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She can take a dose of LM5 with 10 hits, and then wait for LM6.
sameervermani last decade
Hello Sameer,
I think my daughter needs an updated dose of a remedy, these are the symptoms:

About one week ago or more, the day before her menses,- she gets teary easily at the time and she is very aware of it-
she was going on and on telling me how she lacks confidence in herself: her abilities, her looks and generally her self esteem is low, though one would never know she feels this way because she gives the impression that she is very confident.

She explains how her relationship with her father has influenced how she relates to boys- she does not trust easily and they may show a nice front when in reality they may be different, like her father is. She holds back so she does not have to experience a possible personality like her dad, who when she talks to him he appears to know it all but has taken no responsibility for his children, and, he constantly gives her advice on how to succeed in life. this makes her very angry at him and at the fact that she has to deal with the consequences of his non-action.(like not giving her any financial support)

I listened carefully and tried not to give her lectures but reminded her that people are unique and not to project her judgements onto others based on her own experiences.
In her mind she knows all that but she was kind of pouring her heart out at the time, I am so glad she did so I can relate it all to you here.

She has come to her conclusion that her childhood is now influencing her relationships in the present.

On the physical level she is a bit too obsessed about losing weight, she exercises daily, a good thing of course but like a teenager she is, she is dissatisfied with her looks.

She keeps breaking out on her face, chest and back which causes scarring, another reason to dislike her body. She keeps going on that her diet is not very bad, why does she break out?

She eats eggs every day, fried or boiled, she finds them convenient because she 'avoids starches,gives her the needed protein' and she likes the taste.

She expects that she will do well in her life and career but she also wants to do work abroad through volunteering.

If there is anything that would help here, I would greatly appreciate your expertise.

thank you,
Marika last decade
hi Sameer,

I forgot to say that she likes eating cold food from the fridge, never warms it up, and she is quite picky with eating, gets full easily and comes back to eat later. If she was a young child i would say she was a fussy eater. Premestrually she craves sweets.
Marika last decade
Let's give her a dose of Pulsatilla 30c, 3 doses at 30 minutes gap in 250 ml water.
sameervermani last decade
Hello Sameer,

I am not sure I am supposed to report after one week but I will note some changes I have seen since giving Pulsatilla 30C.

On the physical level one noticeable change is the considerable clearing of the skin on the face; there are still some marks and she still has outbreaks but her face is clearer, brighter, so she is now watiting to see what will happen when pre-menstrual time comes around.

Second change, she has only had eggs once in about 6 days.
She may go back to eating eggs because they are so easy to prepare, but so far it has not been every day like before.

When you prescribed Pulsatilla I realized the need for it because, yes, she does whine and complain about various things, it is one of the ways she deals with situations.

On the mental level, some hours after I gave the remedy there was a verbal 'clearing', primarily toward me and 'my ways'. the ways here include all the alternative things I live by, one of them being homeopathy, nutrition, not giving them what is offered out there, having kept the 'normal' from them as children.
the interesting thing is that, even though now she agrees that children are being marketed to all sorts of things that are not for their benefit, she felt that having grown up differently was perhaps a disadvantage at the time. She kept going on and on about it, at first I said my point of view, I was a bit defensive but into the discussion I realized that it is best for me to listen because some things were coming outward.

I let her talk and, towards the end, I said that I do what I think is best for them, and when she has her own children she will do the same and they in the future may not agree with the parent's decision on upbringing methods. this discussion has happened before and I have stated that I would never do anything that would hurt them.

She pointed that it has been hard to 'be different' and do things differently all her life, such as when they came with some vaccine in Grade 9 she had to say no and the school phoned me for my reasons, -I have an exemption for reasons of conscience-.
On other occasions when this confrontation happens, I would start giving reasons and describe cases, etc. this last time I was not defensive, I said that she is very capable of keeping herself informed about any subject, so she could investigate the topic from all angles by herself. I, as a parent have to do what I believe is best for my children.

I must say I found it hard too, because I wa being told that I am stubborn and dont accept what is the 'normal' out there and because of this they have had a hard time.

by the end of the hour I think she realized that she was venting, I did not dare say that the venting may be because she had just had a remedy, yesterday, I did comment on her face, 'hmm, your face looks so good' and she responded 'I am biting my tongue in case you say it's because of the remedy'.

