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recurring ear infections
Dear Doctors,I would appreciate any help you can give me very much!
My 6 month old son is fussy and pushing away his bottle. He finished Azithromycin 8 days ago for an ear infection in both ears, but seems to be getting fussy again. He has only had a low grade fever. He has a lot of yellow wax in both ears, he is not pulling on them. He just starts crying for no reason. He has only low grade fevers. I don't want to give him more antibiotics. For the last two days he has been getting Pulsatilla 30x twice a day. Is this right? He still cries and pushes away his bottle. He also bangs his left hand up and down a lot. Here is my other post:
Please help! My 6 month old son is on his second ear infection. He was never sick until he started daycare at 2 months of age, , now he seems constantly sick. These are the facts:
*In the last 4 months, 3 colds, 2 cases of stomach flu, 2 ear infections. 1st ear infection right side, this one is bilateral. He sleeps at an angle in his crib with a humidifier. 2 drops of eucalyptus in humidifier when he is stuffy, lavender oil when not.
*He was never able to latch on, so he gets about 65% pumped breast milk, 35% organic lactose free formula in a bottle. We try to sit him up when feeding. We started on cereals 3 weeks ago, but that made him severely constipated so he is getting only baby fruits and vegetables and his milk. All his symptoms were present prior to adding solids. The only change since the addition is he is sleeping earlier, about 6:30-7:00 p.m. instead of 7:30-8:00 p.m. He sleeps until 6:00 a.m.
*He has always only had a BM every other or every 3rd day. He used to spit up constantly until he had cranial-sacral treatments, now he only spits up rarely.
*He used to have 'night terrors', episodes where he would cry for a few minutes but wouldn't wake up. The longest episode was 5 hours of crying without waking up. The ER couldn't find anything wrong with him. He hasn't had an episode since cranial-sacral treatments.
*His disposition is very happy and easy-going. He only cries when he is hungry, sick or sleepy. Many people comment on what an easy baby he is.
Current symptoms:
*For about 7 weeks he seems to have a cold that he can't get over. Loose cough, nasal congestion, watery eyes. The cough is more frequent throughout the night, but present throughout the day. His eyes water worse in the morning.
*Throughout the day he is very pale with dark pinkish-bluish circles under his eyes. At times, it looks as though he has 2 black eyes.
*When he is hot, and in the afternoons and evenings sometimes his cheeks get really red. Belladonna 6x doesn't seem to help.
*He doesn't pull at his ears, but sometimes he will cry-out for a few seconds. He moves his head and stops crying-out.
*He will take his bottle, then push it away, then pull it back, etc... Chamomilla 6x doesn't help.
*He wants to be held.
For both ear infections he didn't really seem sick, just a little fussy. I attributed it to teething (he got 2 teeth at 4 months old). It was only when he started crying through the night and projectile vomiting that we took him in, then they were HUGE ear infections both times, needing 2 rounds of antibiotics the first time. This time he was on Azithromycin, he finished the medication 3 days ago and is still fussy, crying out and pushing away his bottle. I would like to give him a homeopathic remedy instead of more antibiotics. Can anyone help? Pulsatilla 6x may be helping, but I'm not sure how frequently or for how long to give it.
sevenofblue on 2009-04-14
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