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Itching/bumps/cholinergic urticaria 1


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Chronic 'Urticaria' (Itching)

From the information i've obtained on the net, it would seem i have a condition known as 'Urticaria' or hives.

My symptoms: Extremey Itchy skin all over (inc scalp), red bumpy spots and Dermatographis (hypersensitivity of the skin) resulting in raised red patches/welts that come and go within minutes. Symptoms are continuous and have never ceased during the five years they have occurred.

This all started when i had my dog living with me, which lead me to believe it was dog fleas. Five years later and without the dog, the problem is still here.

Age: 20 male.

There is NO puffing up or swelling of the lips eyes, and no other household member has my problem. I take one anti-histamine when i feel the itch creeping back (When the last pill begins to wear off) Which is aorund once every 2 days.

I have no known food allergies (been tested), and my dermatologist does not know the reason of cause. I have no other illness and take no other medication.

I stopped using, soap, detergent and other purfume based product. I've used various creams with no success and cannot move on with my life until this is stopped.

Thanks in advance.
  itchy on 2005-01-31
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
It can be 'Urticaria' or hives, or one or the other. Not necessarily Urticaria means hives. Homeopaths separate more detail according to symptoms.

The most common hives remedy is RHUS TOX. Made from poison ivy. More common with welts or patches of swellings.

The common remedy for general over all itching or "urticaria" is URTICA URENS. Made from stinging nettle. May look like hives and act like hives, but if more scattered less swelled patches, would be more like urticaria.

There are many more. These are common. I suggest you get 200X or higher potency and use the RHUS TOX first.

Take one dose at bed in clean mouth under tongue. let melt. Another dose "only if needed" in the night, and one the next morning in clean mouth, 15 min before brushing teeth or eating. If two days do not show a good improvement, wait a week and try the other.

These are two to try and see how you respond. But ONLY one at the time. Let two weeks pass between your trial.

Have you been tested for ringworm? It takes an ultraviolet light. Dogs sometimes have a nearly invisible mite. Have you been searched for that? I think you would have seen those by now.

What about deoderant?

Also, where do you live? If you live near a bayou or swampy type of land, there are air-borne tiny bugs that bite. One can get allergic to them and one ignored bite can set one off again.

Try to think of the times of the year. Blooming things are bad and sometimes the pollen, and also certain nearly invisible bugs come with them.

Do you have a bird? Birds have dander that one doesn't see and can cause an allergic reaction.

What do you do for a living?

Please keep posting.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra 2 decades ago
Thanks for the reply Sabra.

I've not been tested for ringworm.

I stopped using deoderant four years ago. Location: London, i'm currently unemployed and don't have any pet birds. I suffer from heyfeaver in the summer, as an allgery test pointed out.

As for the recommended treatments..i take they are available to buy on the site?

Thanks again...
itchy 2 decades ago
Yes, ABC has the remedies. In the UK homeopathy is quite common. Many drug stores sell homeopathy. Some have people there that advise you on remedies.

I hope you are where this happens for you. Sometimes what one needs or wants is right at hand.

My only knowledge of London is that it is damp quite often. Write again, let us know.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra 2 decades ago
Just located another "all over body" itching.

ASTACUS FLUVIATILIS is all over. Also is connected with the liver. Have you had liver checked?

So here is another to try.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra 2 decades ago
Well, my dermatologist took several blood tests and i think liver and kidney were included.

Yes, London is quite damp but my itching has always been consistant 100% of the time. It doesn't seem to better at any time of the year so I'm guessing it's not as result from the climate. That's what's been bugging me for so long. - The possible cause.

Ok so, RHUS TOX first, then URTICA URENS... What form and dosage of both products do you suggest? I've never used Homeopathy products before.

What can i expect in terms of side effects etc...

Thank you
itchy 2 decades ago
itchy 2 decades ago
Hi, Just before i order....

When you say Take one dose at bed in clean mouth under tongue, i take you mean in the form of 'Pillules' and 200c potency for both treatments right. I don't see a '200X' option. I take it's the same as '200c'?

Thank you.
itchy 2 decades ago
itchy 2 decades ago
It seems there are many, many "words" for the pellets or grandules the remedies come in. Pilluies is a new one for me. (little round white things) You could use liquid remedy. Half a dropper full is one dose.

Ask Specifically for 200X and see what they say. I am not excited about 200C. You need a more baser dose.

X is 10. C is 100. One part to 9....1 part to 99 parts.

Go to google...homeopathy information.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra 2 decades ago

Can you recommend an 'ideal' alternative from the options on this site, i can't seem to find anything at present.


itchy 2 decades ago
12c is the closest to 200x.
parachute 2 decades ago
thanks but is 12c strong enough to make up for the recommeded '200X or higher'?
itchy 2 decades ago
Math is not my strong point but these remedies are not like drugs where there could be an overdose if taken too high and with all the risks involved.
The difference between the two is minimal because precision does not have to be exact.
Anything else you need to know just ask here.
parachute 2 decades ago
200x is equal to 2000
12c equal to 1200
30c equal to 3000
i think!!!!
parachute 2 decades ago
I'll go with the slightly stronger 30c. Thanks
itchy 2 decades ago
Dear Parachute

200X is not 12C.

If you forget about succussion,and talk only about dilution,

1X is one drop of medicine and nine drops of alcohol/water.So,the dilution is 1/10.Now this 1/10 is again diluted to 1/10 to make 2X.

So,2X is in effect 1/100 of the medicine,which is equal to 1c.

But 2x is succuused 20 times to make it,but 1c is succussed only 10 times.So,the energy released is slightly different in both cases.

So,200X is roughly equivalent to 100C.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
so 30c would be stronger than 200X?
itchy 2 decades ago
does it even matter what i take. my condition is pretty strong and they don't sell '100c' on this site.

would 200c be harmful?
itchy 2 decades ago
Thank you my friend murthy. Actually I didn't want to get into great detaiol about the numbers of it because there is not a great difference here and this mans case is not hypercritical but thanks anyway.

ITCHY. it DOES matter what remedy you take, the potency should be closer to the tincture end of the scale because it is a skin problem and as such does not need a high one to bring it to the surface. It is there already, What you don't need is a n agrovation that could last for a long time and be uncomfortable for you, so take it in the 12c or 30c it really does not make a big difference at this stage. Hpathic remedies are not harmfull in the sense that they act like drugs. Don't worry about this potency thing, it is a small detail.
parachute 2 decades ago

I normally don't intervene,when others are taking the case.

But,these are general questions,which will help all of us,in chooosing a proper remedy for you.

What has changed since you got into this problem?

Which one bothers you most?cold or heat.

Do you have any other symptoms,in any other area?

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Hi, I don't notice that much of a change in the hot/cold, though i never seem to itch when outside.

It's mainly at home (indoors) when the itchin and flares start.

The itching is VERY extreme when at it's worst. - Beyond extreme. Skin gets red as if burning.

No other noticeable symptoms apart from the tiredness cause by 5 years of anti-histamines.

itchy 2 decades ago
skin is extremely sensitive.

I can lightly pat myslef on the head for it to start to itchin like crazy.
itchy 2 decades ago

Try Rhustox 30C,(the closest to what Sabra suggesstd) first.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Oops. Well I just ordered both treatments in a 12c liquid form. I'll take the Rhustox first. Thank you for the advice.
itchy 2 decades ago
One last thing...

What dosage intake do you suggest, since i have 12c.

A tea spoon how often and for how long? Thanks. itchy.
itchy 2 decades ago

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