In conclusion, there was a confrontation toward me and my 'ways'.

thank you Sameer,
Marika last decade
Hello Sameer how are you?
My daughter is having a bit of a hard time in the last couple of days, her grandmother just passed away and it has affected her emotionally and some physical symptoms have resulted from it as well.

When she first heard the news she was shocked even though this was expected given her grandmas ill health.

First she cried and cried, I seem to remember that she could not go to school for a few classes. She did go out later though.

She feels anger, loss, and emptiness because she is realizing more and more that she will never see her again. that is very hard for her- she took good care of her just this summer when my mom could not walk, my daughter cooked and served her, washed her, etc.

She feels low self confidence sometimes especially when marks are lower than she wants
'I can't seem to meet my own standards' she has said to me.

I asked her to tell me again today how she is feeling and I am including it here for you:

she is realizing more and more that she will never see her again and its making it harder and harder to accept it.

okaay so in summary, I am simply feeling 'off'. I can t really be sure and I don't feel as though it is abnormal but I am maybe a little muddled, my mind doesnt feel clear and sharp lik I want it to, and my behaviour is a little different, meaning my actions are somewhat less calculated and I am a little more scattered and spontaneous. I also have compulsive, pathologiacal urges to shop...which is probably because I don't really have much clothing and have a fairly new found interest in fashion! Also my general emotional state when I think of events transpired I feel sort of how you do when you are finished crying, which is sometimes literally the case. But the point is I am not falling apart, just a tad off.
The end!'

Physical symptoms when she is under stress-she has loose bowels
her joints are 'weak' according to her. She is very athletic and wants to participate in sports but old injuries 'take so long to heal' that is how she assesses her condition.

I would greatly appreciate any suggestion for a remedy you think appropriate. Thank you sincerely,
Marika last decade
hello Sameer,

I am writin again for my daughter, she has asked me for a remedy, my mothers death has affected her adversely and I think she would benefit from your help for sure. this is what she told me when I asked her to write down some of her symptoms, similar to the previous post on Oct. 19th.
Hey mama, so in a nutshell:
-I feel almost an anxiety feeling in my chest which I attributed to stress but I can't really be sure (it is a combination of emotions, stress definitely being one of them) that did start when Yiayia passed so thats why I just say 'emotions'. It feels like I need to work out until I am exhausted or cry until I an exhausted or something like that.
-I am also a little less generally stable than I usually am. I started the year very well and I still see no real reason for the change, I should be able to handle everything I have, it isnt an exorbitant amount and in terms of school, it will not be getting any less so I need to learn to cope now!
=> I dont know if this is in any way a sort of derivative of stress but I feel that I need to be able to focus my mind more efficiently. What I ideally want is to be able to focus for long periods of time and be 100% attentive to what I am doing.

The thing with all of this is that I am not particularly prone to stress in general. I was in high school but through the year off I found that I was able to gain a fair amount of perspective and keep an objective view of myself in mind to keep myself in check to an extent. When I say in check i just mean not to get tunnel vision and be completely absorbed with what I am doing (ie school) and not see the grand scheme of things. It isnt as though i have lost this but with my trying to achieve a certain grade average, I think I am putting a lot of pressure on myself as well.

I say its remedy time because my general feelings of security, confidence and focus need a boost!'
I would greatly appreciate your help in this Sameer, thank you always,
Marika last decade
Hello Sameer,
adding to the last post, when she is feeling 'less confident' she calls me and tells me about it, often teary, but she needs to tell me. I am far away and she is the one, of my children, who calls me the most.

I thought I should let you know of this.
Marika last decade
Please give her a dose of IGNATIA AMARA 200c, and report after 1 week.

Good luck.

sameervermani last decade
Hello Sameer,
the Ignatia Amara worked well.
She had, for a few days after she took it a pain which she described as a nerve pain on her shoulder and somewhat down her arm. this pain went away within one week.

When the pressure of assignments and exams was over, I remember her saying: 'I am surprised I did not freak out with all I had to do. I managed it all really well.' so I guess it worked on a few things there.

she has been home during the holidays, soon to return to school, and I am noticing some things I should report.
One night last week she was having a 'discussion' with her brother, some controversial topic, and I got in there for a while, she got teary eyed at first, then it turned into a full blown emotional crying, then into an accusation that this happens to her here at home, she gets too emotional when she has to defend a topic she feels strongly about.

she abandoned the topic because she was 'a mess', came back about half an hour later and she was somewhat normal.

