The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Uncontrollable thrush for a bf 14wks old baby
My son has thrush since 4 wks old with white coated tongue and red spot nappy rash. Since I am breastfeeding him, my GP given us Nystatin cream for my nipples and his bottom and oral suspension for him. 2 weeks passed and thrush seemed improved a bit then gone worse. We then have Miconazole cream and oral gel, but again, improved and gone. We have even tried Fluconazole (pills for me, and oral suspension for him) but looked promising for few days once stopped it came back. Forgot to mention, I was (and am still) taking sort of thrush against pills that contains garlic, grapefruit seed extract and acidophillus.I had a very bad cold and trigger my asthma last week so GP given me 7 days antibiotics (amoxycillin 500mg 3 times a day) and steriod (prednisolon) at the same time. Now the thrush is out of control, have tried gentian violet but no help. My nipples are itchy, thick white coat on baby's tongue and nappy rash is so bad that he would bleed even i clean with water and cotton wool!!
I am really desparate with some help.
KierenAustinMama on 2009-03-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
♡ rishimba last decade
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