The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Rotten/meaty/fecal body odor, sweating, bad breath, anxiety, violent.
Hi,Just a brief look over my problem.
im 19 female, I have horrific body odor, it can travel quite far along with the breath being quite potent.
My body odor smells like garbage, dead body, meaty, chemically (from what i have heard).
I think i may have problems with low stomach acid, im going to the shop to buy some betaine HCL asap and some b6,b12,b2 or maybe b complex ??...
I get angry really easily, its scaring my family, when i see knives i feel like stabbing some people... i will pick it up and shadow stab someone(pretend to) no one would be there though.
Im also quite anxious i get stomach knot anxiety every 10-20 seconds when around people when im strait (not drinking alcohol or when high off ice which recently only do every week for the past 1 and half months but have done it in the past)
Sweating..... profusely when anxious, its just like a tap on and off when anxious then im not and it stops. iv had this for a few years now and its been the main contributer to all my problems, id worry so much is someone saw me sweat that i developed this odor from all the stress and anxiety. now thats my least problem really, if only i knew back then that it could get so much worse i would not of worried that much. Id always think to myself oh my god im a smelly pig, sweating is the worst problem in the world, when really it could get sooooo much worse. so i went to a dermatologist and he told me about the recommendations for less sweat and he recommended Driclor. which i think contributed to the whole too many toxins in the body have to now exit through the skin...
The post nasal drip is so annoying its bad enough walking into a shop smelling like feces then when someone asks you something you shoot over this rancid smell of tonsil stones mixed with whatever my body decides to emit that day...may it be garbage mixed with feces and rotten lamb only they would know i myself cant smell it.....
Im stuck, my family dont believe in homeopathy or any thing that hasnt been scientifically proved by pop medicine, but i have a few friends online that go by it.
i will answer any question you want me to answer, but please be sure with the right remedies i dont work and im on a disability pension which is really crappy for me as im in dire need of money for all these appointments and supplements.
thanks for your time sorry if its a bit long...
Jiblet on 2009-04-04
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi, I suffer from similar problems: bad body smell, anxiety (social phobia). Don´t know if they are related but I suspect anxiety causes the smell or makes it worse. Please help..
hmptdan last decade
please take three doses of arsenic alb 30c at a gap of 4 hours on a single day. Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.
That should ameliorate the symptoms due to anxiety. Please don't take the medicine daily but take it only on a single day.
i know that Vikas is strictly against prescribing on such little information. But many people read such threads to find instant relief for their acute symptoms.
Later full case taking can be done if the patient normalises. So patients should note this point clearly.
That should ameliorate the symptoms due to anxiety. Please don't take the medicine daily but take it only on a single day.
i know that Vikas is strictly against prescribing on such little information. But many people read such threads to find instant relief for their acute symptoms.
Later full case taking can be done if the patient normalises. So patients should note this point clearly.
♡ kadwa last decade
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