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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Testis pain


I am Rahul from pune, I am suffer from testis pain from last too years.
I had habit of excessive masturbation. one day i had tries this three time within in 10 minutes and since my daily life started suffer .
first one month when i tries masturbation there is pain in left lower abdomen .
after two month i started feeling pain in right testicle also .when i tries masturbation then things worsen for me.
after that undergo through varicocele surgery of both side for this pain.
But after that surgery pain is increased .I undergo various type of testing such as sonography, semen testing all reports are clear but there is serve pain in my both testis.
I take advise from
from various alopathy , ayurved doctors but no one solve my problem.
Pain in both side is different at left side lower abdomen and testis is painful,
at right side epididymitis and lower back is painful.
My daily life is suffer from this continuous pain . pain is increase when i was ejaculated . so please help me give me very valuable advise.

Thank you.
  chabu on 2009-04-15
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