A couple of days later she got her period, I am not sure if it was related, like PMS perhaps, or if it was just left over stress from school and she was able to let go once school was over.

She does like to argue and present a point with all the facts, to back up a statement, etc. her brother tells her sometimes, she is not always in school and need not have to prove points., She is very eloquent, articulate, uses big words, and generally a very good academic. she just received marks back, all A's and A-'s. She was happy with that.

she is concerned with her skin, and told me that she is considering going on the pill, she has friends who have done it and their skin has cleared up completely. You already know my answer to that, then she confronted me with: 'well, what is your solution to my skin?' or 'what is the problem with the pill? everyone I know is on it'. Then when I say no she gets all emotional and teary, saying that I am so against all that is out there, same old same old.

She likes to analyze, she talks quite a bit and she is communicative and open to me about her life, in fact she is very close to me, I would say needs my attention quite a bit.

Maybe she needs a remedy? I am not sure, please let me know what you think,
thank you so much,
Marika last decade
Did she get better in terms of the impact of your mother's death ? Is the grief still impacting her ?

Also, when you say she is open and communicative, is that 'only' with you ? Or she is open and communicative with everyone ?
sameervermani last decade
She did get better re: my mother's death, she remembers her grandmother a lot and she is glad that she was able to go there and have one on one time with her, plus to give her all the care.

She is open and communicative with others too, not just with me.
Marika last decade

The problem with the pill that clears up skin:
Acne-pill-girls-deadly-blood-clots.html " rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2273430/Acne-pill-...

Fyi only.
Zady101 last decade
hello Sameer,

I should add that she is most talkative at home where mom and siblings are. she does talk with others too and she is very eloquent explaining her point of view with clarity using big words, but I would not say she dominates the conversation when amongst her friends. At home however, I do listen a lot as opposed to doing the talking. Speaking is a strength. she also just told me that she got 2 A+'s this last semester, putting her in an advantageous position for a program she has been trying to get in (global politics), so she is very happy and encouraged to keep doing her best.

the interesting thing is that she was not sure she did well in assignments and exams, until one of her profs just told her that she consistently hands in excellent work.
Marika last decade
Thank you Zady101,

I am aware of the effects of these wonderful drugs, but I will send it to my daughter to read, sometimes its easier for the info to come from somewhere else and not mom.

Happy New Year,
Marika last decade
Dear Sameer,
today my daughter asked me again that she perhaps needs a remedy.
Here are her symptoms:
she has happy/sad swings in a small span of time, as in 25 minutes. She needs to be in the company of others especially so that they can carry the fun, because she does not feel very joyous herself. does not want to be alone, she is often teary without any real cause.

she feels that if she had some wine or a drink she would be able to feel more joy, it disturbs her because this is not typical behaviour for her, she needs stimulation like loud music to change her mood.

Her sleeping patterns are also disturbed, she does sleep but
will wake up at 5 am sometimes at 2.30am and will eventually drift off to sleep. Her sleep is not sound, rather it is light and easily disturbed.

Lately it is easier for her to think depressing thoughts, it is not typical of her to not be hopeful and joyous and this in itself bugs her. she says that she has the 'good kid syndrome', she holds herself very highly and fights herself if she 'strays' at all. (I believe this is related to a boy she likes but he may not be 'her type') and she is torn about being with him even though he is not her type.

she says that she cannot relax from within herself. She is better with people lately, but usually she is happy to be by herself. she feels like she needs to 'numb out'.

Because she wants to always be in control of herself and her feelings she is having trouble with her latest atypical behaviour.

I asked if any physical things are going on but nothing out of the ordinary, the mental/emotional are so pronounced in the last week or so. I think she is really needing a remedy because she asked me herself for one.

thank you Sameer,
Marika last decade
hello Sameer,
how are you?
I am writing again to see if you can recommend a remedy for my daughter, she asked again today. From the sounds of it she is not feeling very enthusiastic about school, she says it is so boring, but the biggest reason I see is that her mental state is not very happy, she actually will come home next week-she wants to be closer to home.

