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Astacus Fluviatilis/mouth ulcers


I know of a bad case of mouth ulcers which fits in with all the symptoms given here for Astacus Fluviatilis.

Is anybody here experienced with this remedy? Any idea about dosage/frequency?

The ulcers are recurrent and appear when there's stress, overwork, little sleep or wheather changes.

  emilian on 2005-01-31
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Astacus Fluviatilis is more for the outer skin. The mouth is secondary.

MERCURIUS CORROSIVUS is more for the mouth that is constantly broken out for some reason or other.

We really need more symptoms. You gave too few for a picture of what you need to be formed.

Write some more about the goods and bads, and the stress and the whys. Overwork? Weather changes? Are you environmentally sensitive?

Blessings, Sabra
sabra 2 decades ago
Hi Sabra,

This is not for me, but for a friend. The sores are in his genes: his kids get them as well, and so did his mother.

He does not need much sleep (~6 hours a day), but if he sleeps less than that (for whatever reason - either because of work or because of long nights playing music) he will get the sores.

He's a really hard worker - about 70 hours a week - and he works in his own projects, that he loves and that are intellectually dense and with a lot of variety. But sometimes there's too much annoying work to do in order to achieve what really matters (like writing long papers explaining every detail of the ideas in a way that will please the customers, dealing with business people etc)

The sores are painful (he's always using anesthetics on them, can't chew) and can be quite big.

Thanks! - e.
emilian 2 decades ago
Astacus Fluviatilis.

Cancer fluviatilis. Crawfish or River Crab. N. O. Crustace©¡. Tincture from whole animal.

Clinical.¦¡-Biliousness. Colic. Cough. Diarrh©«a. Fever. Glands, enlarged. Intermittent fever. Jaundice. Liver complaints. Nettle-rash. Neuralgia. Shiverings. Stomach, disorders of. Toothache. Tumours.

Characteristics.¦¡-The well-known effects of shell-fish, as well as of other fish, in producing nettle-rash is exemplified in Astacus beyond all other varieties. The lacquer-workers of the East have discovered in the river-crab the best antidote to the effects of Rhus which they employ in their craft. The liver is markedly affected, and a great characteristic is "nettle-rash with liver complaint." jaundice of children. Itching of various parts. Crusta lactea, with large lymphatic glands. Enlarged glands of neck in children and old people. Pain and tenderness of liver, jaundice, stools of pipe-clay colour. Inward chilliness and sensitiveness to air; < uncovering. Violent fever with headache, glowing red face, inward chilliness. Nervous crawls over body. Tumours, recent. Gout of drinking people. Stinging pains are felt in various parts. A notable remedy.
Relations.¦¡-Antidoted by: Acon. Compare: Apis, Rhus, Homarus, Chloral, Nat. m.


1. Mind.¦¡-Apprehensiveness, with anxiety in chest.

2. Head.¦¡-Dulness in head.¦¡-On head, neck and chest inflammation, with red spots filled with serum, gone after a sweat.¦¡-A thick, crusty eruption on scalp, with enlarged lymphatic glands.

3. Eyes.¦¡-Dilated pupils.¦¡-Dim vision.¦¡-Sees coloured spots when reading.¦¡-Motion of eyes painful.¦¡-Yellow conjunctiva.

4. Ears.¦¡-Sensation as if a foreign body obstructed passage of r. ear, causing slight deafness.¦¡-Heat and redness of ears.

5. Nose.¦¡-Nose-bleed, relieving the attacks.

6. Face.¦¡-At intervals darting like lightning from temple to cheek.¦¡-Face glowing and red with fever.¦¡-Erysipelas with nettle-rash.

7. Teeth.¦¡-Toothache at intervals; dull drawing, as if tooth being drawn out.¦¡-Toothache in whole lower r. jaw, with cold feeling in an eyetooth.

8. Mouth.¦¡-Canker-spots in mouth; scorbutus.¦¡-Fishy taste, followed by nausea spreading through chest.

11. Stomach.¦¡-Fulness and pressure in stomach; burning in epigastrium.¦¡-Empty eructations; with sneezing and yawning.¦¡-Nausea and vomiting.

12. Abdomen.¦¡-Severe pain in duodenum.¦¡-Liver inflamed, sensitiveness to pressure.¦¡-Jaundice; of little children.¦¡-Pressure in region of spleen.¦¡-Colicky pain with tenesmus and prostration; > sitting, < walking.

13. Stool.¦¡-Stool, colour of pipe-clay; pain in liver.¦¡-Diarrh©«a, with vomiting and colicky pain.

14. Urinary Organs.¦¡-Pain in kidneys, stinging in night; < when inhaling.¦¡-Fishy-smelling urine.¦¡-Urging, scanty discharge, burning during and after urination; reddish sediment.¦¡-Urine pale, acid; quantity of albumen.

15. Male Sexual Organs.¦¡-Restless sleep from strong sexual excitement.¦¡-Averse to coition; diminished power; scrotum relaxed.

17. Respiratory Organs.¦¡-Dyspn©«a, with anxiety and rattling of mucus.¦¡-Cough from tickling in larynx < during day.¦¡-Cough did not molest him when walking, but returned as soon as he sat down.

18. Skin.¦¡-Nettle-rash over whole body; with liver complaint.¦¡-Itching on various parts.¦¡-Jaundice; of children.¦¡-Erysipelas, with fever, headache, and increased sweat.

19. Fever.¦¡-Sensitiveness to air no matter how great the feeling of heat.¦¡-Inward chilliness and sensitiveness to air; < from uncovering.¦¡-Nervous crawls all over body.¦¡-Chilly confusion of the head, face red, swollen; eyelids swollen; great prostration and slight delirium.¦¡-Violent fever, with headache, glowing red face, inward chilliness and sensitiveness to air.

You decide. They all may be sensitive to shellfish.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra 2 decades ago

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