The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Low B.P. and Tiredness
My mother-in-law has aproblem of Low Blood pressure, and a continue feeling of tiredness and pain especially in legs. rhus tox 30 reduced upto some extent the problem of pain but not completely and as soon as the remedy stopped, prolem appeared again. At present she is feeling head under pressure. please refer any homoepathic treatment for the sameSpicey on 2009-05-04
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
please try the combination of following:
Calc. Phos-6x
Kali Phos-6x
Ferr. Phos 6x
Nat. Mur 6x
Please get these salts in powder form and mixed them each other equally in quantity in a bottle and give her half teaspon in milk, tea or water after every three hours. and report after one week. Hopefully she will recover gradually.
Calc. Phos-6x
Kali Phos-6x
Ferr. Phos 6x
Nat. Mur 6x
Please get these salts in powder form and mixed them each other equally in quantity in a bottle and give her half teaspon in milk, tea or water after every three hours. and report after one week. Hopefully she will recover gradually.
♡ Mahfoozurrehman last decade
please confirm the fifth medicine is Nat Phos or Nat Mur. if it is Nat phos, then may I get five Phos or not.
thank u
thank u
Spicey last decade
♡ Mahfoozurrehman last decade
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