She has the need to be close to people she may also feel kind of depressed, she tries hard to keep joyful but it is kind of hard, the winter is hard this year and it may be one of the reasons for her mood, even though I don't think
it is a dominant reason. She may be homesick but doing her best to be'mature and grown up'
She has taken herself off sugar for a while because she found that she would go to a cookie or a brownie for 'comfort'
she usually calls me once or twice a day just to tell me what she is doing, her schedule, etc. I am finding that she needs company and someone to talk to, she does get together with friends and has fun, perhaps she is kind if clingy, I am trying to determine exactly what is going on.
Next week she will visit and I would love to give her a remedy especially since she asked.

thank you Sameer,
Marika last decade
Please give her 3 doses of Pulsatilla 30c in 250 ml spring water and report after 2 weeks.
sameervermani last decade
hello Sameer,

I am responding re my daughter's results after having taken the Pulsatilla. They were very positive, except what had actually happened is that she took Puls. 200C once.

she took out 2 pellets out of the bottle, dropped them in water and proceeded to take the first dose, then after the first dose fell asleep and did not take another. when she told me the next day is when she read the actual potency. I guess she picked up the 200C , and so it was a mistake, but now that I read the old entries, I noticed that you had given her Pulsatilla 30C on 2013-05-27, so it was probably the right one to have (by accident).

The results were beautiful. Within one or two days she started feeling happier to be by herself, she would call me and tell me that she is doing work, or listening to music, or just spending time in her room. Still going out with friends but did not feel that need to seek them.

she kept up her school work which she was always questioning 'what is the value of learning all this stuff', and just turned to doing what she had to do.

One of the most spectacular and noticeable changes is that she had a very profound 'acceptance of myself'. this may sound weird but she has been trying to straighten her curly hair for years now, always preoccupied with hair, a normal teenager thing to do. This time though, she has let her hair be curly and she is liking how it looks. what an amazing change. Even she said to me: 'this time mom, I can honestly say I really noticed the change with the remedy'.

She is continuing with her work, except now she has had a boy situation -sort of a break up- happen recently and she is trying to cope with that, I think it is taking an emotional toll on her but she keeps telling me how she has to tell herself it is not worth loosing all her energy on it.

I think she would love a really fun relationship that is real,not so superficial.

She tells me that she internalizes stress and it affects her 'chest' she feels a weight on her breathing when she is upset so she does not want to react too emotional to things. She did tear up when she was telling me but not too much, she was quite composed.

She wants her skin, face and back to clear and she mentioned the pill again, I said 'maybe we should start putting turmeric masks on our face,for a beauty routine.

All in all it was a wonderful thing to see her turning around into balance.

thank you so much,
Marika last decade
Excellent, 200c is fine. We can keep waiting till she keeps improving. Let's watch for a little bit.

Good luck!
sameervermani last decade
Hello Sameer,
I am writing to see if you can recommend a remedy for my daughter again.

she just left for school and she says to me that she has started getting anxiety- 'a constricted feeling in the chest'. She misses home, I think she misses her brother and me, but I really believe she needs people around her, at least she is more comfortable if she knows someone is there when she needs to talk, and I am always available to her. As she was telling me all this I could hear her tearing up.

also, one thing that bothers her is that she wants to be able to control her emotions at will, and she is feeling unable to do this. It all sounded much like the conversation we had before she took Pulsatilla 200C. She has stomach upsets when her feelings are upset, sometimes she has constipation, her digestion is definite sensitive.
She does better when friends are around, and her roommates are very nice, its just that everyone is now busy with school. She loves her courses, but sensitive in her emotional self.

She also told me that sometimes she has a headache especially when lying down, sometimes she sleeps too much and sometimes she wakes up in the middle of the night.

she always asked me to open the car window for fresh air.

Should I send her Puls. 1M?
The 200C helped her a lot and her symptoms kind of sound the same.
thanks a million Sameer,
Marika last decade
Yes, please go ahead with a single dose of Puls 1M.
sameervermani last decade
Hello Sameer, How are you?

I am writing about my daughter, since she has taken the Puls. 1M she has benefited wonderfully both physically and mentally. She focused on her schoolwork which resulted in excellent marks, but most importantly she was able to overcome her attachment to a relationship with a boy which, as she herself realized,was not the greatest thing for her.

Physically, the item that concerns her the most is that she has acne, (cystic breakouts, some contain a clear fluid) which now appear in places that did not before, such as her lower back, around the chest, more of them on the face, etc. it concerns her enough because they leave discoloration spots that take a very long time to go away. She went to the doctor to ask about it, the doctor did not recommend Accutane, rather a low dose 100mg/daily of an antibiotic which she would take for 3 months. She has not done it, but if frustrated enough she will consider it. To be honest, she sees me a bit of an obstacle in her decision because I never said to her: "sure that would be a good thing to do", I usually have a critical comment about those solutions, so she tells me that "your way has not cleared them up".

