an interval of 8hrs. and see the results. after taking 3doses don't repeat them. wait for some days
Dr.kalyan Gaddam
drkalyan last decade
Thank you so much for the quick reply Dr. Gaddam. I am new to this so I want to clarify your response. Does a dose consist of 5 pellets? I have taken Causticum 12C now for 3 or 4 days, 3 times a day. Should I stop this and wait for the 30C to arrive?

So if I understand correctly, take Causticum 30C (3 doses of 5 pellets) within 8 hours, then wait 3 or 4 days? then repeat this pattern until I see results?

Again I really appreciate your help on this matter, these warts have caused me much pain and suffering over may years and having these gone would be such a blessing.

Thank you again.
bitflip 2 decades ago
You have to take 3doses only of causticum 30 thats it. And these doses should be taken for every interval of 8hrs ie if you take a dose at 9 am take another dose after 8 hrs . when you are done with the 3doses wait for 2-3 days. Donot take anything meidication inbetween. Do tell me if you have further questions.
There are 3 remedies for ur case Dulcamara and flouric acid are the others. And if you are not well with causticum then answer the following questions
1. Are severe in winter
2. Do they itch
3. How do they appear
4. And something about your nature and how the problem croped up i.e. Were you tensed at that time or any thing was bothering you etc
Dr.Kalyan Gaddam
drkalyan 2 decades ago
thank you again. I will stop taking the 12C and wait for the 30C to arrive. then I will proceed with the 3 doses with 8 hr intervals, wait 3 days and repeat this. I assume that I should repeat this until the warts are gone?

As far as the other questions go, here are my answers:

1. they don't seem to be worse in the winter, possibly a little worse but not a significant difference.

2. they do not itch

3. they appear rough, cracked, with black dots

4. I do have anxiety issues, tense at most times and little things bother me or worry me. I wish I could get rid of that too!

thanks again.
bitflip 2 decades ago
I have started the 30C treatment and took my 3rd dose (5 pellets, 3times, 8hr interval between doseage, wait 3 days and repeat). I am wondering if I should repeat this pattern until they are gone? these are fairly large warts that equal the length of the fingernail so I am not sure how long I should repeat this treatment.

It does appear that the warts are doing something different. They seem to be a little dryer? maybe this has nothing to do with the treatment or it is all in my head!

I guess my question is how long should I be repeating the current dose and frequency of this treatment? How long does one typically see results from this?

Thank you again.
bitflip 2 decades ago
repeat causicum 30 then on every 5 day take THUJA 1M one dose. See this for 15 days. Then if don't see any difference then tell. But i prefer you take a constitutional medicine rather than the specific ones. Though causticum and thuja are the leading remedies for warts apart from Nitric acid and dulcamara
take care
drkalyan 2 decades ago
Thank you again for your kind advice. I will add Thuja 1M to my treatment plan. I may order Dulcamara to have on hand along with the Thuja. Did you mean nitric Acid or the flouric acid?
bitflip 2 decades ago
nitric acid is one of the specific remedy for warts. Donot take flouric ac unless u r indicated it may cause severe aggravation. I once tried that in part of my proving on myself and i was in great great pain at that time. Words cannot describe that
drkalyan 2 decades ago

thuja is the best remedy for warts.thuja in Q pot.just aply it over the warts.and thuja 30,10 drops three time a day oraly.use it for one month.

dr arif
noman 2 decades ago
So yeah, I have the same general problem, and im trying to find these things listed. Ive found what I think is correct both of which located on amazon ive found causticum 30c in a pellet form, and thuja 1m in a pellet form, im just making sure that that's what is needed.
altec last decade
I have the same problem, I just received causticum 30C and Thuja 1M both in pellet form, how many and how often should I take these? Please help... thank you
LFiala last decade

where you able to get rid of the warts?
flower176 last decade

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