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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

ovarian cyst - pls dr joe de livera help me

ovarian cyst pls help me
From awahid81 on 2009-06-30
0 replies 2 views
USG Pelvis :

Uterus : appears normal in size and texture.
Endometrium is central
ECT is 13mm. No myometrial mass seen

Right Ovary : appears normal

Left adnexa : A cyst measuring 7.3x8.0cm is seen in the left adnexa......left ovary is not seen.
Impression : Lef adenexal cyst.

Please tell me any remedy for this ovarian cyst...can any one tell what kind of cyst I have, I dont have any pain except backache....which happens at time...Right now I am on danazol....pls tell me any homeopathic remedy as it has no side effects...
  awahid81 on 2009-06-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
please describe your nature, personality, thermals, response to various situations, emotions, views about life in general, other ailments if any, family health history etc.

please write down all information apart from above which may help the homeopaths to know your homeopathic constitution.
rishimba last decade
I am emotional and sensitive person but with strong mind.. I have dynamic personality as other perceive me, I am adjustable to both hot and cold weather, offlate due to my mother illness I suffered stress, my views about life is good but its stagnant at the moment, I had developed backache since apr 2009 so I took NSAID for 9days . persistent pain in back, also some pain in ribs side...and slight dull ache in the pelvic region, a week before diagnosed ovarian cyst , details of USG pelvic region gven above. I am also having blepharitus at the moment, my doctor (gynaocologist) has put me on danazol for 4weeks twice daily, but I wana cure myself with homepathy..

My dad has gall stones due to cholestrol, mum has spleen enlarged and liver too...but they r suffering from it offlate as they r over 50.

pls help me with any medicine to cure my ovarian cyst so that I avoid surgery..
awahid81 last decade
describe your periods with respect to mental irritability and physical pains, flow, colour, clots etc.
when is the pain worse and when is it better, what makes it worst and what makes it better.

how do you relieve the dull pain in your pelvic region.

please elaborate on the words you have used to describe yourself;
emotional, sensitive, strong mind, dynamic, adjustable..

can you give some examples to explain the essence of these words..
rishimba last decade
describe your periods with respect to mental irritability and physical pains, flow, colour, clots etc.
I donot get irritable mentally but physical pain is before one day of period..flow is normal this time it was bit heavy, dark red in color, clots a little

when is the pain worse and when is it better, what makes it worst and what makes it better.
its not worse its in between, pain is not consistent, dull backache I donot take pain killers...it goes away on it s own

how do you relieve the dull pain in your pelvic region.
it goes away on its own..

please elaborate on the words you have used to describe yourself;
emotional, sensitive, strong mind, dynamic, adjustable..

can you give some examples to explain the essence of these words..

I donot understand what it has to do with my illness...every human is emotional and sensitive such as parent's ill health makes one stressed but strong mind means ability to handle pressure and take decisions when required, dynamic means I am all round individual with high qualification and have had good job and excelled in my job but since past one year I left my job and that put me in stress beside other stress..I am flexible individual and easily adjust in any environment...

I hope this suffices, pls gve me some remedy for my problem
awahid81 last decade
please take THUJA 30C one dose followed by THUJA 200C and followed by THUJA 1M

take the remedies one dose each at intervals of 12 hours.

take the doses in empty stomach and dont take onions on that day and the day after.

get a scan after 2 months.
rishimba last decade
Thanks rishimba
I didnt get how to get this dose.....what do u mean by one dose....r these tablets or wet dose.....what u mean by one dose followed by other...it means i have to take all three together one by one.....
i dont eat raw onions....but we cook curry and u know it has fried onion.....

moreover u said dont take onions on that day and the day after...how long I take these doses for 2 months....

sorry I am not very clear...cud u pls elaborate it......shall be grateful
awahid81 last decade
buy the german brand, RECKEWEG.which is a good brand.

one dose will typically contain 4 drops of remedy in some 15 ml of water. mix it well and then take the dose in empty stomach. dont take any food or water 1 hour before or after the dose.

take the doses three times only, 30c, 200c and 1M.

please dont take onions in any form during the day.
rishimba last decade
Thanks rishimba

do I have to take it daily for two months?

you wrote above take doses after interval of 12hours...and now u saying
take the doses three times only, 30c, 200c and 1M.
pls mention interval as u saying three times a day.
awahid81 last decade
Thanks rishimba

do I have to take it daily for two months?

you wrote above take doses after interval of 12hours...and now u saying
take the doses three times only, 30c, 200c and 1M.
pls mention interval as u saying three times a day.

will thuja shrink my existing ovarian cyst...and shall I stop taking danazol...
awahid81 last decade
please stop taking all other medicines you have been taking earlier.

take only 3 doses.

1st dose of THUJA 30C

after 12 hours

2nd dose of THUJA 200C

after 12 hours

3rd dose of THUJA 1M

dont take any other remedy. after about 15 days, you may repeat the above set of doses.

get a scan every 2 months.

continue the dose set every 15 days if you see some reduction in the size of the cysts after 2 months.
rishimba last decade
my homeopathic doctor had advised me the following for my ovarian cyst. kindly confirm can this help me.

aletris farinosa - q 15drops after every three hours

franicus americana - q 15 drops after every three hours

and cimicfuga racemosa-200
5drops daily at night
awahid81 last decade
these are general remedies for such tendencies..

i suggested thuja as its a primary remedy for cysts and the symptoms you have mentioned. thuja will certainly stop the growth of these cysts. with time, your body will clear off the cyst once the inertia is reversed.
rishimba last decade
thanks very much for your kind remedy and replies. i have one last question

should I stop taking pickle, green tea etc also, I have already stopped coffee, tea and carbonated drinks.

moroever during thuja remedy you said dont take onions in any form during the day.
it means during entire 2months i shouldnt take onions or just when i m taking remedy after every 15days on that given day and few days after I shouldnt take onions.
awahid81 last decade
pickle is ok if you take in very less quantity..
green tea is ok once or twice..

you should not have onions on the day and the day after the dose.

just for 2 days when you take the dose.
rishimba last decade
hi dr. rishimba
I had an ultrasound...thank God my cyst disappeared n dissolved. but doctor said I have polycystic ovaries which is why my ovaries r slightly enlarged...I am 60kgs, 5'4 26yrs old...kindly suggest any remedy to eliminate this Polycystic ovaries syndrome.
awahid81 last decade
if you have taken THUJA doses, it will work gradually and after some weeks you should go for a scan.

come back after a month and if it remains or gets enlarged, we will suitably recommend a remedy based on your totality.
rishimba last decade

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