Emotionally she is doing really well. There is one issue, however: one of her friend's aunt was killed in a car accident by her inibriated boyfriend, and, ever since she heard that story, she has told me a couple of times that 'early death' is in her mind, and how it can happen so easily, especially in a car. it has made a deep impact in her mind, because she has mentioned "I am thinking of early death", and she expresses how much she does not like driving.

I don't know how long this idea will stay in her mind or if it will go with the business of homework. I thought I might mention it and see if the physical problem of the acne might be helped as well. I read that applying apple cider vinegar as well as taking it internally diluted may be of help since acne may be a symptom of low hydrochloric acid. the idea of drinking it does not excite her, but she is willing to try using it externally. Her diet is quite good, she is conscious of not eating junk, she cooks and prepares salads, but, she does like some sweet stuff, especially cookies.

She does have a sensitive digestion, ie she does not do very well with starches, does not like fatty things, she prefers some red meat and vegetables, quinoa with veggies, etc.
She likes cold foods and drinks, she prefers being warm than cold. One great difference is that she has accepted her hair, as I had mentioned before, now she likes her curly hair and does not try to keep straightening it, she even has accepted how her face breaks out, but, lately it has gotten worse so she wants to get on top of that before it gets out of hand.

If anything could help I would greatly appreciate it, thank you, Sameer.
Marika last decade
Hello Sameer,
I am adding to the above post, since my daughter said to me that she feels she may be ready for a remedy these days. I asked her what are the indicators of this, how does she feel that it may be that time, and she described to me the following symptoms:

"I get a shaky feeling inside, an emotionality if something hits the spot in terms of a sensitive topic, I feel like I need to defend topics such as feminine worth, or any discussion that I feel strongly about. I do not quiet down as fast as when I am closer to when I have taken a remedy".

I also noticed the same, if we had a neutral discussion, she was more apt to wanting to defend the issue, some tears in the eyes, and generally more emotional.

Some physical things that I noticed:
she likes cold foods and drinks
she likes being warm in her body but cannot stay in a stuffy room, she likes breathing cold air, she does not digest breads and sugar very well but finds that she can crave a cookie if she feels hungry, then she notices that it is not good for her.
She is very sensitive to coffee, it makes her stomach hurt, but she no longer gets gas pains from grain like she used to a while back.
She feels better when she eats meat, eggs, nuts and greens. Lately she has been choosing to eat more meat, she likes how it satisfies her better.

She said to me;" I like to stay calm even n adversity, like when starting something new, or a heavy school load, and I am now more open to a relationship, to being taken care of, but I would expect the care to be reciprocated."
She was with a young man and she found that she was doing a lot of the caring, but now they are not together.
Marika last decade
I clicked the button too soon. Might it be time for Pulsatilla LM2?
she had excellent results with LM1.

thank you Sameer,
Marika last decade
Hello Sameer,
If you see this message perhaps you can kindly advise me on what to give my daughter. I will briefly describe her symptoms:

she has just finished her school year and working to earn money for school next year.
This is one of the biggest source of stress, the high cost of her education, the school loans, etc. In fact she has trouble enjoying her summer because of thinking of all this constantly, but she is working so that's good.

Her mood is generally good, she is very communicative with me, she needs her friends and company, but this summer her friends have dispersed a bit and I can see it might present a bit of a problem with boredom generally. I guess its part of getting older in age and the circle of friends change.

She has gained a bit of weight over the last year so she is very strict and disciplines herself about eating, though I have heard her say she "eats her feelings", to say that she eats for emotional reasons.
She says her joints are weak and she is unable to run for fitness because her knees hurt. She injured her arm last year and this is still with her. Generally very sensitive to strong exercise, which is an irony because she loves sports and feels great when she works out. She also still has a very old issue with the cartilage of her chest cracking, it used to be worse though.

She breaks out on face and chest, still has the skin problem it causes her appearance-security issues.

She likes milk but only 1% eats and likes eggs, avoids bread but craves sweets.

She has a sensitive digestive system. she feels full quickly and then she thinks she is hungry a couple of hours later. When she keeps busy this is not the case.

According to her she has had a lingering cold "swollen tonsils for 6 months", and, she has a swelling under her chin which she wants to go to the doctor and check out while she is here at home.

thank you Sameer
Marika 9 years ago

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