The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Major Stomach pains
Hi. I have been having major pains in the upper abdomen area. It gets really hard and painful. Now along with this pain i sometimes feel guidy and get major headaches, i sometimes feel like im gonna fall down. I think it is a problem with the duodenum and due to this i even have some rash on my face along with redness and feel alot of heat on my cheeks. Overall i feel very hot at times.I had been advised by a doctor to take Nux vomica 30 for 45 days, thrice a day , 3 pills. I have taken it for about 20 days but i still have alot of pain in the abdomen area.
I would appreciate if any doctor could guide me as to how to go about this problem. I was even wondering if feeling this guidiness or headaches have anything to do with the stomach pains.
Hope to hear from some doctor at the earliest. Please feel free to ask me any other questions.
Thank you.
Aj_Japan on 2009-03-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Plz try the following:
China 30 + Carbo Veg. 30 + Magnesium Phos. 30
Only two drops of each medicine in a small amount of water to be taken two times a day for two days and report plz.
China 30 + Carbo Veg. 30 + Magnesium Phos. 30
Only two drops of each medicine in a small amount of water to be taken two times a day for two days and report plz.
Ataulkaafi last decade
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