The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Thiosinaminum and Calc Fluor for Stretch Marks
Hi,Someone mentioned to me that one can take Thiosinaminum and CALC FLUOR for stretch marks/scar tissue.
Could someone please recommend dosage and potency please for this please?
Thank you!
BC8BC8 on 2009-03-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please try calc.flour-6x singly (2 grain thrice a day for 2/3 weeks) and report progress.
♡ Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Yes .. both meds are correct.
I had advised these meds number of times in the past at ABC forum.
Pl. scan back pages a (forum Archives) and you will find posts connected with these suggestions.
Pankaj Varma
I had advised these meds number of times in the past at ABC forum.
Pl. scan back pages a (forum Archives) and you will find posts connected with these suggestions.
Pankaj Varma
♡ PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Stretch marks From maltesemd on 2003-09-24
86 replies 10030 views
anything to take away stretch marks from a pregnancy (thanks to my twins!)? On stomach, thighs and breasts. They are purplish in color.
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Re: Stretch marks From CarolineM on 2003-12-04
I cannot suggest anything homeopathic. But putting vitamin E oil (or similar preparation) or Aloe vera gel on the affected areas can help the skin to repair. The marks will not get smaller but the purple colour will go and fade to a slight silver, not hugely noticeable unless you get very tanned (they don't tan the same as the rest of your skin). This does take TIME, I speak from experience as I have 3 children and was VERY big when pregnant (I had to make my own maternaty clothes as they didn't go big enough!) I looked like i was having twins with all three of them, so my skin has really been through the mill. Have hope and try the items suggested. Caroline
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Re: Stretch marks From PANKAJ VARMA on 2003-12-18
This question has been there for a long time. I am sure a lot of concerned people are waiting for the reply.
Apply externally:
THIOSINAMINUM Q (mother tincture) ...use a 20% solution i.e. diluted to 20 % in water. use on alternate days for a week.
Internally THIOSINAMINUM 30 C one dose each day for a week.
For who ever it works, please send me a box of chocolates !!!
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Re: Stretch marks From janicej88 on 2004-05-22
I used soft-E-lotion when I was pregnant and only got one very small one in the middle fo my belly. My mom got covered and so did my sister :( I only gained 30lbs while my sister gained 40llb, but my mom says she only gained a little over 30lbs. I think stretch marks are genetic, but I am sure this lotion did help!
Here is where I bought it from. They have some good reading on the site under ingredients.
[url removed by moderator; a bit suspicious that Janice's only post is selling something...]
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Re: Stretch marks From PANKAJ VARMA on 2004-05-25
Did it work for anyone???
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Re: Stretch marks From loree on 2004-05-28
Does, this work for women or people that have lost weight and have a flabby characteristic to their skin (lost the elastin component to their skin)
Thanks, Loree
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Re: Stretch marks From PANKAJ VARMA on 2004-05-29
It works on all SCAR TISSUES of the skin, without distinguishing between genders.
Pankaj Varma
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Re: Stretch marks From loree on 2004-05-29
So this can be used for all new and old scars, as well as loose skin (which is not a scar, just not firm skin)
BTW: When is your remedy collections book going to come out...I remember you saying you were forming a book..I think it would go over GREAT...
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Re: Stretch marks From PANKAJ VARMA on 2004-06-04
Loose skin is part of the age-ing process.
For a younger look and to fight age-ing use GINKO BILOBA.
WITH Thyso---- scar tissues will dissolve, no matter new or old.
Pankaj Varma
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Re: Stretch marks From PANKAJ VARMA on 2004-06-04
correct name of the medicine is:
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Re: Stretch marks From PANKAJ VARMA on 2004-06-04
other one is:
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Re: Stretch marks From loree on 2004-06-04
Thank you! Gingko B. the herb?
Believe it or not, skin elasticity varys in people...I have seen people in their 80's with very firm skin! Loree
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Re: Stretch marks From vikram_bansal1978 on 2004-07-25
Pankaj, Does this work for Chicken Pox marks also?
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I just might owe you a box of chocolates! From Sonu on 2004-07-25
Hi Pankaj Varma,
I tried Thiosinaminum exactly as recommended by you and have found my stretch marks reduced by about 30%. I have stopped taking the medicine as I was a little worried about possible side-effects.
