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7 week old infant with severe nasal congestion
My baby is 7 week old male. He has had nasal congestion since 3rd week. It is increasingly worse. I use a humidifier at night. I use a natural chest rub of essential oils 2x day. I've been giving him 1/4t. of Respiractin herbal liquid 2x daily for the congestion, (it contains a blend of herbs for the respitory system), and also 6 sprays of a combination homeopathic spray I bought at the health food store throughout the day. He is only breastfed. He has had no vaccinations and will not. He did spend 1 week in neonatal intensive care unit because his lungs were not mature. I was induced one week early because he was already 8lb 6oz, but after delivery, they believe he was only 37weeks. He developed a hole in the lung 12 hours after birth, and was intubated and given surfactent in the lungs. The hole healed, and they checked his heart for any problems, but all was normal. He came home still a little jaundice, and has taken a while for the yellow to go away. A blood test for biliruben was done at 4 weeks, and then again at 7 weeks. It is getting much better, but the doctor says it should be gone. I will not have the results of the 7 week test for a couple of days. I read that breastfeeding can cause it to linger a little. He seems to be thriving. He came home weighing 7lb 11oz, and at 7 weeks, weighs 12lbs. He is very alert and happy, except for the nasal congestion. I wonder if babies this young could be allergic to something in the house. This is my 5th child and none before have ever had any problems. Last night his stuffy nose seemed to bother him through the night, keeping him from resting well. Today he is gagging from the mucous. I am also using Xclear nasal saline drops and a nasal aspirator to clear the nose when possible, I just can't seem to get a lot out. It's clear to cream color, and stringy. Would appreciate any help. He also was having severe diaper rash, blister like, and I am using anti-fungal cream for that and noticing improvement overnight. He was given 3 antibiotics after birth for problems that he had with the lung problems. I don't like antibiotics, but in a situation like that, I put it in the doctors hands. I suppose that some of this could be his body dumping some junk. He took in a lot of fluid during bith too.sooner44 on 2009-03-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
can try Dulcamara 30 just one dose. Just one dose only.
Ataulkaafi last decade
Seems somewhat less congested after giving, however, still sneezing. Should I repeat the dose at all, or give it more time. I gave 2 pellets of 30x. Also, do you know anything that will bring bilirubin count down? His is declining, but not as fast as it should. He had a full blood work up yesterday and everything is normal. Bili was 7.0 3wks ago, 6.9 one week ago, and 5.8 yesterday. Has a raised spot on the white of his eye, like a hemorrhage, has been there 8 weeks.
sooner44 last decade
It is that we do not repeat the medicine so often when there is a small baby, because babies have ability to show the medicine's symptoms very quickly. This is why I said just one dose. Other dose can be repeated after 24 hours atleast. So you can give him another dose of Dulcamara 30 and wait.
Ataulkaafi last decade
It has come down to 5.8 from 6.9. So plz wait and have it checked regularly. It may be due to low caloric intake or inadequate milk intake.
Can you plz tell me about his stools (hard & dry or ... )colour of the stools, does he get hot and sweats? eye colour? does he have som white or yellowish coating on the toungue?does he vomit?
Can you plz tell me about his stools (hard & dry or ... )colour of the stools, does he get hot and sweats? eye colour? does he have som white or yellowish coating on the toungue?does he vomit?
Ataulkaafi last decade
I'd say he has one large bowel movement per day, but has a dirty diaper every diaper change with just a little bit on the diaper, and it's always dark, mustard color, and very runny. He stays rashed on his bottom all the time, with some raw, broken skin. He's never had a hard or dry stool. His eyes are dark blue and he's dark haired. I have noticed him sweating before, but only when riding in a car seat or getting upset. He doesn't sweat real often, but when he does, his entire body and hair will be wet. No vomiting, and great weight gain. No coating on the tongue, but have noticed some light spots in the roof of mouth before, but those seem to be going away. A pediatric GI doctor here believes this is breastmilk jaundice. He nurses every 3 hours, but only about 5 min. I'd say he's taking about 3-4 oz at one feeding.
sooner44 last decade
Hello I am responding to this becuase i have been in a similar circumstance for some time now and I think I may be able to help. Try giving him soy formula. My daughter was very congested and I was breast feeding her too. Then she got rsv and I had to stop nursing. When I started her on formula she got worse. I read that milk alergies can cause this so I gave it a try and almost immediatley noticed a change. If you dont want to give him formula, then cut all dairy from your diet and see if this helps...may not but worth a try. I can definately relate
kairbabear last decade
Thanks for the info. I will continue to breastfeed as long as possible. His nose had cleared up for a while shortly after I made the post. Once again, is stuffy , running clear. I'm really thinking he has an allergy to tree pollen, grass, mold, etc....We live in an area known for all that bad stuff. We are outside quite a bit if it isn't windy. It doesn't seem to interfere with nursing. I suppose it could be something in my diet, but wonder why it wouldn't bother him all the time? I'll keep the soy formula in mind when he's weaning.
sooner44 last decade
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