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Anovulatory menstrual cycles, possible infertility
I'm 30yrs old female with diagnosed endometriosis (2002), polycystic ovaries (2001)incl. mild hirutism and fluctuating depression/mild bipolar disorder (since 2000). I have had irregular menstrual cycles since 2002. For that I have been prescribed Sepia 6D once a day for 7 days from the 1st day of my cycle.We are happily married and have tried to conceive a baby since Oct08. So far I have had two ovulations and two anovulatory cycles. I have also lately started to feel severe pain in my left hip as well as on the left side of my neck. I feel extremely chilly during the day and I have nausea during the nights. I seem to feel better when it is warm but this snow time of the year makes me really chilly and also the heat of sauna makes me chilly.
I have quite often irritability and don't like to be interrupted. I feel somewhat down for the most of the time but get some really sprinkling cheers often. I'm really persistent and achieving but not very happy. Lately I haven't really enjoyed music as it gets to my head, I also get really irritated of my neighbors' living sounds.
I eat and drink in normal amounts - yet have had some gravings for cheese and salty foods but also for bakery. I have always hated garlic and spicy foods.
My swetting is rather absent and my bowel is regular. Recent years I have started to sleep on my back before that I always slept with my hand under my head. Sometimes I sleep really well and sometimes I'm sleepless - I think the bad sleeping is connected with early phase of my menstrual cycle. My sex life is good.
For irregular menstruation I have been prescribed synthetic progesterone and I have taken it for 2 months now.
My family is known for thyroid problems (hashimoto's, hypo- and hyperthyroid functions) and also I have had borderline blood test results but never been treated.
As for my looks: I'm thin, tall but curved - kind of classic X-type body figure. I have long brown hair and gray eyes. My facial features are soft (round head and cheeks, full lips).
My periods: cycle from around 40 to 85 days, last for 4-7 days. I have some pms-symptoms as tender breasts, pain in lower back and around uterus. Flow is chancing, sometimes is really dark and starts slowly and has clots - sometimes it bright red and nearly watery.
I know this is really long post but I wanted to share as much information as I could. I am hoping that someone could tell if the prescription I got couple of years ago is still a good one for me. I wish I had a normal menstrual cycle or at least ovulatory one. At the moment I don't have a job and don't have much money so I would want to continue homeopathic remedies before starting expensive infertility treatments.
Thank you for reading and thank you if you choose to help me.
Avenue on 2009-03-12
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