So, you see, I just might send you that box of chocolates. But can you tell me for how long I can use thiosinaminum safely? Can I continue using it till all of the stratch marks disappear?
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Re: Stretch marks From PANKAJ VARMA on 2004-07-25
There are no reported side effects of this medicine.
you can continue to take in 30C potency.
chocolates ! Why might ??
Pankaj Varma
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Re: Stretch marks From PANKAJ VARMA on 2004-07-25
Can work for chicken pox marks Vikram.
Just try it and report feed back in due course.
Pankaj Varma
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Re: Stretch marks From simranbrar on 2004-10-06
Hi Pankaj Verma,
I want to know whether Thiosinamum can be applied safely externally and taken internally during pregnancy?
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Re: Stretch marks From bandarbabu2000 on 2004-10-06
Dear Pankaj
You are going to be a favourite among young mothers.
I wii look it up in the materia medica I have.
If it is not available, I will bother you for more details.
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Re: Stretch marks From simranbrar on 2004-10-06
Hi once again pankaj,
I live in New Delhi, India. I have looked around a great deal for the Thiosinaminum Q mother tincture, but am told that it is not manufactured. I have managed to obtain the Thiosinaminum 30 dilution and the Thiosinaminum tablets.
What I wanted to know was whether I can powder the tablets and mix it in glycerine and apply it externally on my stretch marks?
Also, how should I take the dilution. What is 'one dose'?
Thanks a ton!!!
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Re: Stretch marks From PANKAJ VARMA on 2004-10-06
Hi Simran !
If you take the liquid form of the medicine in 30 potency then one dose is ....two drops of the med in two table-spoons of water.(internally). Start taking after the pregnancy is over.
(One week after).
Externally , you can apply any time and you can make the paste as suggested by you out of the tablets.
best wishes,
Pankaj Varma
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Re: Stretch marks From PANKAJ VARMA on 2004-10-06
Dear Murty,
You are welcome to seek more details !!!
Best wishes,
Pankaj Varma
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Re: Stretch marks From simranbrar on 2004-10-07
Hi Pankaj,
Thanks for this information. Shall let you know the progress.
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Re: Stretch marks From bandarbabu2000 on 2004-10-07
Dear Pankaj
I could find it in Clarke,Boericke and Phatak.
We will never come to know about these almost specific medicines unless somebody like you brings our attention to them.
As it is,time is not enough to understand even the polychrests.The more you read,you feel you know very little.
Thanks a lot.
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Re: Stretch marks From naryssa on 2004-10-17
thankfully ive stumbled across this thread..but need to maek sure, mr varma, if the same applies to me...
i suffer from clogged pores and someone advised i use garlic paste to open up my pores..i did this and it really stung but face felt feally smooth..however it my chin blistered and the skin peeled off and now im left with a great bigpurple/brown scar which doesnt seem to fade and iv been left feeling very stupid and conspicuos, could you please advise me of the best course of action
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Re: Stretch marks From peace on 2004-10-17
I'm curiouse to know why some areas work more with lower potencies like 30c and other areas work with higher remedies like 200c. The homeopath we have in our area does not prescribe less than 200c and you can't find under 200c in the homeopathic pharmacy around here eighter. So, can a person take 200c for the strecht marks or would we have to specially order the 30c in such a case?
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Re: Stretch marks From bandarbabu2000 on 2004-10-18
Dear peace
Posology (selection of potency) is a vast subject, with lot of controversies.Big book can be written on the subject.
But, I will try to explian you briefly.
It is a common practice to prescribe lower potencies for purely physical problems,and if seat of the disease is in higher planes,normally higher potencies are prescribed.
There are three planes,physical,emotional and mental.
Not all people agree to this view.
Another thing is, it is clinically found that certain medicines work only in mother tincture and lower potencies,and in higher potencies ,they are not at all effective.
Similarly,it is dangerous to prescribe certain medicines,in lower potencies,for ex.Ars.alb,Lachesis etc.Most poisions come under this category.
So,it is not correct to assume that any medicine will work in any potency.
As I told you,there must be many books on posology,and try to read them.
To start with do a google search 'posology homeopathy'. You will get lot of information.
86 replies 10030 views
anything to take away stretch marks from a pregnancy (thanks to my twins!)? On stomach, thighs and breasts. They are purplish in color.
