The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Stomach tension and flatulence problem.Please Help!!!
DoctorI am a 24 year old guy residing in U.P,India.From the past 3-4 months I am having this strange problem which has now begun to affect my daily routine.I have almost developed a social phobia of going out because of this problem and have lost my self confidence....
Almost everyday ,in the evening after 5-6 hours of lunch, I feel tension and emptiness in my stomach followed by belching
,nausea and dizziness.My lower limbs feel very weak and I feel like I would faint if I dont lay down and
dont eat anything immediately even if I am not at all hungry.
I feel relieved and much relaxed when I lay down.This is because only when I lay down is when I am able to pass flatulence from the lower abdomen in the form of odorless wind slowly.I get a very anxious ,stressed out feeling when I lay down on my back during the wind is released from my stomach.I feel the air to be filled in the lower abdomen only.I dont feel any bloating as well ,only wind passing slowly..I feel dizziness,weakness and vertigo during wind passing as well.Walking or moving aggravate the tension.
When after laying down for
some time ,wind goes out of my stomach ,i feel absolutely relieved and all the stomach tension and anxiety is gone.
Having snacks in the evening relieves this problem but I cant always eat to get rid of this problem.
please help me out and provide a remedy to the problem.I am really very tensed and only after trying everything is when I am writing here.I hope you wil guide me.
Thankyou very much ..
arvind123 on 2009-05-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
day 1
please take three doses of anacardium 30c on a single day at a gap of 4 hours. no more doses.
day 2 to day 7
please take 4 tablets of natrum sulf thrice a day at a gap of 4 hours.
please report after 7 days.
please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before and after taking medicine.
you may also take 30 ml aloe vera juice with hot water in the morning on empty stomach and at bed time.
Please read my posts on the Anulom Vilom Pranayam and Kapalbhati Pranayam by following the links given below. Practise these pranayams regularly for half an hour preferably in a garden early in the morning.
please take three doses of anacardium 30c on a single day at a gap of 4 hours. no more doses.
day 2 to day 7
please take 4 tablets of natrum sulf thrice a day at a gap of 4 hours.
please report after 7 days.
please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before and after taking medicine.
you may also take 30 ml aloe vera juice with hot water in the morning on empty stomach and at bed time.
Please read my posts on the Anulom Vilom Pranayam and Kapalbhati Pranayam by following the links given below. Practise these pranayams regularly for half an hour preferably in a garden early in the morning.
♡ kadwa last decade
natrum sulf 3x
♡ kadwa last decade
Dear Kadwa ,
Seeing the symptoms
1) Weak ,empty ,gone sensation in the stomach .
2) Aggravation of around 4 to 8 pm
3) Weakness in limbs
Te remedies that appear to be indicated are Helleborus or Lycopodium
What do u say
Seeing the symptoms
1) Weak ,empty ,gone sensation in the stomach .
2) Aggravation of around 4 to 8 pm
3) Weakness in limbs
Te remedies that appear to be indicated are Helleborus or Lycopodium
What do u say
vikas_grower last decade
Dear Vikas,
by William BOERICKE, M.D.
Presented by Médi-T
Marking Nut
The Anacardium patient is found mostly among the neurasthenics; such have a type of nervous dyspepsia, relieved by food; impaired memory, depression, and irritability; diminution of senses (smell, sight, hearing).
Aversion to work; lacks self-confidence
Empty feeling in stomach; eating temporarily relieves all discomfort. This is a sure indication, often verified.
Extremities.--Neuralgia in thumb. Paralytic weakness. Knees feel paralyzed or bandaged. Cramps in calves.
Modalities.--Worse, on application of hot water. Better, from eating. When lying on side, from rubbing.
On the basis of above anac was selected. lyc follows anac well. So we still have lyc with us.
by William BOERICKE, M.D.
Presented by Médi-T
Marking Nut
The Anacardium patient is found mostly among the neurasthenics; such have a type of nervous dyspepsia, relieved by food; impaired memory, depression, and irritability; diminution of senses (smell, sight, hearing).
Aversion to work; lacks self-confidence
Empty feeling in stomach; eating temporarily relieves all discomfort. This is a sure indication, often verified.
