The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Basic facts of unitary homeopathy
The founder of homeopathy was Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843). Based on his observations, he formulated the so-called PRINCIPLE OF SIMILARITY, which states that a given substance can cure in a diseased person the symptoms that it produces or causes in a healthy person.Homeopathy is a well-described, scientifically based system of approaching health and disease. 'Scientific' because the insights are based on reproducible experiments. 'Well-described' because from these observations a number of precise basic fundamental rules became evident, first among them the 'similarity principle.'
Hahnemann published his ideas and experiences in a book called the Organon. The first edition appeared in 1810 and he wrote the last edition (which appeared posthumously) in 1842. As was the custom in those days, he gave numbers to each paragraph in which he explained his different concepts. What is so striking is that Hahnemanns fundamental concepts still hold true today nearly 200 years later. This is not to say there has been no progress in homeopathic thought but rather to the fact that subsequent investigators have been able to confirm and reconfirm these basic principles. Every serious study of homeopathy even today begins with a study of the Organon.
mukesh11 on 2009-04-04
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