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Re: Stretch marks From CarolineM on 2003-12-04
I cannot suggest anything homeopathic. But putting vitamin E oil (or similar preparation) or Aloe vera gel on the affected areas can help the skin to repair. The marks will not get smaller but the purple colour will go and fade to a slight silver, not hugely noticeable unless you get very tanned (they don't tan the same as the rest of your skin). This does take TIME, I speak from experience as I have 3 children and was VERY big when pregnant (I had to make my own maternaty clothes as they didn't go big enough!) I looked like i was having twins with all three of them, so my skin has really been through the mill. Have hope and try the items suggested. Caroline
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Re: Stretch marks From PANKAJ VARMA on 2003-12-18
This question has been there for a long time. I am sure a lot of concerned people are waiting for the reply.
Apply externally:
THIOSINAMINUM Q (mother tincture) ...use a 20% solution i.e. diluted to 20 % in water. use on alternate days for a week.
Internally THIOSINAMINUM 30 C one dose each day for a week.
For who ever it works, please send me a box of chocolates !!!
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Re: Stretch marks From janicej88 on 2004-05-22
I used soft-E-lotion when I was pregnant and only got one very small one in the middle fo my belly. My mom got covered and so did my sister :( I only gained 30lbs while my sister gained 40llb, but my mom says she only gained a little over 30lbs. I think stretch marks are genetic, but I am sure this lotion did help!
Here is where I bought it from. They have some good reading on the site under ingredients.
[url removed by moderator; a bit suspicious that Janice's only post is selling something...]
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Re: Stretch marks From PANKAJ VARMA on 2004-05-25
Did it work for anyone???
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Re: Stretch marks From loree on 2004-05-28
Does, this work for women or people that have lost weight and have a flabby characteristic to their skin (lost the elastin component to their skin)
Thanks, Loree
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Re: Stretch marks From PANKAJ VARMA on 2004-05-29
It works on all SCAR TISSUES of the skin, without distinguishing between genders.
Pankaj Varma
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Re: Stretch marks From loree on 2004-05-29
So this can be used for all new and old scars, as well as loose skin (which is not a scar, just not firm skin)
BTW: When is your remedy collections book going to come out...I remember you saying you were forming a book..I think it would go over GREAT...
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Re: Stretch marks From PANKAJ VARMA on 2004-06-04
Loose skin is part of the age-ing process.
For a younger look and to fight age-ing use GINKO BILOBA.
WITH Thyso---- scar tissues will dissolve, no matter new or old.
Pankaj Varma
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Re: Stretch marks From PANKAJ VARMA on 2004-06-04
correct name of the medicine is:
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Re: Stretch marks From PANKAJ VARMA on 2004-06-04
other one is:
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Re: Stretch marks From loree on 2004-06-04
Thank you! Gingko B. the herb?
Believe it or not, skin elasticity varys in people...I have seen people in their 80's with very firm skin! Loree
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Re: Stretch marks From vikram_bansal1978 on 2004-07-25
Pankaj, Does this work for Chicken Pox marks also?
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I just might owe you a box of chocolates! From Sonu on 2004-07-25
Hi Pankaj Varma,
I tried Thiosinaminum exactly as recommended by you and have found my stretch marks reduced by about 30%. I have stopped taking the medicine as I was a little worried about possible side-effects.
So, you see, I just might send you that box of chocolates. But can you tell me for how long I can use thiosinaminum safely? Can I continue using it till all of the stratch marks disappear?
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Re: Stretch marks From PANKAJ VARMA on 2004-07-25
There are no reported side effects of this medicine.
you can continue to take in 30C potency.
chocolates ! Why might ??
Pankaj Varma
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Re: Stretch marks From PANKAJ VARMA on 2004-07-25
Can work for chicken pox marks Vikram.
Just try it and report feed back in due course.
Pankaj Varma
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Re: Stretch marks From simranbrar on 2004-10-06
Hi Pankaj Verma,
I want to know whether Thiosinamum can be applied safely externally and taken internally during pregnancy?
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Re: Stretch marks From bandarbabu2000 on 2004-10-06
Dear Pankaj
You are going to be a favourite among young mothers.
I wii look it up in the materia medica I have.
If it is not available, I will bother you for more details.