Extremities.--Neuralgia in thumb. Paralytic weakness. Knees feel paralyzed or bandaged. Cramps in calves.
Modalities.--Worse, on application of hot water. Better, from eating. When lying on side, from rubbing.
On the basis of above anac was selected. lyc follows anac well. So we still have lyc with us.
♡ kadwa last decade
Dear Arvind ,
Do u feel uneasinss while travelling in vehicles also .
Please read below , can u find some match with your symptoms
Stomach :
Loss of appetite ; even aversion to food.
Hunger, but the smell of food causes aversion.
Thirst, especially when eating.
Aversion to all acids.
Eructations, empty ; bitter ; efforts to eructate which are ineffectual, and instead of which there is hiccough.
Nausea in the morning, so that she can scarcely rise ; especially when riding in a wagon or the cars.
Nausea, with salivation and headache and bruised feeling in the abdomen.
Nausea, associated with faintness.
Griping, pinching, constrictive pains in the stomach.
Pain beneath the stomach after eating.
A feeling as if a worm were moving about in the stomach.
Cramps in the stomach while eating and immediately afterward, with violent pinching and clawing.
A feeling of fullness and griping in the stomach, with oppressed breathing.
Abdomen :
Pinching and griping in the upper part of the abdomen, and oppression of breath.
Great flatulent distention ; gas seems to collect in small masses ; the gas seems to be confined by spasmodic constriction of the bowels, sometimes > lying on one side.
A feeling of emptiness in the abdomen.
Ulcerative pain in the abdomen.
The inguinal hernia is apt to protrude and become incarcerated, especially on rising from a seat.
An internal feeling in the groin as if stuffed, and as if the bowels would fall out.
A weak pain in the right inguinal ring as if something would be forced out, while sitting, > rising.
Clinical :
Flatulent colic only slightly ameliorated by evacuating gas ; attacks come on at night, associated with feeling of emptiness, nausea, vertigo, etc.
Gastralgia from suppression of menses.
Excessive flatulent distention of abdomen and dysmenorrhÂa.
A valuable remedy in hernias, both umbilical and inguinal ; is particularly indicated when the abdominal muscles are weak and it seems as if a hernia would easily take place.
Flatulent colic in pregnancy, etc.
The flatulent colic ameliorated by eructating gas, aggravated by coughing.
Do u feel uneasinss while travelling in vehicles also .
Please read below , can u find some match with your symptoms
Stomach :
Loss of appetite ; even aversion to food.
Hunger, but the smell of food causes aversion.
Thirst, especially when eating.
Aversion to all acids.
Eructations, empty ; bitter ; efforts to eructate which are ineffectual, and instead of which there is hiccough.
Nausea in the morning, so that she can scarcely rise ; especially when riding in a wagon or the cars.
Nausea, with salivation and headache and bruised feeling in the abdomen.
Nausea, associated with faintness.
Griping, pinching, constrictive pains in the stomach.
Pain beneath the stomach after eating.
A feeling as if a worm were moving about in the stomach.
Cramps in the stomach while eating and immediately afterward, with violent pinching and clawing.
A feeling of fullness and griping in the stomach, with oppressed breathing.
Abdomen :
Pinching and griping in the upper part of the abdomen, and oppression of breath.
Great flatulent distention ; gas seems to collect in small masses ; the gas seems to be confined by spasmodic constriction of the bowels, sometimes > lying on one side.
A feeling of emptiness in the abdomen.
Ulcerative pain in the abdomen.
The inguinal hernia is apt to protrude and become incarcerated, especially on rising from a seat.
An internal feeling in the groin as if stuffed, and as if the bowels would fall out.
A weak pain in the right inguinal ring as if something would be forced out, while sitting, > rising.
Clinical :
Flatulent colic only slightly ameliorated by evacuating gas ; attacks come on at night, associated with feeling of emptiness, nausea, vertigo, etc.
Gastralgia from suppression of menses.
Excessive flatulent distention of abdomen and dysmenorrhÂa.
A valuable remedy in hernias, both umbilical and inguinal ; is particularly indicated when the abdominal muscles are weak and it seems as if a hernia would easily take place.
Flatulent colic in pregnancy, etc.
The flatulent colic ameliorated by eructating gas, aggravated by coughing.
vikas_grower last decade
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