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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Need remedy to follow Staphysagria 1M

Hi all, I am hoping someone can help me. I can longer afford my kitty's homeopath. After years of treatment we find found the right remedy. Staphysagria. His issues were: 15 years of IBD, oral melanoma, masturbation, eating of inappropraite items (his fur, plastic) leading to vomiting, and my homepaths characterization: schizophrenia.

Staph helped himm and we moved thru the various potenices - w/ the final dose being 1M in early January.

Well he need smoething else. Eating fur and plastic + vomiting is worsening, and is crying out alot.

What should be the next remedy or does of Staph?

I will be forever grateful for any help that is offered.
  Ann05 on 2009-04-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
please give him three doses of colocynthis 30 at a gap of 4 hours on a single day. no more doses.
please report after 7 days.
kadwa last decade
Oh my gosh I read that Colosynthis follows Staph.... and I have it on hand! I will start today. Thank you so much I am grateful for your help.Sorry for my typing errors... I will report to you next week, Kadwa!!!

Sincerely, Ann
Ann05 last decade
Oops, forgot to ask...how many pellets? Last homeopath had me give him 6-10 pellets (they are the larger pellets) of 30c only once and wait 2 - 3 weeks... so this is different and I am unsure how many to give him... thanks again!!!
Ann05 last decade

You can give 4-5 pellets as one dose either directly or after dissolving in some water. You should give three such doses on a single day.
kadwa last decade
Oh Kadwa you're a peach...thanks for the super quick reply, Ann
Ann05 last decade

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