The ABC Homeopathy Forum
suffering from Facial paralysis
hello everyone,i really need your help here..!
i am a 26 yr old female, working in IT industry.
i have been suffering from facial paralysis since 2 years.
I have a eyes twitching problem and when i laugh my cheek muscles are not in sync. as a result by left eye appears smaller and right eye looks bigger. And my right eye lower lid is lowered a bit down. when i blink my eyes also, my right eye upper lid doesnot shut as fast as my left eye does. so it appeards as if i am whinking at someone. i have tried for allopathy treatment but they scared me even more. i am looking for a quick healing treament and the its duratio. could any one please suggest some remedy for me? and approx how long would such cases take to heel? i understand that homeopathy takes a bit longer time but gives permannent results. Could any body PLEASE PLEASE help me ?!!!!
bswetharao on 2009-07-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
causticum 30 one dose daily for 7 days evening time one drop on tongue as one dose or 8 pills as one dose pl report after 7 days pl go to profile
♡ akshaymohl last decade
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