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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Hair Loss and white hair at my early age

Dear, Sir/Madam,
iam 27 Single, please advice me what herbal hair oil i have to take to control my white hair and slight hair fall at my early age, my appearence looks very young as 19 but iam 27yrs, please advice me home remedies and good herbal hair oil which should be available in india, Tamil Nadu Chennai Location, and what are all the foods i have to take and what are all the foods i have to avoid, some of my other friends also suffer in this kind of problems, i Tea 4 to 5 times a day, and apply normal coconut oil twice a day at night and previously i was taking head bath daily, but now iam taking it 3days once, due to hair fall only i did this change, please advice me, none of our family member has this problem baldness or hair fall or white hair at early age
  hairloss on 2009-03-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
what other ailments do you have if any.

when did you first notice this and what was happening in your life then.

did you suffer from any disease before that.

tell me something about your habbits, male or female, personality, likes and dislikes, thermals, generals etc.
rishimba last decade
Dear Sir/Madam,

Nice and happy to see your reply, here my answer for your question,

1. I dont have any ailments
2. for past 1years i noticed , white hair slightly arriving, slowly it was spreading but not much, Nothing happened specially to notice,
3. No iam healthy person for me considering, but i look too young as iam 19yrs but iam 27yrs old, my family doctor said that iam normal, no probs with me,Aim i suffering from lack of vitamis?
4. Iam Male, some times i use to bite nails under some situation, i wont share worrying things of mine to my friends i will share only my happy feelings to my friends, i love my friends a lot lot lot much, i work as a freelance webdesigner...........
hairloss last decade
please take SILICEA 1M weekly one dose for 3 weeks and then wait and watch improvement for next 2 months.
rishimba last decade
Dear Sir/Madam,
iam residing in indian Tamil Nadu, is it available in chennai location, if so where i can get it? In English Medicine shop or Herbal medicine shop?
hairloss last decade
this would be available only in a homeopathic shop.
rishimba last decade

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