The ABC Homeopathy Forum
food feels stuck in throat..
hi there --i have been dealing with severe constipation for over a year now. the last 5 months i have bene battling heartburn, indigestion, excessive belching, food that feel like its caught in my throat issues.. and im at my wits end. i have tried ppi's ( which did nothing -and now im off them)total change in diet( to all fresh) organic apple cider vinegar, DGL, Papaya enzymes, miralax, probiotics, dandelion root, vitex (for suspected endometriosis), swedish bitters.. etc.. i havent found any real success with any of these supplements.. any suggestions?
xoeyg5 on 2009-04-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I looked into repertory for your symptoms at the following page
Choking when eating, drinking -- Abies n., Anac., Cajup., Can. s., Glon., Kava, Merc. c., Mur. ac., Niccol., Nit. ac., Phyt., Santon., Sumb.
and to my surprise i found that the very first remedy matches you.
You may go through the following-
by William BOERICKE, M.D.
Presented by Médi-T
Black Spruce
A powerful and long-acting remedy, in various forms of disease, whenever the characteristic stomach symptoms are present. Most of the symptoms are associated with the gastric disturbances. In dyspeptic troubles of the aged, with functional heart symptoms; also after tea or tobacco. Constipation. Pain in external meatus.
Head.--Hot, with flushed cheeks. Low-spirited. Dull during the day, wakeful at night. Unable to think.
Stomach.--Pain in stomach always comes on after eating. Sensation of a lump that hurts, as if a hard-boiled egg had lodged in cardiac end of stomach; continual distressing constriction just above the pit of the stomach, as if everything were knotted up. Total loss of appetite in morning, but great craving for food at noon and night. Offensive breath. Eructations.
Chest.--Painful sensation, as if something were lodged in the chest and had to be coughed up; lungs feel compressed. Cannot be fully expanded. Worse coughing; waterbrash succeeds cough. Choking sensation in throat. Dyspna; worse lying down; sharp, cutting pain in heart; heart's action heavy and slow; tachycardia, bradycardia.
Back.--Pain in small of back. Rheumatic pains and aching in bones.
Sleep.--Wakeful and restless at night, with hunger. Bad dreams.
Fever.--Alternate heat and cold; chronic intermittent fever, with pain in stomach.
Modalities.--Worse after eating.
Relationship.--Compare: (Lump in stomach--China, Bryon, Pulsat); also other Conifers--Thuja, Sabina, Cupressus (painful indigestion) also Nux vom, Kali carb.
Dose.--First to thirtieth potency.
Copyright © Médi-T 1999
If you think that ABIES NIGRA is your remedy after reading the above details.
Take 3 doses of ABIES NIGRA
on a single day at a gap of 4 hours. No more doses thereafter for 7 days. Report here after 7 days.
Follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes.
Choking when eating, drinking -- Abies n., Anac., Cajup., Can. s., Glon., Kava, Merc. c., Mur. ac., Niccol., Nit. ac., Phyt., Santon., Sumb.
and to my surprise i found that the very first remedy matches you.
You may go through the following-
by William BOERICKE, M.D.
Presented by Médi-T
Black Spruce
A powerful and long-acting remedy, in various forms of disease, whenever the characteristic stomach symptoms are present. Most of the symptoms are associated with the gastric disturbances. In dyspeptic troubles of the aged, with functional heart symptoms; also after tea or tobacco. Constipation. Pain in external meatus.
Head.--Hot, with flushed cheeks. Low-spirited. Dull during the day, wakeful at night. Unable to think.
Stomach.--Pain in stomach always comes on after eating. Sensation of a lump that hurts, as if a hard-boiled egg had lodged in cardiac end of stomach; continual distressing constriction just above the pit of the stomach, as if everything were knotted up. Total loss of appetite in morning, but great craving for food at noon and night. Offensive breath. Eructations.
Chest.--Painful sensation, as if something were lodged in the chest and had to be coughed up; lungs feel compressed. Cannot be fully expanded. Worse coughing; waterbrash succeeds cough. Choking sensation in throat. Dyspna; worse lying down; sharp, cutting pain in heart; heart's action heavy and slow; tachycardia, bradycardia.
Back.--Pain in small of back. Rheumatic pains and aching in bones.
Sleep.--Wakeful and restless at night, with hunger. Bad dreams.
Fever.--Alternate heat and cold; chronic intermittent fever, with pain in stomach.
Modalities.--Worse after eating.
Relationship.--Compare: (Lump in stomach--China, Bryon, Pulsat); also other Conifers--Thuja, Sabina, Cupressus (painful indigestion) also Nux vom, Kali carb.
Dose.--First to thirtieth potency.
Copyright © Médi-T 1999
If you think that ABIES NIGRA is your remedy after reading the above details.
Take 3 doses of ABIES NIGRA
on a single day at a gap of 4 hours. No more doses thereafter for 7 days. Report here after 7 days.
Follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes.
♡ kadwa last decade
♡ kadwa last decade
thank you for your reply.. im a little confused about something - you are saying that abies nigra is recommended? and to take it only for 1 day than stop? please advise
xoeyg5 last decade
please note carefully what is appearing above
Black Spruce
A powerful and long-acting remedy, in various forms of disease, whenever the characteristic stomach symp...
You need to take medicine only on day one. The remedy will keep working internally. We will review the case after a week and decide the course of action like whether to go for a higher potency or to go for another remedy.
Black Spruce
A powerful and long-acting remedy, in various forms of disease, whenever the characteristic stomach symp...
You need to take medicine only on day one. The remedy will keep working internally. We will review the case after a week and decide the course of action like whether to go for a higher potency or to go for another remedy.
♡ kadwa last decade
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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.