The ABC Homeopathy Forum
I am new to homeopathy eed help for my son typhoid issue
I am totally new to Homeopathy.. I live in usa my son who is 3 1/2 years old having asthma from 1 year we used Nebulisers not homeopathy but didn't see any improvement so decided to go for Homeopathy. Now we are in india at andhra pradesh for his homeopathy treatment for Asthma and recently he is getting fever for about 3 weeks on and off and was diagnosed as Typhoid by homeopathy doctor by blood test. Actually he was given around 1 1/2 years ago typhoid vaccine even though he got Typhoid.Now the Homeopathy doctor is asking us to give only milk, water, barli, coconut water. No solid food at all last 5 days. But the fever medicine he gave we have to give every hour day and night and we are giving according to his instructions. and also we are checking every 2 hours his fever and recording. Now his fever reduced to 100 from 104 last 24 hours.
Now the question is yesterday we asked the doctor is my son is getting medicine for Typhoid or not.. we got this doubt because his twin brother also got the same medicine who doesn't have Typhoid. For that the doctor told no need to give any medicine separately for Typhoid with the diet it self it will heal. But when i was reading the regular medicine it says if Typhoid is not treated will have complications.
Now we are in a confused state is this okay or not in homeopathy. is it will give any complications if it's not treated. I believe in Homeopathy doctor no question about it. But really confused because we never used homeopathy before.
Please help us, Do we have to treat with Antibiotics or wait on Homeopathy.
Really appreciate any advise.
gondij on 2009-03-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
he is right as homoeopathic medicine deals with symptoms and not with typhyoid alone so pl have faith on doctor
♡ akshaymohl last decade
u wondering if treatment is correct--tell by the vitality of child compared to before treatment and during/after--as alSO his state of mind/emotions----if worse--then wrong treatment--if beter--u need weigh this with physical symptoms observed child is exhibiting---if seems he is good way vitality /mindfully---AND PHYSCIAL OBSERVATINS SEEM GOOD DIRECTION--THEN ALL IS OK---KEEP IN MIND THIS--WITH ALL TREATMENTS OF ILL
♡ John Stanton last decade
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