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Nose tip itching

please advise a remedy for nose tip itching and rediness
  pillai on 2005-01-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
This symptom is more often due to worms in the intestine.

Pls describe other symptoms, too.

What is your age group?

Do your calves ache at night?

Do you have to pass stools immediately after eating?

Do you have any skin trouble on face?

The best remedy, at present, for the symptom you described is Cina Q (mother tincture) to be taken 10-10 drops in half glass of water twice daily.
svchitre 2 decades ago
1)I am 41 year old
2)I did not understand what do u mean by calves ache at night
3)No, I don't pass stool immediately after eating
4)Yes, sometimes there is itching on my face
5)There are yellow-green fetid pus on my nose tip. I remove those pus with my fingure most of the time
6)sometime while eating my nose tip is itching and subsequently my nose tip becomes red
7)Now a days flesh is accumulating on both of my jaws resulting in a different look on my face.
8)I rub and pick the nose
9)Warts and pimples on nose
pillai 2 decades ago
Do not take Cina now because your symptoms are different.

Now take these remedies.


**** Hepar Sulph 200
4 pills once a day for three days. Thenafter, 4 pills two times a week.

**** Gunpowder CM
4 pills once a day.

---The above remedies can be taken together.

**** Sulphur 10M
4 pills only once after one week. Do not take any remedy on this day.

Take these remedies and let me know the results.

Good luck.
svchitre 2 decades ago
Could you please let me know what is calves ache at night mean?
pillai 2 decades ago
Calves ache at night :

The back of legs below knee pain at night and one feels like stroking the legs.
svchitre 2 decades ago
Thank you very much for the timely reply. "I have no calves ache at night"
pillai 2 decades ago
my father is suffering from some kind of skin disease. His symptoms are as follows:-
My father is 68 years old and he has the above skin disease for the past 20 years but now it is more.
1) itching in armpit
2) scaly skin
3) silver type skin
4) itching all the time sometime entire body.

Please advise remedy,
pillai 2 decades ago
This is psoriasis.


**** Sulphur 200
one dose of 4 pills only once a week.

**** Arsen Alb 30
2 pills two times daily.

**** Hepar Sulph 1M
4 pills once a day

Keep informed about the results.
svchitre 2 decades ago

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