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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Cinnamon and Diabetes

I hve done a lot of research on the subject of diabetes.

I heard rumors that cinnamon might help me control the insulin levels.

I just started taking the tablets a few weeks ago. The results have been astounding. I wish I new about this great supplement a couple of years ago.

Now, it is my firm belief that cinnamon can NOT be toxic because it is water soluble. Anything water soluble washes away with fluids. Your body does NOT retain such items. HOWEVER,
don't get toxic and sensitivity confused. Many people can't take substances like cinnamon because of an unknown allery or sensitivity to it. If you itch or get red or nauseated, etc. call a doctor.
Allergies are dangerous. Be cautious. AND RESEARCH.
  DeeDee101 on 2009-06-04
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Which tablets are you taking ?
mom_two last decade

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