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Brushing teeth

Hello everyone

Wondering if anyone can help me.
I have a problem that has been bothering me for years. Whenever I brush my teeth, i gag quite a bit and it can sometimes lead to vomiting. Do you think Coc-c may help with this?
I only have this nausea feeling when I brush my teeth.
I would also like to add that I have had a constitutional remedy prescribed to me which worked wonders, and another several years back which also did well. BUT, i still have this problem and it is becoming worse. Would appreciate any suggestions.

Thankyou, Michelle
  CHELLE on 2005-02-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Without more details can only suggest you study Puls/Mag-mur/Sepia. one of them may help.
passkey 2 decades ago
You can also get a child's toothbrush to try. Have you tried brushing without toothpaste?

Blessings Sabra
sabra 2 decades ago
I have tried brushing without toothpaste but this does not help.
I notice I get it when im rushing - eg. Im late for work or I have to be somewhere quickly (and I need to brush teeth). So I suppose its anxiety?

Passkey: Please ask me some questions so it will help.

Thankyou, Michelle
CHELLE 2 decades ago
Get some of those new little silly things that fit over the finger that will take the place of the brush. This may help you get past the initial gag problem. When one cannot do what is usually done, look for another way.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra 2 decades ago
my husband had those same problem , it worries me. Has any one seen a doctor for help.
We do not have heath insurance.
babeth last decade
i'd request you to study Ipecac and math with your details.
avimanyu last decade
i do not think that the comments from "avimanyu" pertains to this problem or am i missing something?
my husband gags +trough up often when he brushes his teeth!
what does that has to do with ipecac? and math?
babeth last decade
bringing this subject up again. Yes I have tried Ipecac with no success.
CHELLE last decade
I received something by the name of peppermintpolish. Has anyone heard of this?
abrera28 last decade

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