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Re: Stretch marks From simranbrar on 2004-10-06
Hi once again pankaj,
I live in New Delhi, India. I have looked around a great deal for the Thiosinaminum Q mother tincture, but am told that it is not manufactured. I have managed to obtain the Thiosinaminum 30 dilution and the Thiosinaminum tablets.
What I wanted to know was whether I can powder the tablets and mix it in glycerine and apply it externally on my stretch marks?
Also, how should I take the dilution. What is 'one dose'?
Thanks a ton!!!
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Re: Stretch marks From PANKAJ VARMA on 2004-10-06
Hi Simran !
If you take the liquid form of the medicine in 30 potency then one dose is ....two drops of the med in two table-spoons of water.(internally). Start taking after the pregnancy is over.
(One week after).
Externally , you can apply any time and you can make the paste as suggested by you out of the tablets.
best wishes,
Pankaj Varma
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Re: Stretch marks From PANKAJ VARMA on 2004-10-06
Dear Murty,
You are welcome to seek more details !!!
Best wishes,
Pankaj Varma
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Re: Stretch marks From simranbrar on 2004-10-07
Hi Pankaj,
Thanks for this information. Shall let you know the progress.
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Re: Stretch marks From bandarbabu2000 on 2004-10-07
Dear Pankaj
I could find it in Clarke,Boericke and Phatak.
We will never come to know about these almost specific medicines unless somebody like you brings our attention to them.
As it is,time is not enough to understand even the polychrests.The more you read,you feel you know very little.
Thanks a lot.
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Re: Stretch marks From naryssa on 2004-10-17
thankfully ive stumbled across this thread..but need to maek sure, mr varma, if the same applies to me...
i suffer from clogged pores and someone advised i use garlic paste to open up my pores..i did this and it really stung but face felt feally smooth..however it my chin blistered and the skin peeled off and now im left with a great bigpurple/brown scar which doesnt seem to fade and iv been left feeling very stupid and conspicuos, could you please advise me of the best course of action
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Re: Stretch marks From peace on 2004-10-17
I'm curiouse to know why some areas work more with lower potencies like 30c and other areas work with higher remedies like 200c. The homeopath we have in our area does not prescribe less than 200c and you can't find under 200c in the homeopathic pharmacy around here eighter. So, can a person take 200c for the strecht marks or would we have to specially order the 30c in such a case?
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Re: Stretch marks From bandarbabu2000 on 2004-10-18
Dear peace
Posology (selection of potency) is a vast subject, with lot of controversies.Big book can be written on the subject.
But, I will try to explian you briefly.
It is a common practice to prescribe lower potencies for purely physical problems,and if seat of the disease is in higher planes,normally higher potencies are prescribed.
There are three planes,physical,emotional and mental.
Not all people agree to this view.
Another thing is, it is clinically found that certain medicines work only in mother tincture and lower potencies,and in higher potencies ,they are not at all effective.
Similarly,it is dangerous to prescribe certain medicines,in lower potencies,for ex.Ars.alb,Lachesis etc.Most poisions come under this category.
So,it is not correct to assume that any medicine will work in any potency.
As I told you,there must be many books on posology,and try to read them.
To start with do a google search 'posology homeopathy'. You will get lot of information.
♡ PANKAJ VARMA last decade
You can go thru all these posts and gather more info on this subject.
