The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Female experiencing hair loss at age 27
I have always had very thick thick hair and suddenly, when I turned 27 this year, I began to shed like crazy.- I would see hair everywhere: my pillow, on the floor in my gym class, on my clothes, at my work desk, etc.
- the back of my hair is where I am losing hair the most! it is very brittle compared to the rest of my hair.
- it almost looks like I have a bald spot on the back of my head because the crown is where I am losing all my hair. I cannot cover it and you can see my scalp from behind me, reaching all the way down to the back middle of my head.
Do you think sepia can help a young lady like me? I read somewhere that sepia is mainly for women going through menopause but not sure if it is limited to that. I've tried different shampoos and hair oils, but it seems to make my hair fall out even more. This is something that I am dealing with too early in my life...and it frightens me.
Thank you..I hope to hear from you all soon..
Caliny222 on 2009-04-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
arnica 30 one dose daily for one month along with flouric acid 200 weekly dose for one month j k mohla
♡ akshaymohl last decade
Thank you for the quick response, akshaymohl. I have never heard of Fluouric Acid 200...does that really work? I've read so much about you think I should take that too?
Caliny222 last decade
Joe - - Do you only suggest Arnica 30? What about Sepia 200c or Fluoric Acid 200? What are the differences?
- Even though Arnica 30 in water form may be more effective, would taking Arnica 30 in the pill form prevent me from better results? And if I do decide to go the water form route, where should I keep this bottle of water for 3 months so that it does not get too warm or contaminated? And do I just drink a teaspoon everyday?
- Do you suggest a specific shampoo? I switched from Pantene to Avalon Organics..but see no difference.
- Even though Arnica 30 in water form may be more effective, would taking Arnica 30 in the pill form prevent me from better results? And if I do decide to go the water form route, where should I keep this bottle of water for 3 months so that it does not get too warm or contaminated? And do I just drink a teaspoon everyday?
- Do you suggest a specific shampoo? I switched from Pantene to Avalon Organics..but see no difference.
Caliny222 last decade
Sorry...last post. If I take Arnica 30, Fluoric Acid 200, and Sepia C...should I be taking liquid doses of all of these? I'm a bit confused whether I should get pills or liquid..and if do I take it? Please help. Thank you so much!!!
Caliny222 last decade
pl use arnica in pills or liquid form flouric acid and acid flouricum is same i am not advising sepia
♡ akshaymohl last decade
Thank you. I will do that. However, this is the first time I am exploring homeopathic remedies. What is the dosage? How are you supposed to take it in liquid form? Fluoric 200 too high? and do I take pills? Sorry, this is all too new to me.
Caliny222 last decade
8 pills as one dose arnica evening time flouric acid is weekly dose 8 pills as one dose
♡ akshaymohl last decade
this is for Caliny222 or anyone else who can help.
Hi, I'm 28 years old and have the same problem. I am so desperate!! I really wanted to know if anything has worked?
I am actually anemic, just found out 3 months ago. I've been taking iron pills well (One a day multivitamins) don't know if those are good. I don't see much of a difference. I am scheduled for a blood check on the 14th of September. Hope to hear from you.
Hi, I'm 28 years old and have the same problem. I am so desperate!! I really wanted to know if anything has worked?
I am actually anemic, just found out 3 months ago. I've been taking iron pills well (One a day multivitamins) don't know if those are good. I don't see much of a difference. I am scheduled for a blood check on the 14th of September. Hope to hear from you.
jos27 last decade
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