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avoiding pregnancy

I’m a married woman for last 2.5 yrs and I have one 1.5 yrs son. I think this month I have missed my periods. Instead of allopathic medicine what safe homeopathic medicine can I take to get the periods? Please suggest ASAP.
  rash0581 on 2009-03-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Just after you got the last periods should have taken one dose of Natrum Muriaticum 200 and one dose just after 15 days. Possibly no fertilization takes place in such a situation. Not 100 % sure.
Ataulkaafi last decade
Can using Nat Mur 200 every month twice like suggested above on a routine basis cause any side affects?
rash0581 last decade
No, as far as I know that.
Ataulkaafi last decade
I too want to avoid pregnancy. Dr. suggested me to take matrum mur 200X, 3 consecutive days immediately after cessation of mensuration cycle.

But when i took nat mur. 200X . My bleeding again got started . what should I do now.
agrawal1 9 years ago

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