Pankaj Varma
Results for stretch marks in the Forum
Topic Posts Views Started by Last Post
Stretch marks [LAST PAGE] 86 10030 maltesemd 5th Jan 06
Stretch Marks 13 4654 Megan 22nd Oct 07
Dr.Haran ch malaker
THIOSINAMINUM for stretchmarks 10 794 tan160581 3rd Jul 07
Stretch marks 5 279 Leanne20 26th Jun 08
Acne blemishes and stretch marks 4 3594 Sjafi 24th Mar 06
white stretch marks - remedy? 4 1116 carly_pussycat 22nd Jul 06
stretch marks 3 943 Hellion 28th Sep 05
best remedy for stretch marks 3 731 zorro_- 7th Aug 06
Re : Stretch Marks 3 319 sanjananagesh 11th May 08
Thiosinaminum and CALC FLUOR for Stretch Marks 3 47 BC8BC8 19th Mar 09
Horrible, red stretch marks 2 631 Veriss 13th Dec 06
Stretch Marks... 2 439 sidkool 3rd May 07
Stretch Marks -Further instructions would be much appreciated 1 850 Megan 4th Feb 05
Thiosinaminum + Stretch Marks 1 876 annka 12th Sep 06
Acne blemishes and stretch marks - Dr. Deoshlok Sharma 0 232 deoshlok 24th Mar 06
what can i take to get rid of stretchmarks 0 155 tan160581 21st Nov 06
Avoiding Stretch marks during pregnancy 0 536 Goldilocks1972 16th Jan 07
stretchmarks and thinning dry brittle hair female 25yrs old 0 399 tan160581 25th Jan 07
Pankaj Varma
Results for stretch marks in the Forum
Topic Posts Views Started by Last Post
Stretch marks [LAST PAGE] 86 10030 maltesemd 5th Jan 06
Stretch Marks 13 4654 Megan 22nd Oct 07
Dr.Haran ch malaker
THIOSINAMINUM for stretchmarks 10 794 tan160581 3rd Jul 07
Stretch marks 5 279 Leanne20 26th Jun 08
Acne blemishes and stretch marks 4 3594 Sjafi 24th Mar 06
white stretch marks - remedy? 4 1116 carly_pussycat 22nd Jul 06
stretch marks 3 943 Hellion 28th Sep 05
best remedy for stretch marks 3 731 zorro_- 7th Aug 06
Re : Stretch Marks 3 319 sanjananagesh 11th May 08
Thiosinaminum and CALC FLUOR for Stretch Marks 3 47 BC8BC8 19th Mar 09
Horrible, red stretch marks 2 631 Veriss 13th Dec 06
Stretch Marks... 2 439 sidkool 3rd May 07
Stretch Marks -Further instructions would be much appreciated 1 850 Megan 4th Feb 05
Thiosinaminum + Stretch Marks 1 876 annka 12th Sep 06
Acne blemishes and stretch marks - Dr. Deoshlok Sharma 0 232 deoshlok 24th Mar 06
what can i take to get rid of stretchmarks 0 155 tan160581 21st Nov 06
Avoiding Stretch marks during pregnancy 0 536 Goldilocks1972 16th Jan 07
stretchmarks and thinning dry brittle hair female 25yrs old 0 399 tan160581 25th Jan 07
♡ PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Hi and thank you for the replies.
Can I just ask why you recommend taking the Thiosinaminum for only one week? Is there a reason? surely it can't make much different in just one week?
Could one take it for a number of weeks/months and would that be ok?
I'd like to take the CALC FLUOR and Thio for a number of weeks, even months... but I'm not sure if that is ok or not.
Thank you!
Can I just ask why you recommend taking the Thiosinaminum for only one week? Is there a reason? surely it can't make much different in just one week?
Could one take it for a number of weeks/months and would that be ok?
I'd like to take the CALC FLUOR and Thio for a number of weeks, even months... but I'm not sure if that is ok or not.
Thank you!
BC8BC8 last decade
Take it for one week and see how your system responds to it.
Post feed back here and we can review the case for further dosage.
Pankaj Varma
Post feed back here and we can review the case for further dosage.
Pankaj Varma
♡ PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Calcarea Flourica...can take for longer is a bio-chemic remedy...more like a tonic remedy.
Pankaj Varma
Pankaj Varma
♡ PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Hi Pankaj Varma,
Thank you for your help.
I have ordered the Thio 30C and Calc Fluor 6X pillules (7g) from this website, earlier this evening.
I will post back after the first week of taking the Thio and let you know how I am getting on.
Thank you for your help.
I have ordered the Thio 30C and Calc Fluor 6X pillules (7g) from this website, earlier this evening.
I will post back after the first week of taking the Thio and let you know how I am getting on.
BC8BC8 last decade
I have been taking my Thiosinaminum 30c for 6 days now.
Everything is fine. I'm not actually sure if the Thio can cause any problems/side effects, but I have been fine... no problems here.
So, do I continue taking the Thio once a day for a longer period of time? Or do I take more than one a day from now on?
I have been taking my Thiosinaminum 30c for 6 days now.
Everything is fine. I'm not actually sure if the Thio can cause any problems/side effects, but I have been fine... no problems here.
So, do I continue taking the Thio once a day for a longer period of time? Or do I take more than one a day from now on?
BC8BC8 last decade
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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.